Disclaimer – I don't own anything!!
N/A – Sorry for the very long delay. I'm studying for a big test in the end of the month, so, things are a bit complicated.
This chapter is dedicated to Evenstar, my dear beta (thank so much to everyone who offered to help) and to Emma, my partner in crime.
.Chapter 9
The Inquisitor
The next morning, I found myself following the Cullens to the Church, in order to attend the morning service.
"We arrived late yesterday and a messenger was waiting for Carlisle on the porch, to ask him to help with the kids found in the forest. He and Edward left, and the rest of us went inside. I took a long, relaxing bath and started healing myself, after Alice asked me to go to her chambers. I put a shawl on my shoulders, over the night-dress and followed her to the huge green and cream room she shared with Jasper. I sat on the love seat in front of the fireplace and Alice sat beside me, brushing my hair. Esme soon came in and we told her what happened. I found it very pleasant to be here, with these ladies. It reminded me of my clan. It's been a long time since I've been with a family like that. We heard a squeal from downstairs and soon, Rosalie was in the room as well. She was reading what seemed to be a very expensive piece of paper. She was also grinning, like a kid on Christmas.
"What is it, Rose?" asked Alice, taking one of her shoes off and massaging her toes.
"It's a letter from Seattle!" she said, excited.
"Sweet! What does it say?" asked Alice, giving me a wink. I smiled at her and touched my neck, concentrating on healing the ugly purple bruise.
"Well, Tanya says they are expecting us in three days and the house is going to be ready. The party itself is going to take place in the Mayor's mansion! Isn't that fantastic?"
Alice seemed mortified. "Of course not! How are we all supposed to order a decent dress within two days? And at the Mayor's house?! This is a disaster!" I had to bite my lip to not laugh. I'm sure any of Alice's dresses would be great enough to have dinner with the Queen herself!
"Calm down, Alice" said Esme, busy with her knitting work, "I'm sure Irene will find something appropriate for us"
"I think Esme is right." agreed Rosalie, shrugging "Irene always comes up with something nice. So, relax, sis. Everything is going to be fine." She winked at Alice, who was pouting, but seemed to be pacified with Rosalie and Esme's responses. She continued, "Well, she also says she really want to see us, especially Edward."
I looked up and saw Rosalie covering her mouth with a guilty expression. I realized I had stopped breathing. Who was…that Tanya girl who wanted so much to see Edward again? And why was I so furious? I barely know Edward! He kissed me even though he has someone else! Is that why everyone here looks guilty? I'm so stupid!
"Bella, it's not what you're thinking!" said Alice, exasperated "Tanya is a friend, and she also has some feelings towards Edward. But she doesn't…"
"It's ok, Alice. You don't have to explain anything, ok? Everything is great. I think I'll just go to bed. It's been a long day." I got up and passed by Rosalie, who looked away. Fine. I didn't have anything to say to her, anyway."
End of Flashback
I really don't know for sure what happened after that. I locked myself in my bedchambers and sat on the couch in front of the fireplace. I think I slept there, but I don't remember going to bed. When the first lights illuminated the walls, I woke up and dressed myself automatically. I put on a very simple and yet very elegant dress that Alice gave to me – I don't know what happened to my old ones – and pulled up the back of my hair in a high bun and left the front smoldering my face, falling in front of my black dress. I think I never looked so much like a witch as on that day. But it matched my humor. (N/A – Do you remember Madonna in Frozen Music Video? That's what I'm talking about!)
We arrived soon to the Main Square, which has definitely abandoned the Christmas vibe from yesterday. No decorations. No illuminated tree. People in black going to the church. "What happened?" I asked.
"The last kid died" said Alice, in a low voice. I winced, not just because of anger and sadness, but also because of the feeling of impotence. Could I have done better? Could I have saved him, if I left earlier, if I had killed Elise that first time?
"Don't do this to yourself, Bella." said Jasper, giving me a wave of calm "This won't help you or anybody."
"He's right, dear" said Esme, squeezing my hand, gently "I heard what you've done yesterday. You should be proud of yourself. You saved six kids; this last kid was a fatality. It happens. These are dangerous times. "
"I know. But it never get easier, does it?" I nodded and looked outside. I could feel them looking at me anxiously. Trying to amend what happened yesterday, but I had decided to forget. Edward and I could just be good friends. I could live with that.
The carriage stopped and soon, Edward opened the door for me and offered his hand. I took it, but I didn't look at him. Instead, I looked to the house in front of us, where a man was standing in front of the main window, looking very occupied with polishing a golden cross. I could see that he was very tall and thin. Probably in his fifties and had long, wavy, black hair with thin white stripes on his temples. His beard was short and black. A shiver crossed my spine when I saw his hands, long, thin and white, like spiders. And the huge emerald signet on his thumb made me sure. It was him. He finally seemed to notice that someone was staring at him. Slowly, he turned his head and looked at me. I stopped breathing.
"What is it, Bella?" asked Alice behind me.
I broke the eye contact and whispered, while I was pretending to check on my cloak and dress. "It's him. The Inquisitor"
"I know." said Edward, linking arms with me. I felt a wave of different feelings; Happiness and sadness fighting for space. A bit of anger too. He shouldn't have kissed me. That was wrong. I stiffened and he looked at me, noticing that I was tense. He caressed my hand gently "Don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you."
I wasn't tense because of the Inquisitor. There was no place for him in my head, too occupied with processing my present love drama. Yes, love drama. I fell in love for the first time in two centuries and the person I chose already has a mate.
I didn't think it could hurt so much. He was so close and so distant. That was not fair.
I forced my thoughts to back off and concentrated on not tripping while we climbed the stairs to the church. The room was already full, but we managed to sit on the last row – perfect for a discreet escape. I found myself between Edward and Rosalie. Perfect. My day was just getting better every minute.
I pulled my hair on my shoulders, forcing myself to look straight and pay attention to the Minister's words, but I could still feel Edward and Rosalie exchanging glances once awhile, looking at me. He tried to reach for my hand, but I kept them under my cloak. The lecture was about yesterday's incident, and the Minister complimented everyone who risked their lives to save the children and asked everyone to pray for the child who died. The rest, I couldn't tell. I tried to space out. Disconnect myself from the real world. I always did that, but today was really difficult. I was too conscious of his presence and his smell to just space out, so I tried to distract myself by observing the people present. About three rows ahead I saw the twins, and the girl smiled and called her brother. They both grinned at me and turned back. I smiled too, relieved because they were fine.
When the service finally finished, we rose and went to the garden, or what I think was the garden. I'm sure in September, or maybe in May, there must be a lovely view, but in December it was just a bunch of naked trees and vases. At least, it had some benches.
"Bella?" I heard Edward's velvet voice beside me, but then I heard Jasper saying.
"Edward, sorry, but we have to talk to the director."
"Ok. Let's finish this." Said Edward, rolling his eyes "I have to talk to you. Don't go off alone."
"Sure" I said, smiling. And planning a way to escape.Yes, I was a coward. I wasn't ready yet. To act normally, I mean. I needed some time.
Alice and Rosalie were occupied talking to the fabric shopper, and the boys, with discussing some matter with the director of the school. Probably about Edward's transfer. So I went to examine the statue on the square. It was a replica of Diana, the Roman Goddess. I was wondering if I could make some kind of excuse when I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me.
"Excuse me, are you Miss Swan?" I turned and looked at the middle aged woman who spoke to me. Mothering type, auburn hair, brown eyes and a soft body. She was wearing some quality clothes and was flanked by the auburn haired boy and the black skinned girl, who looked sheepishly at her. They shone bright grins at me.
"Yes, may I help you, Ma'am?" I asked politely.
"Actually, you already did. I'd like to say thanks to you and the Cullens for risking your lives to save all the children, even after the rescue group left. Thank you very much." She said with a deep reverence and I blinked. Seriously, I'm not used to this kind of thing. I thought she would tell me to stay away from her children. I felt myself blushing a deep pink and muttered a "You're welcome" The black girl murmured something in her ear and the lady nodded.
"Just a bit, kids. I'm sure Miss Isabella has lots of work, right dear? I smiled and she said "One more time, thanks. Have a nice day."
When she left, I turned to the kids "What did you guys tell her?"
"That you scared off the wolves that were attacking us." Said the boy "By the way, my name is Alistair O'Leary" he said, making a small reverence. The black girl giggled and made a small measure "I'm Nola. I'm her adopted sister. Thanks for saving us. Don't worry, we won't tell anyone your secret and Seth's."
"Thanks. For a moment there, your mother really scared me." I sat at the edge of the statue. I think it was the sign to start the questions.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" asked Nola.
"Is Jacob your boyfriend?" asked Alistair before I could answer "Jake said you're his girlfriend."
"What? " I asked, perplexed. What the hell…? Jacob was so going to die!
"Don't be stupid, Ali! She's the girlfriend of that beautiful boy who is looking at us! I saw them together!" said Nola, excited.
"But Jake…"
"Oh, come on, man! You didn't fell for his story, did you? Jake is an idiot!" said Nola and her Southern accent was more evident with each word "I don't believe a single word that guy said. He's a liar, All. Trust me. And he's arrogant too. And he smells funny, if you ask me." She rolled her eyes and I kept looking at them, shocked. "What is a bloodsucker, by the way?" Alistair was mortified and folded his arms, glaring at his sister.
"Oh, who cares about Jacob, anyway? If he's too lame to ask her, I'll date her myself!"
"Er…" was the only thing I could answer, because their mother was already calling them.
"Ali! Nola! Let's get going. Say bye to Miss Swan, kids!" Thank God, I was saved!
"Bye, Miss Swan!" they said together and both made reverences and left. My head was killing me. I found Esme and said I was going home. She said they'd take a while and offered me a horse. I refused. I passed too much time sitting. I'd rather walk.
I waved at Alice and took a side street and passed through the art store, where I bought paint and paper. I also stopped to buy some caramel pudding and other things and kept on my way to the Mansion. I could hear some kind of commotion in the square. I passed quickly by three men.
I waved at Bella; too busy dazzling the fabric shopper, when I had the vision. Fog blurred everything, but it was clear enough. We have to leave Forks. It's not safe anymore. I met Edward's gaze from above the shopper's shoulder and he moved his lips silently "Where is Bella?"
"She went back home" I thought. Surprised and displeased, he turned to follow her, when I decided to tell him what happened yesterday. The three of us have been keeping this away from our thoughts since last night. We were trying to find a way to fix the misunderstanding before he noticed. But Bella had being avoiding us all day. And Edward, of course, noticed. Why is she so stubborn?
A deep voice came from the upstairs of the church. I turned and the man who was in my vision was standing beside the Mayor and Chief Swan. In that long, black clothes, he seemed like a huge bat, the golden cross shining, almost alive on this chest. I saw the cruelty in his eyes. Around me, people were getting closer, to get a better view of the stranger. My family was around me in a second and we soon took a place near the carriages.
"People of Forks" he started, his voice echoing in the tiny square "My name is Miles Johnson. I'm here representing the Pope Clemens Undecimus and the Lord."
I looked over my shoulder for the tenth time. I know I'm being followed. I can hear their footsteps. They're getting closer, but I can't see them, because of the deep fog that's coming from the forest. I couldn't see much from the way, but I kept straight and put my hands on one of the bags I've bought.
"Milllllllaaadyyyy!!" sang a sarcastic manly voice "I can hear you!!" he laughed and the others laughed too "Stop playing jokes. Come out, come out wherever you are!!"
"I'm here to purify this city from the bad influences. The death of the child is a sign to all of you that Hell is not coming, nor the eternal damnation. You're already there. And that was just the beginning."
"Carlisle?" I muttered under my breath, too fast for human ears.
"I know, Alice. We have to move out. I won't stay here to watch this."
"Don't you guys think it's too soon?" asked Emmett, behind me. "This way we'll look suspicious, don't you think?"
"Edward has the papers of the transference to Chicago, Em. Why should we wait?" asked Rosalie, and she seemed really happy about leaving. She hated Forks as much as I did.
"The only solution is to purify this land from the demons who live here! They maculated this town!" The people around waved, agreeing "But they won't put their hands on our children anymore! Let me help you to find God."
"I withdraw what I said." Muttered Emmett "Let's get the hell out of here!"
I tripped on the sidewalk and fell. The footsteps stopped and they giggled a few steps from me. I was surrounded.
"Oh, I love running, baby." The guy who called me approached and I stood up, quickly. I could now see his dark hair, his hard features. His hands were big and his eyes were full of lust. For power, not pleasure. I took a step back. I could defeat him quickly with my powers, but I couldn't use them! What was I going to do? Just killing them and running away wasn't an option. I was with the Cullens. If I did that, I'd ruin their disguise. And mine!
"I'm warning you, stay away from me!" I said, trying to seem threatening, but I just looked frightened. My body was shaking with fear.
"Hey, she's pretty!" said the other." Let's get a bit of action!" but before he could take another step, I took my hand off my bag and I blew the thin red pepper on his eyes. They yelled angrily and turned and ran.
"You bitch! You're going to pay for this! I'm going to kill you!" He yelled again and I slowed down, trying to hear if they were following me. However, instead of footsteps, I heard a horse's. I started running again. He was getting closer.
"Bella!" I looked to the horseman and my eyes widened.
Without stopping the horse, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to his lap. I felt myself crushed against his hard chest. His sweet smell invaded me. I felt myself relaxing.
"Bella!" he growled "Which part of 'don't go away alone' didn't you understand? Do you have any idea what those guys were planning to do with you? How difficult it was for me, leaving them alive? "
I closed my eyes. I saw him standing beside some gorgeous vampire and sat up. "Sorry, I was feeling unwell and I wanted to lie down. You were all busy." I answered, looking away from him. We were in the forest and very close to the mansion. "I can walk from here. Let me get down, please?" I didn't wait for an answer; I floated and landed beside the horse, but far. It didn't surprise me when in a second, he was walking with me. I groaned when he took my chin with his hand "Bella, what's going on? Why are you acting like this? You've been avoiding me all day. Did I do something wrong?"
"No, Edward. It's just…" what could I say? That I was heartbroken because of him? That I let myself get too involved? It sounded absurd even to me! I tried to free my chin, but he's too strong, though he was not hurting me "We're just going too fast. I don't want to be involved this way with you."
"Really? So, then why were you so upset about Tanya? Alice told me what happened." He raised a brow.
"I wasn't."
"Yes, you were!" he smirked "You're such a bad liar! You felt the same way I did when we first met. Do you think I'd kiss you if I had someone else? Damn it, Bella, what kind of man do you think I am?"
He seemed so hurt that I wanted to touch his face. But I still had doubts.
"What about Tanya?"
He sighed. "You're not supposed to know this way. It doesn't matter, anyway. Tanya showed a bit of interest in me and I rejected her very gently. I told her I didn't share her feelings. So, are we clear?" he wrapped his arms around my waist and bent his forehead to mine, his eyes were on mine. I couldn't escape. I couldn't think. I just nodded.
"Excellent. Now, can I say it that I fell for you when I saw you the first time, when you looked like a tomboy with that muddy hat?" I giggled, blushing a bit. I felt myself getting warm, despite the cold weather and his cold body near mine. I realized we had stopped. I knew we were home. I didn't care if the others were close or not. I cupped his beautiful face in my hands. Edward continued, "And I fell for you, silly, stubborn, beautiful witch? Imagine my panic when the next day you escaped! You ran away! "
"I was afraid I would never be able to leave." I muttered and hid my face on his chest "Because I think it was already too late. I'd come back. I don't think that I could stay away too long."
We stayed hugging for a long time. I didn't care if the Cullens could see us. I was, finally, home.
N/A – This finish the first part of the trilogy. What did you guys think? Good? Bad? Well things got a bit darker than I expected. The whole first part, actually. I really enjoyed writing suspense. There will be more in the second volume, but the focus will be on Bella and Edward's relationship. Don't think the Tanya's problem is over! I have this curiosity about the Denali clan and we'll finally see what happens when a witch is bitten. I didn't forget…but it didn't fit this first part. The story got bigger than I thought. ;
Well, see you on the second part of the trilogy – Gold & Blood. Oh, I have something to say – the second part will be located in London, not Seattle. I chose Seattle because it's in the books, but it didn't match the story. I need a sophisticated city – with theaters, restaurants…I know there's going to have mistakes on the chronology of the story... To say the very least. Just follow me, ok?