Me: Heyz people! I needed to get this particular one-shot up for V-day so I stopped short on my almost finished "Not so Prince Charming" One-shot... I was in the mood for this :)
Kensuke: It's only because the only part that reminds you of V-day is---
ME: SHUDDAP[hits with a pillow) anyway I stopped "NSPC" for this because to many people were writing one-shots like this and I kept getting distracted... I'm also writing another V-day one-shot that won't show up until a couple days, because I'm not a very focused person and thought V-day was tomorrow... [glares at inner clock)
Kensuke: What's not hers is not yours okay people?
Me: Was that a disclaimer?
Kensuke: I don't know I just read the script...
Me: BTW, just a reminder, these are all silver millennium fics.
Thanks to Balticbard and Volchise for the reviews! I need more though!! I know your out their people!!! I can see you reading my on shot then saying; I likie but I'm a lazy butt and don't want to take the time to write down a single thing so I wont review; Don't you people see I have enough self doubt already[sobs)
Of which we have a movie night.
"Mikari, what are you doing... in my room..." Rei Mars glowered at her brother. The boy in question jumped and then continued to move a couple futons.
"Mikari?" She asked again getting angrier than before. He turned around unfazed by his twin's reaction.
"Adding futons to your room"
"Because it's movie night and I don't think the girls will want to sleep in my room, if I even let them" The fourteen-year-old female blushed. She had forgotten of her friends
monthly movie night at her planet, which was something the normally intuitive girl would have remembered as soon as she woke up.
"Oh...Yeah... Who's picking the movie?" She asked hoping it was her and Minako's turn. She wanted to spend some time alone with Minako that night picking out the movie. Many of her and Minako's more private moments lead her to almost unveiling her love for her best friend she had been wanting to tell 'Ashiteru' to for a extensive amount of time.
"Kaitou's and mine" 'Crap, curse you Kami-sama' She thought.
"Better not be another man-slaughter movie, the last one had Serenity-Sama whining about 'Zombies and murders hiding under her bed' for months!" Mikari pouted and glared at his sister. Rei pulled open her closet and started to pull out two pairs of pajamas, because knowing Minako she would forget to bring her pajamas.
"For the last time! That was the wrong DVD! we were planning on showing the one we're watching this time... it's a classic"
"By classic I'm guessing humor, because you and Kaitou-kun don't strike me as 'Black Beauty' fans" a voice laughed. The Martian Twins turned to see the Uranian princess and the Neptunian princess standing in the doorway. Michiru's arms were around Haruka's neck while Haruka's wound around her lover's waist.
"Yep, It's Humor, one everyone's seen but it's one everyone will want to see again, except two people" Smirked Mikari.
"Meaning Minako and I, seeing as you two love to torture us" growled Rei as she stalked out of her room and into the bathroom.
(A/N: I'm going to leave her getting dressed to the readers imagination because I don't feel like writing anymore details, I'm not at romance parts so I don't want to go into detail, and I haven't stopped to eat my dinner so I'm hungry... 5 minutes later ;…Back from dinner:)
Rei slipped back into her room unnoticed by all the other people in it. Everyone had arrived. She quietly snuck towards the blonde haired girl in the back of the group and sat down behind her still unnoticed.
"This was the movie we were PLANNING to watch last time but failed in doing so because one of Kaitou's and Minako's older siblings replaced the DVD with the movie we watched" Mikari explained holding up a black DVD case. But Rei let her mind wander to the Venusian in front of her instead of listening to Mikari's and Kaitou's apology and blaming speech they usually did if no one like their last movie choice. Minako's perfume was intoxicating and she couldn't take her eyes off Minako's golden blonde hair which was practically right in her face. Before she could stop herself her arms completely encircled her best friends hourglass like figure.
"Eeep!" Cried Minako falling backward into her embrace. Rei smirked as Minako glanced up at her and blew her bangs away from her face so she could see who her captor was.
"Rei-Chan!" She felt Minako jump slightly then settle into her embrace. Minako then wrapped her arms around Rei's waist and hugged her. She ginned, still looking at Rei's face.
"I missed you too" Smirked Rei as she gently squeezed Minako. She thought she heard a gasp from Minako but shrugged it off it when Minako squeezed back.
"Now that we're all here, Rei and Minako, get the sundaes made while we start up the movie" Said Mikari in his usual demanding tone. Kaitou just nodded quietly along with the other Senshi and the Moon princess.
"Since when were we elected for that job? asked Rei angrily. She glared at her twin who she swore could take over all existence if he wanted to.
"Since we drew straws and Minako drew for you" Mikari answered back. Rei pouted but inwardly smirked at her good fortune of being alone with her unrequited love.
"Fine", she replied keeping up the act,
"Let's go Mi-Chan" Rei suddenly picked up Minako bridal style and carried her out of the room while she screamed;
"Rei-Chan! put me down this instant!" Everyone in the room sweat-dropped at the sight.
"We aren't going to get our Sundays any time soon" sighed Makoto as she wrapped her arm around Ami. Ami then buried her head in Makoto's shoulder and replied.
"Not until we're asleep if they keep acting like this" Everyone else just sighed. Mikari then turned on the video.
"What was that for Rei-Chan?" Minako whined as Rei finished carrying. Rei Smirked.
"I just felt like it" She then placed Minako down on a chair near the counter. Rei then went into the refrigerator and pulled out cherries, whipped cream and Chocolate Syrup while Minako pulled out the Ice cream and bowls.
The two girls started walking towards the counter but both were looking at the content of their hands. Needles to say, the mess made when they collided was more than enough to feed all of the citizens of Jupiter. Minako and Rei were covered head to toe in chocolate syrup, the Cherries were in a pile covered with glass from the container on the floor, the whipped cream covered the walls, and the bowls were shards of glass on the other side of the kitchen.
Minako and Rei blinked at each other and in unison they thought
'There goes the Sundaes' then Minako slid through the puddle of chocolate and hugged the other girl then pressed her lips against Rei's cheek and licked the chocolate off it. Her tongue moved in a circular motion around Rei's cheek until it slightly touched Rei's lower lip and blushed. She then pulled away realizing what she was doing.
"You taste good covered in Chocolate Rei-Chan" then Minako stood up and started to walk away.
"Where'd you think you going?" teased Rei pulling Minako into a hug.
"To take a shower, I got chocolate in my hair" answered Minako ether oblivious to the flirting or not caring. Rei released Minako and let her head up to the bathroom.
'I wish you would realize my feelings for you' both thought simultaneously.
Minako and Rei both finished cleaning the kitchen and clearing the chocolate on themselves while cleaning their clothes. They walked back up to Rei's room in complete silence but just as Rei was about to open the door when the sounds of the movie being watched flowed through the door.
"Silly Rei-Chan, now that you've saved me and beat the dragon you got to kiss me"
Rei and Minako blushed furiously and through open the door.
Me: Yes… A cliffy… sort-of… ;) Kinda short but I need a shower then bed…. If anyone thinks I should redo this one and make it more detailed then write in a review :) R and R people!