My Naruto Story

SOOOOOOOO im writing this fic cause im a perv… get over it girls. Also im a perv since I plan on dying a virgin to avoid the problems of marrage and love.

Anyway on with this shit

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The Forest of Death 11:00 A.M.

The forest was still not a sound was made. An eerie place that could even give retards a sense of foreboding.

Then a ghastly fog emanated around a massive tree near the center of the forest.

It crept and creeped slowly its power entangling male animals and killing them. Soon hundreds of dead animals could be found littering the forest floor.

The fog grew in size and killing power with each kill. It spread into the forests of Konoha growing and "assimilating" the life force of the male animals into itself growing stronger and soon all of fire country was caught in the evil gas's mighty grip.

However the gas didn't stop there it soon enveloped village after village continent after continent, killing 95 percent of all males instantly.

Konoha 1 week later 6:00 A.M.

Naruto woke up slowly enjoying the scent of the forest. Although it was much quieter then expected. He would thought to hear the birds singing or the insects working, but there was no sounds at all. Just an eerie quiet that gave him shivers.

Naruto dismissed it and headed back to the village.

"Hey whats the big idea?" he said. The gate was broken, even burned and charred in some places. The shinobi weren't there either.

As he entered the villages there were no people. Just that same eerie quiet that made him even more nervous. He stopped looking at a small diary in the middle of the road.

"now who would leave something as personal as this lying around?"

He looked at the first entry:

February 9th

The diary of Miharu

Its an epidemic. Everywhere you look men are dying. The girls aren't getting sick. Daddy says we have to go away to the inner part of konoha where its safe. I hope this ends soon because im scared. I don't want to die yet. Not until I prove my love to oichi-chan

February 10th-14th

Lots of men are screaming now. My dad looks sick and was sent away (some parts looked as if the boy cried into the book). Now im alone with mom and she says when I grow to be 13 I have to perform my duty to the village. I don't know what that meant but she said I was gonna make other girls have babies. I wonder where babies come from.

February 15th

I feel really bad. Mom is crying and I think im gonna die. I hope I get to see daddy again. Mommy tried to get the Hokage to do something but she couldn't. I hope mom doesn't see me cry because I want to be strong for her.

Naruto had tears welling up in his eyes but he couldn't remember why he hadn't been in the village. What had happened to kill so many men?

Suddenly he was hit in the back of the head and fell down unconscious.

Konoha time unknown, Hokage tower

"oh naru-kun its time to wake up"

Naruto slowly regained consciousness and he could see a fully naked shizune with a few other women behind her. He then realized that he was handcuffed and naked.

"o-oh, um… shi-shizune I-I- I'm not a p-perv please put some clothes on" Naruto said with a blush. He could feel his member growing with the sight of a VERY hot Shizune.

"no we can't have that. Now be quiet, Hokage-sama is about to speak oh and VERY nice rod"

Tsunade came in with a serious face that said "you mess with me I rip your balls off"

"ok Naruto where have you been?"

"In the forest training, but then-"

"I DON'T CARE. You know that the new law states no male is to leave the village"

"what new law, whats going on, why is Shizune naked, and why did I get knocked out"

"how long were you out there"

"honestly, I have no idea"

Tsunade took a pause before speaking again. "Naruto there was a disease. It instantly killed every 19/20 males which is about 95percent . In order to prevent chaos all males were enslaved, put into prostitution, and give constant horomone drugs to over produce fertile male sperm. The thing is Naruto, without males all humans will die so now im going to have to do the same thing to you"

"What? No way am I gonna be some slave."

"you have no say in the matter Naruto. For every 1 male there is 100000sex-crazed females meaning that there are only 13 males in the village including you"

"but Granny Tsunade I don't want to give myself up to thousands upon thousands of women. Please just let me go."

"I'm sorry Naruto but we have to do this. Besides you'll be given as a gift to the Inuzuka to prevent them from attacking other clans for men. Take him away Shizune"

Shizune dragged him away by the dick slowly massaging it but keeping a firm hold. Naruto stifled his moans while he begged for his freedom.

Konoha Inuzuka Clan House, unkown time

Naruto was being eyed by lust filled eyes as the still naked Shizune dragged him before Tsume Inuzuka, the clan head.

"hmm not bad. Very good manhood, young, fit. Give Hokage-sama my thanks" she said eying Naruto's naked body.

Once Shizune had left Hana had walked over and grabbed his throbbing rod into her hand, slowly jacking him off.

Naruto arched his head back and moaned loudly at Hana's cock massage.

"ah what a great fortune. We get the demon child and mix it's abilities with our clan's techniques. Now we shall be stronger than the other clans and all by fucking this little demon"

Naruto was angry. He wasn't just gonna be some tool to help these bitches. He had to escape, maybe to Suna.

"now demon start your duty with my daughter Hana"

Hana took no time in pushing him down and assaulting him. She bit on his shoulder earning a cry of pain and then a hiss as she licked the blood off. Naruto cried as Hana would lick his body and jerk him off with her hands.

After a few more moments of this, she took a finger and rubbed it against his ass hole.

"Please stop. Don't do it I beg you" his pleas fell on death ears as she thrust in him with a clawed finger earning a hiss of pain while she licked and sucked his cock dry. He hated her and her mother for this. He hated Tsunade. Most of all though, he hated himself for liking it.

Even as she raped him he liked it. It pleasured him to no end and drove him crazy

Hana could feel his dick coming close to blowing so she stopped and rode herself on his rod.


She bled slightly on his dick mixing bright crimson with her dripping juices. Then she began a slow pace, thrusting her pussy into his dick with slow paced thrusts. Soon she thrusted faster and faster feeling the heat and unable to take his rod shoving itself into her red hot core, she blew like a dam and spilled herself making Naruto blow along with her.

Tsume let out a laugh and when she stoped she said "who's next?"