So I was cleaning out my inbox yesterday and imagine my surprise when I saw I was still receiving alerts about people reading this story. It's been nearly ten years since I published this. It was the height of the Twilight phenomena and I was riding that train hard. It was also a time when I was discovering my love for writing.
Even though I've moved on from the Twilight series and those days it still humbles me that people read and can find enjoyment from something I wrote as a teenager. Having said that I realize that not only have times changed but so has my writing style. I look through these chapters and can't help but cringe at the words and scenes I wrote during a time when I had no real idea what I was talking about (ex. drinking, partying, etc.) I flip-flopped between wanting to delete this story to just forgetting about it. After all, I'm not a Twilight fan anymore. This is the only real fanfiction I've ever published and I'm not too proud of it. But then I realized I couldn't delete it. Because it's not really mine anymore. It belongs to whoever reads it.
I know that's corny but bear with me. A writer's job is to bring their creativity and passion to life. I wrote this during a time I was very insecure about myself and found comfort in reading and writing. I wanted to share with other people who had the same passions I did and I did meet amazing people here. It's true that my writing was subpar at that time but I had a lot of fun doing it and I loved hearing from people who embraced it. Not really for the ego stroking but for the fact that I became a part of someone's day and I've never even met them. Okay so after reading all that drivel you're saying get to the point you narcissistic troll. My point is while I've moved on and grown as a writer instead of erasing my mistakes I want to fix them.
So I've decided that since I have time on my hands, and I do mean plenty of it (Pity me) I'm going to go back and revise as many chapters as I can. I'm sorry if some people are confused after the changes but I'm not happy with the current content and wish to update it now that I have grown (kinda) since I was sixteen. So to all the readers and reviewers, thank you so much for your feedback. I now know what needs to be fixed and I hope that you can embrace the new changes. I'm really sorry if this upsets anyone but I just feel like this story needs an overhaul and it is long overdue. It still amazes me that people find this story and favorite it. That's the power of reading I guess.