Disclaimer: I do not own…I wouldn't mind if Jacob wanted to have a little fun though .

Pairing: Jacob/Edward

Rating: M!

Warnings: Yaoi(malexmale), AU, anal.

Summary: Everything the boy's do is for Bella…

Status: Complete; One-shot.

Authors Note: Do NOT flame me. I don't care if you don't like yaoi. If you don't like it, don't read it.

The usually composed Edward writhed and moaned beneath the powerful body above his. His sharp nails digging into the tightly tanned flesh, pushing onto the muscles, trying to make the man above move faster.

Jacob thrusted harshly into the tight body writhing beneath his wildly. He growled deep in his throat as he felt the talon like claws pierce into his back with force, creating blood to drip from the wounds.

Gripping the unnaturally pale legs, he pushed them over his shoulders, the muscles flexing to hold the weight. With the new angle he pushed in faster, rocking into the tight body faster. The smaller frame shuddered as he pounded into him with force.

Amber eyes had long ago closed, his body arching up to the most seemingly brutal thrusts of his current lover. He tried to wrap his legs around Jacob's neck, his body desperate for more of this forbidden feeling.

Sleek sweat covered both bodies as they fucked. The sweat dripped off of Jacob as flesh met flesh in a heated dance of passion. Moans and whimpers escaped Edwards parted lips. His clawed at the ground beneath him, his legs trying to urge the other for more. He wanted more!

Jacob growled again, his sharp canines clearly visible. He looked down at the pale male, and howled as the muscles tightened against his member. Jacob held back his orgasm, wanting the bloodsucker to cum first.

Edward didn't hold back the shudder at the dominance that the other showed as their bodies moved faster together. He gasped as he felt heat gather in the pit of his stomach and his balls tightened, signaling his release soon. He tried to arch his hips further, wanting more, wanting faster and harder.

Without Edward opening his mouth, Jacob knew what the other wanted, and without hesitation started slamming into Edward. Sounds of moans, whimpers, and flesh against flesh reverberated through the air. Honey eyes shot open and he groaned, his whole body tightening as he released, cum covering his chest and some of his lover's.

Jacob growled and released soon after, the look on Edwards face combined with the tightening of inner muscles pulling his orgasm from him. He shot it deep inside of Edward, part of him knowing out of respect he should've pulled out, another part growling that Edward had come to him.

Edward groaned as Jacob's seed entered his body. Both boys panted heavily and after a few moments he pulled out, laying next to Edward. The two looked at each other, a mutual understanding happening between them.

"For Bella…"

For those of you who have never read it or don't understand the last sentence, Edward says that he can't have sex with Bella because it might kill her, so Jacob is his outlet for sexual frustrations.

Author Note 2: Yes this is short, it's only going to be a one-shot. Thanks for reading. Review.