Gomay sat down on the living room couch, looking nervously at his swinging legs.

Chi Chi sat on the opposite couch and stared at the young sayjin, she had sent Goten to his room while she and Gomay had a little "chat."

"Well," she started calmly. "you obviously have something to tell me. Now what is it?" She asked coldly.

Gomay cleared his throat before looking at her in the eyes.

"Give Goku a chance." Gomay said simply.

Chi Chi sighed.

"I'm sorry, but I can't allow Goku back in my life after what's happened."

Gomay pushed himself off the couch.

"Not a chance with you, give him a chance to be with the woman he wants to be with." Gomay slightly pleaded.

"Gomay, there is something you don't understand." She started.

"Then make me understand." Gomay asked.

"It would break my heart to see my best friend and Goku together, getting married, having children. Just seeing him more happy with her than he was with me."

Gomay was getting slightly annoyed.

"Oh, and it's not that bad to see Goku mentally struggle in choosing his sons over the woman he loves?"

"Gomay listen," Chi Chi protested.

"No! You listen!" Gomay shouted.

"Gomay, I'm trying not to be the bad guy in this." Chi Chi said calmly, as if a parent to calm down a tempered child.

"But you are! Goku has finally found love, true love! If it wasn't meant to be so, than the dragonball would have made them even better friends, but it didn't! It helped them find who they really have loved all along! Bulma and Goku were meant to be together!" (I know in the series they are not but this is my story so, Scra Ya.)

"Gomay please," Chi Chi started, her voice sounding like she was running out of excuses.

"I know you care for Goku. The man is like another brother to me. He has done so much to help so many people, isn't it time that we help him?" Gomay explained, his voice becoming softer and softer.

Chi Chi then looked away, her eyes brimming with tears.

Gomay looked empathetic at the woman.

"I'm right, aren't I?"

Chi Chi nodded.

"I want you to tell him Gomay. I don't think I ever could." she said before she burst into silent sobs.

Gomay said no more as he headed for the door.

He opened it slowly, and looked back to Chi Chi.

"Thank you."

He then left without a sound.

Gomay took only a few steps before he heard a familiar voice.
"Gomay, Gomay." Yelled the eager Goten as he ran up to meet his friend.

"Gomay, what's going on? Why is my mom crying? What's wrong with my dad?"

Gomay opened his mouth to speak yet he was interrupted by another familiar voice.

"I'll tell him." Gomay turned around and saw Vegeta, leaning smugly against the side of the house.

"Vegeta." Gomay proclaimed.

"I already had to tell Trunks. I'll tell the small Kakarot. I think you have something to do."

Gomay smiled knowingly.

"Thanks Vegeta." He said before he rocketed into the air.

Bulma sat up from her chair, and prepared to retire to the sanctity of her home.

"Bulma." came a small voice

Bulma turned to meet the young sayjin.

"Trunks isn't here Gomay." she said without hesitation. "Oh I know." Gomay replied

"I just wanted to let you know that somebody will be at your front door, right about..."

The familiar chime of the doorbell halted his pause.
"Now." He said with a childish smirk.

Bulma let out a small laugh, which was all the laughing she had done in the past day or so.

"Kids." she said while shaking her head as she went around the house to the front door.

"I hope she likes this "visitor." Gomay said slyly before a rumble that shook the earth to it's core brought his attention to a very important subject.

"Oh yeah, I'm hungry."

Bulma walked sullenly towards the front of the house. She then stopped dead in her tracks as she saw who was standing there.

Goku looked over to the side of the house and saw Bulma standing there.

His face lit up as he began to walk toward her.

"Goku wait." she said as she held up a hand to stop him.

Goku stopped as soon as he saw her hand.

Bulma's eyes welt up with tears as she looked at him.

He wasn't wearing any fancy clothes of any sort, he was wearing a pair of simple blue jeans with a white tank top with his usual training boots. Clutched in his right hand was a bouquet of assorted blue flowers that shimmered like the ocean with their beauty.

He wasn't the most handsome man in the world, yet just seeing him again brought tears of sadness and joy to her eyes.

"Don't do this Goku." she pleaded.

Goku looked at her confused.

"Don't throw away your sons to be with me." she pleaded as tears streaked down her face.

Goku cleared his throat before continuing.

"Bulma, I would give anything to be with you, but I won't toss aside my sons like rag dolls."

He said simply.

"If I were to go on like this, not having you or my family, I would go insane." he continued.

"But I love you, with all my heart and soul. Yet, if we aren't meant to be together," he started.

"Oh Goku please don't let this be goodbye." Bulma thought.

"Then there is nothing we can do......Unless we have help."

It was Bulmas' turn to look confused.

"Help?" she thought.

"Help from the smallest of friends."

At that moment, two small blurs raced from the sky and landed at each side of Goku.

"The smallest," Kyjin started.

"And the most persistent of friends." Finished Gomay

"And with them, I've found a way to be with you." Goku ended.

"It's all right Bulma, Chi Chi's going to let you be together." Gomay explained to the perplexed woman.

Bulma froze for only a moment, and the sight to behold was truly miraculous.

It was as if all the life was flowing back into Bulma. Color returned to her body as she cried tears of happiness.

Wasting no time, Goku rushed up and encircled her into his embrace. Then, as she did was cry, cry tears of joy and love into the arms of the man she loved.

"I think we'd better go now." Kyjin whispered to Gomay.

"You're right, we still got that cake waiting for us."

Kyjin did a double take when he looked to his friend.

"Gomay, through out this whole thing with Bulma and Goku, you were serious, you acted intelligent and thoughtful. Now that this is over, are you back to your old self?" Kyjin asked.

Gomay's eyes trailed off, looking at all his surroundings.

He then looked back to Kyjin.

"Kyjin, I'm hungry. Can we go home and eat?" He asked childishly.

Kyjin sighed as he smacked himself in the head.

"Sure, let's go." he said before the both took off

Bulma leaned back in Goku's arms

She took a good look at him, the naive little boy she knew and who she came to love.

"Goku......After all that's happened, I don't know what to say." she blatantly admitted. Goku smiled warmly.

"You don't need to say anything." he told her before capturing her warm lips in his own in a passionate kiss.

It seemed like they could just die right then and there.

But Goku couldn't leave, he had one more thing to do.

"Bulma." he said softly to her.

"What is it?" she asked dreamily as they continued to hold one another.

Goku parted from there embrace, and gulped the biggest gulp he would ever have to make.

"Bulma Briefs," he started as he produced a small black box from his pocket.

Tear welted up, as she could guess what words would come next.

"Will you......."

Sorry, I'm not done yet. Continue on readers.

It's not the end yet, but let's go into a GOMAY and KYJIN moment.

Ayame, Gomay, and Kyjin sat around the table, their master then entered with a very large cake, with frosting written on top.


"I am very pleased with you boys for helping Bulma and Goku. Also Kyjin, I am also very glad you are back."

Kyjin bowed his head.

"Thank you master.

Their master then peered over at the young Kyjin. Everything about Kyjin was the same, except a blue strand that hung over his face.

"Blue?" The master asked.

Gomay smiled.

"In light of his sacrifice, Kyjin thought he should permanently Dye a part of his hair a different color."

His master perked up a eyebrow.

"How did you permanently dye your hair like that?"

Kyjin looked at his master.

"Who do you think made the second wish? Gomay?"


"I will." she stated lovingly.

the minister cleared his throat before continuing.

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.

Goku lifted up the see though veil over Bulma's head and lightly tipped her chin up with his thumb before he leaned in and sealed their new marriage with a kiss.

Everyone erupted with cheers and applause.

Just like they wanted, the wedding was held outside, during a nice spring day. The cherry trees were spreading their blossoms over the grand arch that they stood under.

Bridesmaids and Best men clapped along as Bulma and Goku laughed as they strolled hand in hand, down the Isle.

30 minutes later.

"I am so happy for you." Videl said as she hugged Bulma tightly.

"Thank you so much, but have you seen Chi " she asked as she glanced over the crowd.

"I'm right here." Came a voice from behind her.

Bulma turned around and was surprised to be embraced by the woman.

"Chi Chi, I..." she started.

"Shhh. Don't worry about it." Chi Chi said.

"Actually, I came here to ask you a favor." Chi Chi began.

Bulma smiled,


"I was wondering if Gohan and Goten could stay with you and Goku for awhile. They can still come and visit me whenever they want, yet, with you, they are closer to the schools and.." She continued.

Bulma nodded.

"They can stay whenever they want to."

"Congratulations buddy." Krillin said as he patted the reasonably taller man on the back.

All the guys were talking to Goku before they headed to the reception. Each of them were dressed in fancy black tuxes.

"Now Goku," Vegeta began.

"If I harm her in any way, you'll kill me right?" Goku asked

"Ass handed to you and shoving it down your throat." Vegeta retorted.

Suddenly, Gohan came rushing up to the group.

"Guys, the cake is gone!" He yelled. Everybody's ears perked up as a mob of tuxes and dresses flooded too the reception table, where everything was just as it should be, except the cake was not were to be found.

"Where in Dende's name is the cake!" Krillin exclaimed.

I sudden small cough drew everybody's attention to the group of children hiding behind the draped tables.

They then slowly marched out, one by one, each covered in head to toe in pieces of cake. Frosting was splashed all over Gomay, Goten, Trunks, Kyjin, and Ayame.

"Uh, there was a food fight." Gomay sheepishly explained.

"How in the world, do you lose a three tier wedding cake in a food fight?" Chi Chi fumed.

All the children all looked down to Gomay and Kyjin.

"Well, half the cake me and Kyjin ate. The other half we threw."

Kyjin tapped Gomay on the shoulder.

"This is no time for talking."

"Then what do we do?"

Kyjin had to pause for comic perception.

"RUN!!!!" he yelled.


Bulma laughed as she pointed to the picture of Gomay and Kyjin being chased by almost everybody who attended the service.

Goku smiled and laughed as well.

"Good thing somebody was smart enough to bring a second." He said.

"MOMMY!" Yelled the high pitch voice of five year old Bra. (I'm pretending Bulma was pregnant with her during this whole story. She's still Vegeta's Kid.)

"Trunks and his friends won't let me play with them."

Goku sighed.

"TRUNKS!" He yelled.

13 year old Trunks, Gomay, Goten, and Kyjin trotted down the stairs.

"How many times have I told you to let your sister play with you?" Goku asked in a parenting tone.

Gomay and Kyjin Gulped. All boys were wearing T-shirts, either sporting their name or a sports team. Each boy was allot taller and each had major hair growth.

"But we're playing Ki baseball. She can't play."

"We'll neither can you." Goten commented with a smirk.

"What did you say?" Trunks retorted.

"Well he is right, your pitching is a little off." Kyjin explained.

"Oh and I suppose Mr. cruise missile Kyjin is so much better." Trunks said in a mocking tone.

"Hey, I don't hit people on purpose."

"Are you kidding, you pegged me in the shin, leg, elbow, not to mention groin." Gomay argued.

All the children were now arguing amongst themselves.

"Ah, the joys of parenthood." Goku said with a sigh.

Bulma smiled over at Goku.

"Do you think we should tell them now?"

"Tell us what?" Everyone said in unison, suddenly breaking them away from their arguments.

Bulma folded her hands and closed her eyes in concentration.

"Now kids I won't lie to you, It's just that, Trunks, Bra, your going to have a baby brother." She explained softly.

Everybody except Goku and Bulma were stunned.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!" They all shouted.


That's right, this is the final chapter. Now the five year interval will not have a change in my other Gomay and Kyjin stories. Yet I am writing a sequel.

A action adventure story with a little romance.

Secret of Dark forces.

Anyway, I am done. So goodnight everybody.

Questions, comments. Reach me at [email protected]