Epilogue: Ordinary Day
Just a day,
Just an ordinary day.
Just trying to get by.
Just a boy,
Just an ordinary boy.
But he was looking to the sky.
And as he asked if I would come along
I started to realize
That everyday you find
Just what he's looking for,
Like a shooting star he shines.
"Can I have your autograph?"
"Sure, sweetie." A 22-year-old Sakura relied to the little girl. The little girl clutched the book tightly as Sakura signed and then gave her a hug before running off back to her mother. Sakura giggled.
There was a tug at her shorts and she looked down at a little girl. "I wanna go on that one next." She said pointing to a swing ride.
Two other kids chorused a 'yeah.' Sakura smiled down at them and looked ahead at the ride, the sun glinting off her sunglasses. "Let's go, last one there-"
"Is a rotten egg!" One yelled and they all ran towards the ride, laughing.
She watched them closely as she walked up behind them in line when her phone vibrated in her bag. She looked for it, pulling up the sunglasses in the process sending a lot of stares her way. "Hello?" She picked up and closed her bag again putting her sunglasses back on.
"I see you." Came a taunting voice and Sakura looked up to see Tomoyo, Eriol, Em, and Taro weaving through the line. Tomoyo was carrying another little girl and there was a little boy hanging on Eriol's leg, eating something Sakura couldn't see.
"Where's Makoto?" Sakura asked. Tomoyo motioned back. "The girlfriend."
Sakura looked behind her and saw Makoto sitting on a bench with a girl chatting happily next to him.
"What a prune." The girls chorused.
Eriol and taro turned to each other. "It shouldn't matter when they're in bed." They cheered and gave each other a high five earning punches from the girls.
"Bunch of perverted, idiotic…" Em rambled and with Tomoyo by her side as Sakura watched the five little children wait behind the bar as the last group got off.
The bar raised and the little kids got on the wings excitedly as Sakura and Em buckled them in. Taro and Eriol both raced to the nearest swings and Tomoyo was putting her camera away. Sakura sat down and just as she buckled in, something that the operator was watching caught her eye.
"Here we are with international soccer superstar Syaoran Li. Li has been playing in Europe for the past two years but sources say that…"
The voice drifted off as the ride started and Sakura couldn't catch what was being said. When they were getting off, Sakura waited as they began an interview. Then the shout of food caught her ear and she ran off to find everyone ordering at a nearby restaurant.
"What would you like miss?"
Sakura looked at the menu and smiled up at the waiter who returned the flirty smile. "Can I have the number-"
She broke off as something behind the waiter caught her eye again. The waiter's smile turned into a smirk thinking she had dazed off because of him. Eriol shoved the menu at him. "A number two lover boy. Now leave."
The waiter gave him a discreet glare but left anyway. That's when Tomoyo traced her stare back to the television where an interview was taking place of a certain amber-eyed guy. "Oh Sakura…"
"It's okay." Sakura grimaced, looking away.
Everyone at the table looked at each other while the kids ran off to play. Makoto broke the silence by asking, "So new movie premiere tomorrow, eh?"
His girlfriend glared at Sakura who merely nodded turning back to the TV as Syaoran gave a smile to a crowd of fans. "Yeah."
He said take my hand,
Live while you can
Don't you see your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand
Sakura flipped the page of her magazine again from her sitting position on Tomoyo's bed. She glanced over the top at the pacing woman at the foot of the bed, her hand glued to the cell phone.
"No, I distinctly asked for white roses." Tomoyo whined over the phone. "Why would I ask for black roses? It's a wedding! No, I'm not yelling at you I'm telling you- SHUT UP! Yes, I was yelling at you that time. We have a day until the wedding fix it!"
Tomoyo groaned and collapsed backwards onto the bed. Sakura laid down forward, propping herself up on her elbows so that her head was right over Tomoyo's. She looked down at her backwards friend's face and smiled. "Need a cookie?"
Tomoyo smiled back and sighed. "I need the whole bakery."
Sakura laughed and jumped over Tomoyo and off the bed. "Cheer up! Tomorrow's my premiere and the next day is your wedding, you need to relax sweetie."
"I can't." Tomoyo whined. "Nothing's going according to plan. The roses got mixed, my dress is too loose, I think I'm gonna break out the day of my wedding, the other day-"
"Tomoyo?" Sakura asked grabbing a pair of socks from her drawer.
"The church doesn't allow-"
"Tomoyo?" Sakura asked again, balling up the pair of socks.
"And on top of it all-mmfm" Sakura had shoved he balled up socks in Tomoyo's mouth.
"Stick a sock in it aka shut up. I love you sweetie but you're driving me crazy." Sakura said innocently. Tomoyo pulled the socks from her mouth.
Sakura smiled. "We're all gonna be there, your family, his family, most importantly him. That's all that matters."
"I guess." Tomoyo groaned getting up as Em got out of the shower.
Em collapsed on the bed as well, still in her bathrobe. "Geez Sakura those kids of yours wear me out. I don't know how they could have so much energy all day."
There was a soft knock at the door followed by a chorus of, "Wewe hungwy!"
Em groaned, " And still have energy to spare…"
Sakura smiled. "I'll take care of the kids and you guys finish getting ready, okay? Both of you better be at my house no later than eight, okay?"
"Yes, mom." Tomoyo and Em teased. Sakura smiled and threw a pillow at them before going out the door to greet five hungry toddlers.
"Keiri stop playing with the seat." Sakura scolded as she saw one of the girls playing with the seat belt. "Wendy, don't eat that."
The phone rang and Sakura thanked god that she had arrived at a red light. After fishing out the phone from her pocket she turned on her headset as the light turned green.
"Hello?" Sakura answered.
"Hey Sakura, where are you?" Touya asked.
"On my way." Sakura responded. "Here, actually."
"Okay. Do me a favor can you come in for a second?" Touya asked.
Sakura pulled up to the gate where a security guard was waiting for her. "God evening Miss Kinomoto."
"Hey rob." Sakura replied getting her ID out. Rob scanned it and waved to the kids who excitedly waved back.
"Go on in." Rob said opening the gates to allow the SUV in.
As soon as Sakura pulled up the front, she unlocked the doors and five maids surrounded the car, unbuckling the children. Sakura got out on her own and followed the children through the front door where her brother was waiting for her. The kids all rushed to him and he smiled. "What do you say?"
"Thank you auntie Sakuwa." They chorused and Touya hugged and kissed them all. "Go on upstairs your mother is waiting for you, I'll be up in a bit."
Sakura smiled as the kids hugged her before running up the stairs. "I still don't know how you and Kaho can handle so many kids. They're the cutest kids in the world, yes, but oh my gosh they're so exhausting." Sakura glanced at her watch and cursed. "I have to go, brother, sorry."
She kissed him on the cheek and ran for the door. Touya ran to catch up to her but when he got to the door, she was already getting into her car, which the butler had pulled up.
Sakura turned on the engine and cut off Touya's sentence as she slammed the door shut. The last she heard was, "Sakura, Syaoran is-"
'Good riddance.' Sakura thought. 'I don't think I can handle of another of Touya's rants about him.'
Sakura heard the American song on the radio and turned it down. "Yeah, just another ordinary day…"
She groaned and hit her head on the dashboard at the next red light.
And as he spoke, he spoke ordinary words
Although they did not feel
For I felt what I had not felt before
You'd swear those words could heal.
And as I looked up into those eyes
His vision borrows mine.
And I know he's no stranger,
For I feel I've held him for all of time.
Syaoran pulled the headphones off as the radio station blared that song. He rubbed his temples, feeling a migraine come on already.
He was still in the air yet he could feel the screams coming from the airport just below.
The stewardess passed by him and sent him a flirty smile as she picked up his empty wine glass. "Anything I can do for you?" She asked with a wink.
Syaoran shook his head and waved her away. She gave a slightly noticeable twitch of annoyance as he blew her off again. "Then I suggest you buckle up we will be landing soon."
Syaoran nodded, still ignoring her and flipped his laptop closed. He placed it in his messenger bag ad he stopped as he felt the small box occupying the slightest of space in the bag.
He smiled. He looked outside at the setting sun as he felt the jet begin to land. The stewardess came back out as the jet was coming to a stop. She slipped on the lights and sent him one last smile. "We've arrived, Mr. Li. Your butler is waiting in the airport terminal, sir."
"Thanks." Syaoran responded simply and handed her a tip. She took it and handed him a small slip of paper. Syaoran tucked it into his pocket and forced a smile at her.
Slipping his glasses on, Syaoran walked out and onto the terminal where flashes where going off like crazy. He closed his eyes and only opened them occasionally to sign an autograph.
It seemed like forever since he left eh jet to where he met up with Wei at the end of the arrival gate. Wei took his messenger bag and led him to the car where Syaoran's stuff was already packed in the trunk. Syaoran climbed into the back seat.
Wei looked ay his young master's faraway look and smiled, recognizing it. "Welcome to Japan, Mr. Li."
"It's been a while hasn't it?" Syaoran muttered more to himself than to his occasional guardian in the driver's seat.
"Two years to the day." Wei recalled.
"How's mother?" Syaoran asked quietly.
"Recovering, sir." Wei responded. "The job hasn't been easy on either families."
"How are Fujitaka and Nadeshiko holding up?" Syaoran asked, a bit more interested.
"The company has had a few bumps along the way but with your mother's help they've been able to keep it on track. I hear it's getting more difficult though. They're looking for their successors. Touya is already in training and so is the young Mrs. Sheifa." Wei continued.
"Misses." Syaoran repeated quietly. "That's right, I missed her wedding."
"And Mrs. Fuutie's as well." Wei added.
Syaoran nodded. "How are the girls?"
"Well, as you can see two of them are married, Sheifa is with child actually. Fanren agreed to help your mother until after Sheifa has her child…"
"Is she still with that one guy?" Syaoran asked, cutting Wei off.
"Engaged. To be wedded in a month's time." Wei answered. "The youngest, Feimei, is still in Europe studying medicine."
Syaoran nodded. "I'm sure she's kept in check with the family though. Right?" Wei nodded and refused to look at the reaction on Syaoran's face. "And what about Em and Makoto?"
"Your cousin Makoto has been somewhat of a heartbreaker lately and as for Em, she's seeing a young fellow. Surprisingly, she has been with him for a little over a year now."
"And tomorrow is Eriol and Tomoyo's wedding." Syaoran sighed leaning back as the familiar streets of Oakwood began to pass by. "How are Touya and Kaho?"
Wei glanced at Syaoran again through the rearview mirror. "Five kids. Quite a handful."
Wei waited expectantly for the next question but it never came. He saw as Syaoran sat there with his mouth open as is though about to ask but for the rest of the ride, he stayed silent.
As silent as he had been for the past two years.
"Welcome home." The butler said quietly and Syaoran stared out the window at the Li estate.
"Yeah, home…"
"No, no, that goes over there!" A frantic maid of honor pointed as they rearranged the flowers in the antechamber of the church.
"Where do you want these?" A guy asked her.
Sakura whipped around and cried. "Those are for the reception can you take them to the hall please?"
"Sure thing miss!"
And he said take my hand,
Live while you can
Don't you see your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand
In the palm of your hand.
Sakura ran to the place where Tomoyo was waiting with the rest of the bridesmaids a basket in hand. From the basket Sakura practically threw the bouquets at the bridesmaids, placing hers down to pin up a bit of her hair that had come out of place. "What is it Tomoyo?"
"Where's my bouquet?" She cried, hyperventilating. Sakura whipped around but found no sign of it.
"Shit." Sakura cursed.
"Auntie!" The flower girl scolded pointing up and shushing her.
"Oops." Sakura muttered. That's when she heard it, the song before the march. "Oh no. Okay, girls to your positions now!"
The bridesmaids rushed out as Fujitaka came in. "Daddy, you guys get ready and wait in the antechamber. I'll go find your bouquet." Sakura rushed. She ran out the front door of the church and passed by Taro, Eriol's best man, who gave her a surprised look.
"Tomoyo's supposed to do that, not you!" The groomsmen laughed at his joke as the first pair went out.
Sakura searched frantically in the flower car but couldn't find it. The second and third couples were already out. Only three more and it would be her turn. As she turned to look in the limo where the girls had arrived, she caught a flash of chocolate colored hair but paid no mind to it.
'Not a good time to get distracted.' Sakura scolded herself and sighed as she caught a flash of it in the limo. She ran back up the steps and shoved the bouquet at Tomoyo as the last pair went out.
"Thank you." Tomoyo said hugging her.
"Anytime." Sakura replied out of breath as She started walking with Taro. She flashed a smile on despite the fact that her lungs were burning from the running.
She blew a bit on her own face as they arrived at the altar and took their spots. The gesture made her bangs go flying up for a second. The wedding march started and they turned to the back of the church where Tomoyo started walking with Fujitaka. She smiled at Sakura who gave her a discreet then sent Eriol a shy smile.
Taro looked at Eriol worriedly as he had stopped breathing about a minute ago. AS Tomoyo neared the front it caught Sakura's eye again, the chocolate flash. But this time she focused in on it and stood there for a second, not believing her eyes. There, in the flesh and blood, was standing the person who had haunted Sakura.
…who made her cry for the past two years.
…who left with a single word.
…who had hurt her not once, but twice.
There stood Syaoran Li.
Please come with me,
See what I see.
Touch the stars for time will not flee.
Time will not flee.
Can you see?
'I may be getting married but I'm not blind.' Thought the raven-haired girl.
Tomoyo felt the awkward feeling in the air. He whole reception was constant game of cat and mouse.
Sakura looks at him, he looks back. Sakura turns away, so does he. He looks at her, she looks, he turns away so does she.
It was irritating.
Tomoyo formed a plan in her head and smiled as the music went on according to her request. Eriol, too, smiled and got up as well. He went over to the court's table. "It is customary for the groom to dance with the maid of honor."
"And the bride to dance with the best man." Tomoyo chirped in.
Sakura and Taro got up. Sakura missed the exchanging of words between Taro and Tomoyo. The rest of the court got up and chose corresponding partners. Except for Makoto, whose girlfriend refused him to even dance with his own sister. Em got up and dragged Syaoran, who had a bored look all night, up.
The kitchen door opened according to Eriol's signal. The cry came at the same time. "Cupcakes!"
At the same time, both Em and the best man walked off quickly to satisfy their sugar needs. Tomoyo looked at Syaoran who smiled back as they began to dance. "I'm not an idiot." Tomoyo muttered through a smile.
"What?" Syaoran asked back.
"But you are." Tomoyo continued, still smiling.
"What?" Syaoran asked again. Tomoyo resisted the urge to roll her eyes.
"One more song," the DJ said. "Bride, groom, and court please stay on the dance floor. Guests may now join in."
Eriol danced his way over to Tomoyo with Sakura. "May I dance with my wife?" Eriol asked and Syaoran nodded.
Then Tomoyo almost shoved Sakura at him. "Court on the floor. Take her."
Sakura looked down and Syaoran looked away as they started dancing. "It felt like forever before Sakura muttered. "When did you come back?"
The music was loud but Syaoran had waited two years to hear that voice and no matter how loud the music was, there was no way he could have missed those words.
"Last night." He responded. "Look Sakura-"
The music ended and suddenly cut off all noise as Taro went up to the stage, obviously a little buzzed.
"Okay, so I always thought I would get married first and Eriol would be gay but…" He drawled motioning to everyone. "Obviously not. No, I'm kidding. I've known Eriol since second grade and honestly I always felt left out because he, Makoto, and Syaoran were all cousins but you know what? Eriol could never be my cousin, good looks run in my family."
Several girls that they knew from high school cheered along with other girls their age in the hall. "No, I'm kidding again. But anyways, Eriol could never be my cousin because I've always seen Eriol as a brother. At first he was the brothers that was tiny, scrawny, and geeky looking but…he grew to the oh so hott, Eriol Hiiragizawa. Tomoyo has been my friend for about the same amount of time and I've always been afraid of her."
He turned to Tomoyo dramatically. "Tomoyo Daidouji…you've always scared me. No, I'm kidding. "He said again turning back to the crowd where he was greeted by yet another laugh. "She's awesome and I couldn't think of a more perfect match for either of them just do me one favor Daidouji, when you have your first kid, name it after me. I don't care if it's a girl. No just kidding. Take care of him, he's a little sensitive." Taro finished laughing along with everyone else. "Now I'll hand over the mike because I just recited half of Sakura's speech and she's about to kill me."
"Hah." Sakura laughed sarcastically. "Well, now I have no speech because Taro stole it all. Flashback. Well, Tomoyo has always been like the sister I never had. Honestly, standing here I remember back in the day and when I first met these two I could never imagine them getting together. I just remember meeting this over controlling little girl who was crying the park because this naïve little boy had called her stupid thinking it was a compliment."
They all laughed at the memory.
"Yet, as time grew on I noticed some things. How whenever Tomoyo would be so stressed out about something Eriol would counter it by being so laid back we just wanted to smack him sometimes. They were an even balance, they had so many things in common that I remember in sixth grade Tomoyo and I were talking about our weddings and we said the same thing. We wanted a fairytale wedding, getting proposed to under the stars, getting married on the beach somehow now ruining the dress, and living happily ever after in a castle. As we grew older, Tomoyo changed her mind. She didn't want fairytale wedding, now she wanted a perfect wedding. Typical Tomoyo. Well, Tomoyo here's your perfect wedding and I could not wish for anything less than perfect in your lives." Sakura choked up and let a few tears drop as she saw Tomoyo's tear stained face.
"And if I cry, it's because I'm so happy for you and I feel like Eriol over there just ripped apart of my heart out." Sakura said as Tomoyo crushed her in a hug.
Sakura looked out into the crowd after they broke apart and saw that more than half of them had taken her speech to heart. "A toast." Sakura said raising her glass of champagne.
"To the newlyweds." Taro finished, eager to drink.
"To Tomoyo and Eriol." Sakura muttered. She drank hers and then drank a shot that Taro had fixed himself up.
"You stole my shot."
"You stole my speech."
Just a dream, just an ordinary dream.
As I wake in bed
And the boy, that ordinary boy
Or was it all in my head?
Did he asked if I would come along
It all seemed so real.
But as I looked to the door,
I saw that boy standing there with a deal.
And he said take my hand,
Live while you can,
Don't you see all your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand
In the palm of your hand,
In the palm of your hand.
Sakura smiled for one last shot as a little girl jumped up and down on the side of the red carpet. "Great movie, Miss Kinomoto."
Sakura smiled at her costar as they neared the limo ready to head home but of course one last reporter stopped them.
"Great movie. It was phenomenal!" She gushed.
"Thank you." They responded at the same time.
"If you could sum up the movie in one word what would it be?" She asked.
The guy next to Sakura responded first. "Fairytale."
"Reality." Sakura said laughing a bit.
"Wow, total opposites here aren't we?" She said, continuing to gush. "What was it like working with Ms. Kinomoto?"
"Amazing. She's awesome and really down to earth. It was a lot of fun filming with her." He said flashing a smile at Sakura.
"Well, Miss Kinomoto you've come a long way since Inner Circle. There are so many little girls here and older girls too who all say that they want to be just like you, what would you advice be to them?"
"Don't try to be like me. Try to be someone better because it's the best they can do. I mean I love that they would see me like that but all these girls have the potential to be better, they are all so sweet and kind that they have what it takes to live out their dreams and like Michelle said in the movie, 'It's not a lie, it's reality.' I love all my fans for getting me where I am today because I did the best I could and I love them for supporting me."
The girl squealed. "Thanks and great job once more!"
Sakura and her costar nodded and waved as their limos got there. She had just sat down when her eyes were covered with a cloth. Sakura began to scream when Tomoyo's voice reached her ears. "Geez Sakura shut up."
"What the hell Tomoyo?"
"Shush!" Tomoyo scolded.
Being so tired, Sakura complied and stayed quiet for the whole ride. A while later, the car stopped and she felt Tomoyo drag her out. As she was walking Sakura felt unbalanced on her heels and felt that she must've been walking on cobblestone or something.
Suddenly the cloth was whipped off and Sakura turned around quickly but saw no sign of Tomoyo, instead she was greeted by a row of tees outlining a cobblestone pathway.
She turned forward again and her breath hitched. It looked like a scene from a fairytale. The path lead into a meadow where a gazebo was adorned with lights and a small white bench but the rest of the clearing has flowers adorning the edges and it had glow to it.
There, in the middle of it all was him again.
Sakura shook her head and walked in the opposite direction. Syaoran caught up to her and turned her around. She made the mistake of looking directly at him. Suddenly, she felt like a high school girl again. The butterflies came back after so long and her breathing became irregular all from one simple mistake.
She didn't even notice she was being led back until she felt the cold metal of the bench under her. Then it came again. The emotional breakdown. Tears leaked form her eyes and she muttered three words that made Syaoran break. "I missed you."
Syaoran wiped them away. "I missed you too. I'm sor-"
"Don't say it!" She cried standing up angrily. "No you're not!"
"Sakura…"Syaoran pleaded from the bench.
"NO!" She yelled. "Two years ago, you left. Just a simple bye was all you said. I cried after you that I loved you but didn't get a reply! I called and called and messaged. But you-you-"
Sakura couldn't go on and Syaoran stood up and cupped her face in his hands. "I know." He whispered and touched his forehead with hers. "But you know that I had to go, it was my career 'm sorry. I know it's no excuse but just because I couldn't call or reach doesn't mean that I didn't think about you every second of the day. It doesn't mean that I didn't hut because you weren't there. Before I left I told you I loved you, right?"
Sakura nodded as he sat her back down. He paced a bit as if trying to regain his confidence. "I told you that when I came back we'd get married. I know it's two years late but…"
Syaoran got down on one knee in front of her and took out the box that had been causing him nightmares for so long.
Nightmares of rejection…this was the moment of truth.
Sakura started to shake her head when he cut in, "And before you reject me I want you to remember all that we've been through and I promise that if you say no and you want me to, I'll leave but I want you to know that for the past two years, I've felt like I died day after day, because you weren't there and I don't want to feel like that anymore."
Sakura hung her head and shook it slowly. Syaoran took this as a bad sign. He closed the box gently ands stood up slowly feeling as if though his heart had been ripped apart slowly. "Okay then…"
"I don't either." She muttered.
"What?" Syaoran asked.
"I don't ever want to feel like that again either." She said smiling up at him.
Sakura sighed as she saw everyone she's ever known come out form behind the trees and bushes. She smiled as Syaoran slipped the finger on and kissed her.
"Hey Syaoran?"
"Yes, Sakura?" He asked still hugging her.
"Why is there a phone number in the box?"
Just a day, just an ordinary day
Just trying to get by.
Just a boy,
Just an ordinary boy.
But he was looking to the sky
Ordinary Day by Vanessa Carlton
NOW it's done. For all my PMers and reviewers who wanted an epilogue. So I have the first chapter of all three stories done but I need a tie breaker so depending on the review I get for this one, I might the first chapter later on today. Looking forward to having you guys read my next stories! I love you all!