x. Who's House? HOWL'S House .x
x. Said Disclaimer: I couldn't resist the demented temptations of screwing with the Howl's Moving Castle Movie. However, I don't literally own any of the characters involved in this, unless it's some kind of anonymous hoebag, or pedestrian -- something along those lines. Nor do I own the concept of the movie, just the little twists I throw into it. As I expect, you read, review it. Tell me about it.
Narrator:As you can
clearly ... erm, read, the scene begins with Sophie sewing a flower
to a hat most diligently. A bunch of girls squeal and giggle about a
castle owned by some really hot guy that probably wouldn't even
acknowledge their existence because he's awesome like that.
"Sophie's Sister": (Strolls into the room) Sophie, get off your lazy working ass. You need to get laid!
(Author's Note: Score! ¬ ¬; My first oxy-moron!)
Sophie: (Confused) ... What's that supposed to mean?
"Sophie's Sister": I hear it a lot on the street.
Sophie: (Tilts head, bewildered) Who on Earth talks like that?
Some 46-year-old Overly-Ecstatic Business Employee Somewhere In New York: HELL YEAH! JEFF YOU NEED TO GET LAID, MAN.
Sophie: ... I wish I knew what just happened. (Whimper) ...
"Sophie's Sister": Ugh, whatever Emo. Well, I'm going to go hunt for an obviously dangerous, heart-eating husband with a bunch of squealing fangirls of the notorious Howl, whom of which they stand no chance of obtaining.
(Author's Note: It HAD to be done.)
[Five minutes later.
Sophie: (Leaps up) Welp! I'm off to go to strolling through the dark alleys as a potential rape victim, where nobody can see me! (Walks away whistling)
Sophie: (Finally walking through that alley she was all eager about and walks past two soldiers)
Soldier One: (Has a frighteningly false-looking third eyebrow on his upper lip) Hey! You're sexy! Remove all of your clothes.
Sophie: (Cowers) Why does this always happen to me? Life sucks!
Soldier Two: Mr. Soldier One, shame on you! You scared her with your abnormal mustache and now she's talking to herself. Here, little lady, we'll go have a drink! We'll talk all about it while I'm inside you.
Sophie: ... WHAT?!
Howl: (Randomly emerges out of nowhere behind Sophie) Um, ew. This is MY wife, you two numnuts.
Sophie: (Stares) Note to self: He's hot. Crap, I said that out loud.
Howl: Said what out loud? I can't see the italics I hope you know. (Smile)
Sophie: Oh, aw'right. That's fine then.
Howl: Now, let me be your escort for this evening.
(They walk along the alley and these big, pudding blobs come after them)
Howl: (Mutters under breath) Crap...
Sophie: What? Who are they?
Howl: (Mumbling) ... Relatives.
Sophie: What?
Howl: Oh, um... they're ladies! Yes, I'm pimpin' so much, even the spooky pudding ladies want me! (Wink)
Sophie: (Unconvinced; Rolls her eyes)
Howl: Yeah. Uh, hey -- You wanna see somethin' magic?!
Sophie: Sure?
Howl: Watch me fly! (They take off into the air)
Sophie: (Shocked)
Howl: Yeah! Amazing isn't it?
Sophie: (Shocked)
Howl: (Grabs Sophie's hands and guides her across the sky) You're a natural girl sky... walker-acrosser!
Some Filthy Guy In A Lawn chair On The Ground: (Stare in amazement) Would ya look at that, it's some o' dem flyin' gypsies!
The Filthy Guy's Dim-Witted Wife: Fabio! My water broke, we need a plumber again!
(Author's Note: Charming, I know.)
(Howl lands Sophie safely onto a balcony)
Howl: Stay here until it's safe from those crazy pudding ladies. Don't be a naughty girl! (Waggles finger at her)
Sophie: But who are you?
Howl: ... Who am I? Who am I? Why, I am the vengeance. I am the night. I am... Batman. Now shut up, I really have to go!
Sophie: (Blink) But that didn't answer my que--
Howl: (Jumps backward off the railing all coolly and smashes onto the ground)
Sophie: (Peeks over the edge) I wonder what a smashed person looks like?
[Five second pause.
Sophie: (Shrugs) Oh well. (Wanders to the bake shop)
[Bake shop.
Lettie: BACK, BACK I SAY! (Fighting off the impatient cookie-devouring customers with a chair)
"Witness" Guy: Hey Lettie! I just saw your sister randomly fly onto a balcony! Lemme tell ya', it was cool!
Lettie: Um, wtf? Hold on, you take care of this for a second.
"Witness" Guy: But wa-- (Lettie takes off) ... Eh... (Stares at all the impatient customers) I don't even work he-- (Gets trampled down)
Lettie: (Coincidently runs into Sophie in the hall) Sophie!
Sophie: ... What?
Lettie: Someone told me you landed on a balcony? How'd you do that?
Sophie: A really, really hot guy, Lettie. He could fly! I was shocked for like, two lines.
Lettie: It must've been a wizard, Sophie! What if that wizard was Howl? He could've stolen your heart!
Sophie: But herescued me, Lettie -- from not only pudding people but sexual deviants. Plus, Howl only steals the hearts of beatiful women.
Lettie: But, Sophie, you're hot! (Blush)
Sophie: ... Excuse me?
Lettie: Uh, I meant to say you're not as ugly as you think you are. You're more!
Sophie: Thanks for that, Lettie. But I like being "emo" about it. (Bows head)
Lettie: Ugh, just don't suddenly turn old overnight and stroll off to the Wastes, then.
Sophie: Yeah. Alright, Lettie.
know, I know. I'm still working on the Sweeney Todd one too.
I just got SO inspired to make this. Of course, it's a little,
But that's alright. This will be continued, probably after
I finish chapter six of my Sweeney Parody.
Read and descrimin-- I mean review?