The purpose of this chapter is just to get a few points out of the way.
First: Final Fantasy Tactics is a registered trademark of Square (now Square Enix). All trademarked characters, locations, themes and ideas are used without permission in a work of fan-created fiction. The following story has been done without profit and for purely entertainment purposes.
Second: While I'd like to say this is a novelization of FFT, that would be only a half-truth. I'm going to follow the basic plot of the original game and even use some original script, but will be deviating in various points. If you're looking for a true novelization, please look elsewhere, but if you have an open mind, please read.
Third: In respect with reviews, if you feel the need to insult or "flame" me, be my guest. It's a free country. But, like everyone, I would appreciate actual feedback, in particular in how the paragraphs flow together and the overall presentation of each chapter. I do have a wonderful editor (Thank You ladybugangel9!) who helps with grammar and punctuation, but if you do catch something, you can let me know.
Did you read that first point? Good. You won't see it anywhere else in this story.
On a side note, I tried to make the story easily understandable by those who have not played this wonderful game (and if you have not, go out and get it now!). The story will focus around Ramza primarily, with Agrias being the "co-star", so to speak. I have no plans on adding in scenes from the game that do not have one or both of these two present; so those who have not played this game will miss out on some non-vital clips of plot. Everything important I will work in, of course.
One of the major-minor differences I have made with this story is the starting age of Ramza (and everyone else, accordingly); Ramza will be presented as eighteen in my story, and don't expect a flashback to his training days, which he ended at the age of sixteen. This means that he has been on his own for two years. Other main characters ages could be different as well.
I'm sure questions that deal with characters jobs will come up; all characters may at some point be referred as their primary job (calling Gafgarion a dark knight, for example), and that is what they will identify themselves as. Most of the characters will have a secondary class; it will be just as powerful and skillful as the primary. If Gafgarion took wizard as his second class, for example, he would still be identified as a dark knight, but have abilities of both classes, depending on how skillful he is.
It is difficult balancing out "HP", "MP", "Level", and "Class Level" into realistic terms, as well as how a Phoenix Down, the Revive ability, and the Raise spell is plausible; I want to have a sense of mortality throughout the story. The three abilities mentioned above are used not when someone is dead, but when they are near death and dying; one other ability has this property.
For those who are wondering what version of FFT I am using, let it be known it is the original, made for the PS; thus you will hear, for example, classes referred to "priest" and "wizard" instead of "white mage" and "black mage".
Lastly, about updates; I don't have a schedule planned. I'll update when I update. Could be a few days, or weeks, or months. Writing is a hobby of mine; I have life and work to take care of first.
That's all I can think of at the moment; if anyone has other questions, feel free to private message me.
Have fun and enjoy!