Disclaimer: I don't own.

Waiting in the Wings - Preface

I couldn't move, couldn't breathe. My eyes were frozen on the spot, and they wouldn't close.

How could he have left me, now, in my time of need?

Then she started advancing on me, and then I found my breath again, coming out in little sharp gasp, gasp, gasp, gasps.

Her wild red orange hair whipped around her unsmiling face, and then she said, "Now, Bella, you are very lucky I happened upon you tonight." I said nothing, so she continued. "I had something much more… fun, per se, planned for you, but I'm afraid I'll have to save that for some other… err… lucky human…."

She laughed, and I was too mortified to care. At that moment, I knew it was all over. A million unbidden thoughts, shoved into the back of my mind, exploded into my head, and I was getting dizzy. I gasped as I saw my life flash before my eyes, and I thought about all the people that I loved… that I would not see again… Jake… and even worst, the boy who I clung to, even after he broke my heart… I love you, Edward.

She lowered her head and sunk her teeth into my throat.

The fire was back again, and this time, it was worse. Why? Possibly it was because this time, my neck was being bitten, instead of my hand. But I didn't know, nor did I care. I hurt too much to care.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to fight. But even now, I knew that that was what she wanted. I would not give her that satisfaction. There was another reason, also. It was stupid, but in the last few moments of my life, I wanted to be like Carlisle. The thought almost made me smile, and then, she started to drain me.

I gasped as the pain suddenly multiplied. I felt as though I was drowning in a pool of molten lava, with a million knives piercing my skin.

But still, I didn't say anything. I didn't know how – or even if – this was humanly possible. Maybe because I wasn't fully human any longer.

Suddenly, the pain multiplied by tenfold as she ripped her head from my body. I dropped to the ground, crumpled and bleeding, gasping for the breath that was hard to come by. I barely had the strength to look up, to see her grimacing in horror at some thing that I could not see.

She turned to flee, but then, something hard and huge smacked into her, shaking the very ground, creating a gigantic rumble of thunder. I heard a sound that sounded like metal being ripped apart, and a bloodcurdling scream erupted somewhere behind me.

I slowly tried to stand up, but then quickly realized that I was too weak. The pain was creeping down my body, and I collapsed once more.


"It's too late."

"Shut up!"

"I'm sorry. She's gone."


"Phase Back."

I faintly recognized the voices, and then meekly tried to give comforting words. I opened my mouth, but everything went black, and I moved no more.