Short chapter, I know, but I didn't feel like writing more for this part. R&R

Hermione walked out of the room and shut the door behind her. She stopped, she couldn't believe what she just did, she broke up with Fred. That's not right, Hermione thought. I'm the bookworm, the one who didn't break people hearts…I have to go back in there, explain to Fr…no Hermione! Don't do this to yourself!

Hermione shook off the feeling, but the guilt was still there. She looked back at the door, she knew she hurt Fred badly, but it's the best for both of them, ending it was the only choice he left her with.

"Mione? Wait..." Fred said so quiet she could barely hear him, she turned around to face him, waiting for him to talk, "Please Mione, don't leave, I couldn't live without you, I need you. You make me what I am, and I love you too much to let you go this easily…"

Hermione looked down, "Fred, I love you too," Fred started to smile but she added this, "but I can't be with you…"

Sooo?? Am I getting better, if I made it longer would it be AWESOME!!!!??? Pleeeeaaaasssssseeee tell me cause I didn't much reviews for the last chapter I did!!! REVIEW PEOPLE!!