A/n: Okay, If you know me, you know this will most likely be hilarious! SO…I totally love he vampire chat room ideas, so this is the Cullen's figuring out , who else will they discover?

Chapter 1. Setting up the Account

"Edward! Edward! Oh my god Edward!" I shouted panic filling my voice. He came dashing to my side in no time at all.

"What, what is it?" he asked concerned.

"It's a vampire chat room, for real vampires!" I exclaimed. Could such a thing exist?

Edward breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh that, yeah I don't much care for those things. But it was too late, I was already signing us up.

"Bella, you're not actually signing us up for that are you?"

"Yes, and everyone in your family is going to do it too! Common, it will be fun!"

He frowned. I pouted, who do you think won?

"Alright." He sighed and sat down ext to me.

User Name: BiteMe…Please


"Oh Edward, take a joke please!" he sighed but let me continue.

Age: 17

Insert picture: Bella Bk. bmp.

Status: Human waiting for her very stubborn vampire fiancé to change her already, but nooooo, he thinks he's eternally damned 

"Bella!" Edward looked shocked.

I dismissed it, "Okay Edward, now it's your turn!"

2 days later:

BiteMe…Please has just logged on:

-Clicks on the open chat sight-

ImAHottieYay has just opened a new private window.

I clicked on the window.

ImAHottieYay: You know for a human, you're pretty cute.

BiteMe…Please: Sorry but if you read my status you'd know I'm taken. 

ImAHottieYay: Yeah, but you are still HAWT!

I closed that chat room immediately, what a pervert.

I scanned the conversation quickly, nothing interesting…

PennyForYourThoughts: Bella, please change your name!

BiteMe…Please: As soon as you change yours!

PennyForYourThoughts: Please Bella…-purrs-

CutieVamp: Ha ha! Did you just purr to her! You must really love her!

BiteMe…Please: -laughs-

PennyForYourThoughts: Who are you?

CutieVamp: I'm just a vampire, like you, duh!

I looked at Cutie Vamp's profile:

Status: Being a super shmexy vampire!

I looked back at the conversation

PennyForYourThoughts: Please Bella –purrs again-

BiteMe…Please: Fine but only because the thought of you purring is so damn funny!

BiteMe…Please has logged off

BiteMe…NOW has logged in

PennyForYourThoughts: Bella!!! –Growls-

BiteMe…NOW: You said change it!

TrixyPixy has just logged in

TrixyPixy: Hey you guys- OMG Edward you purred! Ha! So that was the noise you were making, it sounded like a lawn mower being choked! -laughs uncontrollably-

INamedMyAbsAbigail has just logged on

INamedMyAbsAbigail: Edward, you did not purr! Bella, whatever you did to make him purr do it again except this time haul your scrawny little human butt over here so I can observe it up close!

DoctorV: Hey you guys stop making fun of Edward. –suppresses a laugh-

SugarAndSpice: My poor baby! So Edward, honey, do you purr often, I've never heard of a vampire purring before have you Carlisle?

DoctorV: No actually I haven't. Esme, are you cooking something?

SugarAndSpice: Yep! I'm making Bella some chicken!

DoctorV: I can't believe I used to eat that stuff…

MoreBeautifulThanYou: Emmet, must you be an idiot at all times of the day, and who is Abigail? –taps foot impatiently-

IFeelYourPain: Rosalie…stop…being...so…jealous –overwhelmed with emotions-

INamedMyAbsAbigail: Common Rose, it was a name that went with A, you know if there was a muscle that started with 'R' I'd name it after you.

MoreBeautifulThanYou: -mutters- I'll tell you what starts with an 'R'…

PennyForYourThoughts: W-o-w

BiteMe…NOW: I know…

A/n: This will probably just be a one-shot so enjoy it!