Hola faithful readers! I know I've been lacking on my Hp D/G fic ... and I'm sorry! I just don't know how to end it ... give me ideas please!

So, as you can see, I've crossed over to the dark side ... Naruto. Yes, my latest obsession and I truly am sorry about that! I've been lacking in the Harry Potter department for sooooo long! Trust me! I'm trying to go back and finish the fics soon!

Okay! So for all of you who haven't read anything I've written, then this shall be both of our firsts! This is my first naruto fan fiction ... tell me what you think ... and any flames I receive shall be given a prompt and very bitchy e-mail reply from yours truly! I want only positive feed back! Don't like the pair? Then go jump off a cliff and don't bother me about it ... got it? Good!

Edit: I've gone back and fixed somethings

Disclaimer: I could only DREAM of owning Naruto! ... no such luck on my part!

"This is all your fault! You stupid lazy ass bum!" Ino screamed at him.

"My fault? How is this my fault?" Shikamaru screamed back at her.

"Because! If I had never gone with you to that stupid bar, and I had never gotten drunk, and I had never slept with you this would all be … okay." On the last word she felt herself started to cry. She quickly sat down on the sofa, in Shikamaru's living room.

Shikamaru could guilt throb in his chest. He never had enjoyed making her cry.

"Ino, don't cry." He told her, silently pleading. Ino looked at him and glared, swiping furiously at the tears.

"I'm not crying." She told him stubbornly. He sat down quietly next to her, placing his head in his hands.

"So what do you want to do?" he asked quietly.

"I'm not sure." Ino replied, biting her lip anxiously.

"I'll support whatever decision you make." He told her cautiously.

"I'm not aborting it." She said quickly before scowling at him.

"That's fine."

"This baby has every right to be alive. And … and … I want it." She said before she started to cry again. Shikamaru looked at her for a long while before nodding.

"Alright, that's what we'll do." He told her.


"Yeah, it's my kid too."

"Thank you Shika." She said softly. She wrapped her arms around his neck in a quick hug before pulling away.

Shikamaru was shocked to hear the words.

Ino never said thank you, well, at least never in so many words. Usually it was a smile or a look that got the feeling across, but never the words themselves. When he turned to look at her, he saw her gently holding her stomach. He knew that pose from all the pictures of his mother pregnant with him, from seeing Kurenai carrying her lover's child. He knew that pose belonged to a mother.

Shikamaru quickly stood.

"So when are we telling our parents?" he asked as he walked to his apartment window.

"I'm not sure. All I know is my father is going to flip."

"Troublesome." He muttered.

"Don't even start." Ino said in a tone that warned of the fury lying in wait.

"Should we tell Chouji?"

"Of course we're going to tell Chouji! He'll be heartbroken if he's last to know!" Ino told him sternly. Shikamaru doubted the man would be heartbroken, offended yes, but not heartbroken.

"Why don't we tell him first? Maybe he can help us think of a plan on how to tell our parents."

"Your worried that your mom is going to beat you aren't you?" Ino asked, a tone of mockery tinged her voice.

"My mother likes you; you have no idea what she's like when you're gone."

"Your mother is a gem! I'll tell her about the baby if you're scared to."

"Great, just what I need. Two emotional women." He muttered, right before Ino smacked the back of his head.

"Ow! Fine, let's go get this done with."

"First we find Chouji." Ino said as she marched out of the apartment.

"Troublesome woman." He sighed before following her.