The Tracker.
Let's just get this straight right now, I am not Stephenie Meyer and I don't own any of her books, characters, or storylines, etc….
Chapter 1
James' P.O.V-
We were walking through the forest that surrounds the tiny town of Forks. How lovely it would have been if we could've hunted there. If it weren't for the other vampires that we smelled, we would have hunted there already. But Laurent insisted on our checking this coven of vampires out, to see if they posed a threat, of course. Although we were just passing through, Victoria wanted to be sure that feeding here wouldn't be a reason for them to attack. We could tell by their many smells that their coven was a large one indeed. Making them mad would not be in our best interest.
That's when we heard a sound like two boulders crashing into each other. We knew that it wasn't the thunder that was sounding to our left, over Forks. It was a game. A baseball game! How I loved to play America's favorite pastime. Victoria, of course, knew this, but Laurent didn't appreciate baseball like the rest of us. Seeing how he was from France, sports were not his area of expertise. Victoria and I convinced him that he could just watch from the sidelines while we played. The two of us could keep the teams even in any case.
We followed the sound of the game, but it seemed like as soon as we made the decision to come, the hitting stopped. It picked up again shortly after, but the hits were not as hard and there were no sounds of them tagging each other out. When we got close enough that we were sure they could smell us, the game stopped altogether.
When we appeared on the far side of the field, we were shocked at their numbers. There were eight of them. The closest vampire to us was a blonde, who looked like he was the leader. He was flanked on one side by a skinny blonde and on his other by a burly, brown haired vampire that I could tell was trying to be a little too threatening for his own good. I decided to let Laurent take the lead and introduce us.
As I looked around, I could tell that Victoria was being too edgy by her stance. The skinny blonde looked at Victoria and the next thing I knew, I felt all too calm. Of course, I was in the direct path of his gaze and Victoria, so she didn't get the feeling as much as I. While Laurent and Carlisle, the leader, were chatting, I noticed that the others seemed to be positioned around one person in particular. I listened while Carlisle introduced them. It looked like they were all shielding Bella from our wandering gaze.
Just then, the wind picked up. Everybody in Carlisle's clan froze. I then understood why they were shielding Bella from us. She was human. She smelled delicious, like flowers of some sort, but something else too. I was already thirsty when we got here, but now I was going mad. Victoria sent me a worried look as Edward stepped forward into a fighting stance to protect Bella. That did it. That little gesture caused me to go ballistic.
I had only ever lost one victim in a hunt, and I knew that she was standing in the meadow with me, with no clue of who I was. Alice. She smelled so much better than Bella, the human she was protecting now. I knew that as soon as I started, I couldn't stop. This whole coven of seven, all focused on protecting this human. It was the chance of a lifetime. I knew that they had no intension on changing Bella. Otherwise, she wouldn't be standing there, needing protection. If they wouldn't change her, she was doomed. I liked those odds.
hey guys, i hope you liked it. i will be updating soon.
please review. this is my first fanfic.
like i said... REVIEW!!!