Let's go on holiday

The little tourist centre in Cardiff was quiet- not that it was ever busy, but sometimes Ianto wishes that it was busy it gave him something to do when aliens weren't trying to take over the world.

He decided to give up hope on someone coming in and actually being interested in Cardiff so he decided to go down to the hub. Everyone would want coffee soon and now that he thought of it he wanted a coffee to. As he walked down the hall way he could hear screaming and laughing. He knew nothing would be wrong as there was laughing as well- but he quickened his pace.

Ianto smiled as he stood at the door way, he saw Gwen and Toshiko on one team and Jack and Owen on the other-they were playing basketball. Instead of going to join, he went to go and make coffee. They would be thirsty of course so he thought that was a good enough idea.

"Ianto" Called Gwen and Jack

At that point Ianto came in with five cups of steaming coffee. They all cheered as he came in.

Jack gathered the team up before they started drinking they're coffee up. He wouldn't be able to move them if he let them start drinking.

"What's this all about Jack?" asked Gwen asked.

"Yeah Jack we only come in hear when you tell us we have loads of work to do or a case?" Added Owen.

"Oh no," They all chorused.

"Oh yes but don't worry its not as bad as it sounds," Jack answered.

"Its never good when he says that," Toshiko muttered.

"Anyway, we are going on holiday, to be pacific we are going to Barcelona!"

"What? Why the hell are we going there ?" Shouted Owen

"Are Owen you got to many ex girlfriends there? " Teased Gwen

"Well no well maybe ... okay only five," Owen replied

"Go on how long were you there?" Gwen asked

"Okay only a week," Owen muttered

" A week, you were there a week!" Gwen Shouted in Hysterics

"Okay kids calm down, I know some of you never get to go out side of the hub but do you think we can all just cope with it and calm down," Jack said calmly

"So Jack. Why are we going to Barcelona ?" Asked Toshiko

Gwen arrived home at 7 quite early considering where she worked now. Rhys was home. Great she thought, her original plan was to pack some stuff and phone at the airport, now what was she going to do. Jack hadn't told them why they were going there for all Gwen knew it could be his idea of a holiday or we could be meeting friendly aliens (properly not ) or they were going to stop some aliens from taking over the world. That was most likely.

"Gwen is that you?" Rhys called

Well who else is it going to be ? Gwen thought "Yeah its me- we need to talk" She replied.

"Yeah," He replied nervously "what's up?"

"I'm going away , its a work thing a meeting in Barcelona but they forgot to tell me so I'm leaving to night, I think ill be back in about a week ill call if its longer," Gwen said as she walked straight into the bedroom packing her suit case - hmmm what to take should I take holiday clothes or torchwood clothes, maybe ill take both just incase.

"Gwen what time is your flight ? Ill take you to the airport," Rhys called.

"I think my fight is at nine so we have to leave now, are you sure you want to take me?" Gwen replied

"Well how else are you going to get there silly," Rhys smiled

"True ill be ready in a minuet," Gwen called back Well I was going to ask Jack if I could catch a lift with him maybe ill tell him ill meet them on the plane- get sometime to my self . Gwen thought to her self.

As they drove to the airport Gwen got out her phone and began texting Jack ' Need sometime alone ill see you all on the plane luv Gwen x '

Back at the Hub Jack was getting ready to leave.

"Sir I am staying aren't I ?" Ianto asked ,appearing out of nowhere

"God I should put a bell around your neck you scared me .You don't have to I've called Martha and she's going to come down and keep an eye on things and I think torchwood 2 is sending someone so she wont be by herself," Jack replied.

"Well she's only been hear once and who ever Torchwood 2 sends down they will be weird and/or scary- you know what they are like," Ianto said almost begging.

"Ianto you don't have to stay" Jack replied

"But I want to I cant leave MwfanwyIanto pleaded

"Fine if you really want to stay you can Martha will be hear in the morning since there are no handing over keys,"

"Yes sir,"

"Well I better be of don't want to be late do, we don't want the plane taking out with out me do we!"

Jack began to get up as he received a text from Gwen, he read it , sighed, then left. He had hoped to spend sometime with her. Alone in the car oh well he thought might as well call the others don't want everyone wasting good money on bloody airports.