Whee! This chapter was.. Totally not in my original plan. It's thrown the story a curve ball, and it was actually written AFTER the next one. (Because it didn't feel right without an explanation of some kind). Matter of fact, if I was PrettyGothGirl, this would be considered an Interlude, but since I am, alas, not.. It shall be a chapter!

Confused yet? Me too. But either way, enjoy it!

Dialogue is fun.

Dirty Deeds

Chapter Six: Rikku Purrs

"He's going to kick my ass, isn't he?"

"He's not going to kick your ass!"

"Yes he is! He keeps glaring at me!"

"Dachi! Get a grip!"

"I'm pretty sure it's my grip that's the problem!"

"For Spira's sake Dachi! This was your idea!"

"I don't care whose idea it was. It is clearly going to end in a hospitalization of some kind!"

"Well, if you would move your hand off my ass, maybe he would stop glaring at you."

"But I'm supposed to be grabbing your ass, remember?"

"Yes, I remember! But that doesn't change the fact that it's the reason he's glaring."

".. But what if I don't want to move my hand?"



Gippal watched from across the room as Rikku slapped Dachi squarely across the back of the head. Though he wasn't close enough to hear the conversation between them, he felt he would be safe in assuming that the smack had something to do with the hand that had been firmly planted on her backside for the last five minutes.

Honest to Yevon, five freaking minutes.

He also couldn't help but notice that the damn hand still hadn't moved.

Why the hell had he chosen to 'observe' them from behind? If he was looking at them from the front, he probably wouldn't even have been able to see the stupid hand in the first place.

'Because' the little voice in the back of his mind added, 'You can't see her ass from the front.'

He reluctantly admitted to himself that he was probably right. For whatever sense that made.

So lost had he been in thought that he didn't even notice that the aforementioned hand had finally dropped from its spot. Of course, normally this would've been a cause for celebration. Unfortunately, instead of just staying down, the hand decided that Rikku's hip would be a wonderful place to visit.

He narrowed his eye at the couple's backs.

This was not going at all like he had planned.



"He's glaring again, isn't he?" Dachi could almost feel the other man's gaze boring a hole into his back.

"Probably, I'm certainly not going to be the one to turn around and check."

"No need, I can feel it. I swear, it's like my head's melting or something."

"Come on, you honestly mean to tell me you planned on making him jealous without pissing him off? This is Gippal we're talking about, here."

"I'm merely saying that I underestimated his ability to terrify me."

"Well, if you're so terrified, does that mean you're planning on calling it off?"

"That depends. Do I get to kiss you again?"


And so he did.

Looking back on it, Gippal never was fully able to recount just what exactly had happened between the hip grabbing and his sudden lack of breathing, but he was fairly certain that he wouldn't have been incorrect when he said that there was a kiss involved.

His throat constricted so tightly that for a full five seconds he was almost positive he was going to literally pass out.

And then he thought about it. Grown men didn't pass out. Faction leaders didn't pass out.

Gippal was a grown, male, faction leader. He sure as hell wasn't going to pass out.

He blinked a few times to clear his vision.

Luckily for him, the kiss had ended.

He gave a small sigh of relief. Just another day and he would be rid of her.

That's precisely when it hit him. One more day, and she would be gone.

And there was a damn good possibility that he wouldn't get another chance to convince her that she didn't want to leave.

The question was, how in the hell did you convince someone that they didn't want to leave you, when being around them made you feel like you were dying?


It was all Rikku could do to refrain from slapping the arrogant smirk off of her partner's lips, "I thought you were worried about pissing him off."

"Oh, I am. But I carefully weighed my options, and decided that it was worth it."

"I'm glad. Because he looks ready to kill you."

"That sucks."

"Not really."

"Don't be mean. You know you'd be sad if your boyfriend killed me."

"Ah, but technically it would be my ex boyfriend who killed you." He shot her a look, but she ignored him and continued. "No, it would. He's not currently my boyfriend. He's my ex boyfriend. And as far as he's concerned, you are my current boyfriend. It would simply be a matter of my ex trying to preserve my honor."

"You'd totally love that, wouldn't you?"

She threw her head back and gave a little moan, "Hell yes. I'm getting hot just thinking about it."

His mouth fell open a full six inches. It was all she could do to keep from falling over laughing. "Kidding, kidding."

"That was.. unexpectedly hot. Do you ever actually talk to him like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like you just talked to me? All sexylike."

The redhot blush that spread across her face was answer enough for him.

"Well then, I think I've got your first assignment ready."

"I get assignments? I'm fairly certain you never said anything about assignments."

"You do now, and I didn't."

"Not fair." She noticed the glare he shot her, and gave a small sigh, "Fine, fine, what do I have to do?"

"Not much, just turn him on."

She reddened ten more shades, "The fuck?"

"No really, I'm being serious. You're gonna turn him on."

"I'd like to think I do that anyway."

"I'm sure you do, but this is different."

She quirked an eyebrow at him, "How exactly is this different?"

"You're going to turn him on by letting him know what turns you on."

All of the color left her face, "What do you mean exactly?"

"Stop playing dumb. You're not as inexperienced as you want me to think you are. And you already know you're hot."

"Well, yeah." She replied as she flipped her hair back over her shoulder.

Dachi rolled his eyes, "Great, then I don't see what the issue is."

She was silent for a moment while she chewed on her lip, clearly contemplating his words. "What if.. What if he doesn't want to know what turns me on."

"He wants to know, trust me. And if for some strange reason he doesn't want to know, you should stop bothering with him now."

"Why's that?"

"Because's he's got to be gay."

This time she couldn't control the laughter that welled up inside her.


"Hey Gippal?"





His eyebrow twitched, but still he remained silent. If he didn't acknowledge her, then she would go away. Or if not, at least he wouldn't be looking at her, because If he didn't see her, then she wasn't there. It was as simple as that.

"Fine, I guess i'll just walk all the way to The Moonflow topless then."

That certainly did it. In less than a second he was whirled around facing her, not even trying to keep his eyes at eye level.

"Made you look," She replied with a grin.

It was then that Gippal realized the chest he was currently openly ogling was in fact fully clothed. If you could call a bikini top clothing.

He, unfortunately, could.

He shot her a glare that could've melted Macalania. Well, before it went and got all melty on its own, that is.

"Aww, don't be mad, I was just trying to get your attention."

"I'm pretty sure there are other ways to get my attention, Kid."

"Well, I guess I could've really taken my shirt off, but where's the fun in that?"

He didn't answer, and she gave a small giggle. Clearly he was thinking of all the fun things that could be done that didn't require a shirt.

"Besides, I really am gonna head up to The Moonflow and take a dip."

"Your point?"

"Weeeelll.. you see, it's a funny story actually. Seems that Odoc has currently occupied Dachi, and since he can't go at the moment, it was either go alone.."


"Or ask you to go with me."

It was his first instinct to refuse. After all, he did have a business to run. Weekend or not, it didn't matter. The Machine Faction never closed.

And then it all fell into place.

Rikku would be there.

Dachi would be here.

Factor in an (even more) scantily clad girl that he was completely enamored with, and..

"Sure, why not."

He tried to ignore the way her eyes lit up at his agreement, really he did.

But damn she just looked so freaking cute when she smiled.

She leaned into his arm, her chest pressed fully against his bicep, "Thanks Gippal, I promise you won't regret it."

He wasn't able to think again until she was all the way down the hall.

"Holy shit, when did she learn to purr?" It wasn't until he received a few questioning glances from the people around him that he realized he had spoken aloud.

You guys are, hands down, the best readers a girl could ever ask for! Big hugs and more cookies for you all! Til' next time!