
"Oh, my God! I can't believe it's really you guys! I love your books--!" The fan rambled on as Nicky autograph her book then passed it to Mort. He signed it as well and handed it back to the giddy girl.

"Here you go," he smiled.

"Thank you so much!" she grinned hugging the book to her chest.

"Thank you," Nicky nodded and the next fan came up for autographs as she walked away.

A year ago, Nicky didn't think she would be where she was: signing books for her fans who loved reading her stories. But as soon as she handed her first finished novel to Krystal Robyn, now her publisher, she knew something great would come of it. Now, not only was she signing books for her fans, but both hers and Mort's.

After Krystal agreed to publish Nicky book, Mort had finished his and turned it in Krystal. Her book and his were published and they were both hits. It was after that that they decided to work on the novel they had planned to write together. It took them four months to finish and Krystal absolutely loved it. It, too, was published.

Now, here they were, sitting side by side at their fifth book signing, as popular as a team as they were individually.

She still lived with him. She couldn't even think of leaving when they were so much in love and doing so well. She was still waiting, though. She didn't want to lose him by having the "Where is this relationship going?" talk, but she did want to knew where, in fact, it was going.

"Alright, back off, a bit. Give them some room," Jag said to the line of fans in front of Nicky and Mort. Nicky had gotten him a job as her bodyguard, and he took the job seriously.

"Last autograph people!" Krystal called, coming up from behind them. "They'll be here tomorrow, you can see them then!"

An echo of groans resounded as the fans walked away, sulking and Nicky couldn't help but giggle. Mort touched her hand while no one was looking and she looked up at him in surprise.

"I wanna show you something," he smiled, nodding to an isle of books. Nicky nodded and they stood to walk toward it.

"Mort," Krystal called. "Hurry up. I haven't got all day."

"Yeah, yeah," Mort grumbled, waving her off as he walked Nicky toward the romance section. He stopped in the place her book could be found and pulled out the only copy left then handed it to her.

"Open it," he entreated and Nicky frowned in confusion.

"Mort, this is my book," she chuckled.

"I know," he said. "Just open it to the dedication page."

"You love the fact that I dedicated it to you, don't you?" she smirked.

"Just open it, will you?" he sighed, getting impatient. Nicky shrugged and opened the book to the dedication page. Under the only line on the page was a post-it that read:

Not your husband, Mort Rainey?

"But you're not--"

Before she finished her sentence, she looked at Mort to find him kneeling on one knee. She gasped and the book fell from her hands when she slapped them over her mouth.

"Now, you know what happened the last time I tried this whole marriage thing," he began, fidgeting as he cleared his throat. "So, I'm only gonna ask this once, and I want you to be positive of your answer." He cleared his throat again and Nicky could tell he was nervous, not to cautious, but she didn't blame him for his hesitance.

"Nicky," he began. "Since the day I met you, you've been everything I've needed to get through…anything. At the risk of sounding very cliché, I need you with me forever." More fidgeting. More clearing of the throat. "Niccollette Verona, will you marry me?"

Nicky didn't answer right away. She wanted him to think that she was making sure that she was positive about her answer, even though she had been for the past few months. She grinned at him as he tapped a finger on his thigh, impatiently. Tears were coming to her eyes and she had no way to stop them.

"Yes!" she finally cried, holding her arm toward him. Mort's face lit up as he jumped to his feet and wrapped his arms around her, planting his lips to hers.

They were two people with the same problem. Their minds were playing games with them, but they both proved that with a little help and a little love, you can overcome the past. Even if that help is completely and totally unexpected.

Theirs was a perfect ending.

A/N: a huge thanks to all of you who have stayed true and faithful to this story. thank you all for the awesome reviews! and now, I will ask, one last time...Reviews please?