Dealing With Gender Confusion

Chapter 6- Beach

Sasuke cried for around a minute, then pushed herself up from the bench and went to the bathroom. I sat on the bench, wondering to myself what could posses someone to want to take sex from someone else. I mean, it was just so insane. Why use force, if someone didn't agree with you? Why was someone's needs so much more than someone else's? Sasuke came back a minute later, her eyes significantly less red. She attempted to give me a smile, and it worked, more or less. I smiled back and stood, tentatively taking her hand. She poked me in the side and pulled her hand out of mine, a real smile on her face this time.

"Just because I cried doesn't mean I've gone soft, dobe. I'm not a girl." That really made me laugh, and she laughed along with me. It was quiet for a few minutes, the only sound being the waves and the slap of flip-flops on the docks. We stopped, staring out over the sea.

" I even have a chance?" I asked, half-joking, half-hopeful. She smiled coyly and gave me an appraising look out of the corner of her eye. I waited, and then she snorted.

"Nope. Not a chance in the world. I'd never go out with such an idiot." I smiled even though it stung, and for a moment her smile fell and she looked thoughtful. But then she grabbed my sleeve and started to tug me along.

"Come on. I haven't actually ever swam in the sea." I sprinted in front of her, but she tripped me and managed to get ahead of me. Naturally, she won. Stinking cheater. But she smiled and laughed whenever she saw me all out of breath, and it didn't really matter so much then.

"Okay, I'm gonna go change." She slung her towel over her shoulder and started towards the changing booth. I stripped down right there on the beach (Not completely, perverts, I had swimming trunks on!) and settled down to wait for her. Suddenly a ball came sailing towards me, and I managed to catch it before it bashed my nose in. A cute redheaded girl came running over and apologized, smiling as she took the ball back. She asked me if I was with someone. Believe me, I was surprised. She was really pretty and everything, but for some reason, I told I was waiting for a friend. She acted really disappointed, but then she was smiling and twirling her hair as she asked me my name. I started to reply, but then a hand slid around my waist. I nearly jumped outta my skin, but then a chill voice said,

"Well, hello there. We were just leaving." I started and looked down at Sasuke. Her smile was polite, but mocking in that politeness, and her eyes had that insanely cold, aggravated edge to them that told you to simply fuck off or pay the consequences. I was surprised to see that this was directed at, not me, but the redhaired girl. I looked between the two, and it took me a moment to realize this: Sasuke was staking a claim on me. A claim that, a moment ago, she'd said she would never take! Boy oh boy, talk about confusing. The redhead sniff and was gone with a flick of her hair. Sasuke instantly dropped her arm and started to walk away, but I grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Wait a second! What the hell was that?!" She gave me an innocent look. Too innocent.

"What was what?"

"You know perfectly well what! You just acted like we were...we were...." The words died, the thought forgotten as I stared at Sasuke. A bikini. She was actually wearing a bikini. I felt my face heating up, but I couldn't rip my eyes away from her body. Until she hit me hard enough to make me fall, face-first, into the sand. By the time I got all of the sand out of my mouth, she was already in the water. I ran after her, of course, like the lovesick teenager I was.


That night, after Sasuke got out of the shower, we decided to watch a movie. She sprawled out on the couch, taking up 85% of the space, so I sat on her long enough to make her squirm. When I got up again, I was surprised that she moved. Usually Sasuke was stubborn about that kind of thing. I sat down, and again, surprise, surprise, she put her head in my lap (Again, perverts, not like that. She was very direct about telling me to keep my penis to myself). As the opening credits rolled across the screen, she said,

"Earlier, at the beach...I'm sorry I was dick." I raised an eyebrow at the that, trying not to laugh, until she saw my face and huffily corrected herself.

"Okay, fine, I was bitch! Stupid sexist douche...but really, I didn't mean to get in the way of your flirting or anything." It was obvious she was still angry about it. She even crossed her arms over he chest and glared sulkily at the TV. I shifted a little and said,

"I wasn't flirting, teme. I was telling her that I was waiting for you, and she just started..." I made vague hand motions, which made Sasuke snort.

"Sure you weren't. Like you don't flirt with everything that moves..." I stared at her in surprise, then, in a fit of bold recklessness that, in hindsight, could have gotten me permanently fixed, I grabbed her chin and forced her to look at me. She glared and let out an aggravated sigh.

"I don't flirt with anyone but you, Sasuke. Surely you noticed that." Her cheeks were turning pink, and she started to struggle to pull away from me. I held her gaze, and I can't tell you what made me do it, but I did. I kissed her. Her lips were chapped and warm, and that's about all I noticed before she gently pushed me away. She simply stared at me for a second, and then laced her fingers behind my neck and pulled me down for another kiss.

To state it simply, we didn't watch much of the movie that night.

AN: It's done! Yup, that's the end of it. I decided to cut it short, simply because I'm overloaded. But still, I think it's a good ending. Let me know how you liked it!