By: SilverDrama
Win and Lose
I survived the war, yet I lost my battle. I can still see before I lost my light. It comes to me in swirling colors that has aged over these final years. My life dwindled away easily. The choices I made became easier to make than the others. They were always trapped in a hidden state, yet I lived freely and wondrously. Lived is the key term. As the pieces began to come back together I find that traces of my old self are long gone. Like everyone else in the family, I changed, but unlike them, I'm a rebel.
Author's Note: Okay, this is a fiveshot about each of the Blacks. Each part is exactly 100 words. One of them is for each of the last Blacks (Bellatrix Andromeda, Narcissa, Sirius, and Regulus) At the end of the last chapter, I'll reveal which drabble belongs to whom.