Oreo; No notes needed, nothings changed from a few minutes ago

Chapter 4

Naruto woke up in a strange room, in a strange bed. "Wuaaaaa………?"

"Good morning Naruto-kun." Naruto sits up, rubbing his eyes, confused and sleepy, to find Kakashi and Sarutobi beside the bed the boy was in. He yawned. "Neh, neh… Hokage-jiji, Kakashi-jisan, what are you doing here, and where am I?" Kakashi blinked in surprise. "Naruto, don't you remember? You're in your bed, in your room, at the Namikaze estate." Naruto immediately became wide awake. "Y-You mean that really wasn't a dream? I-I really am the son of the Yondaime, the greatest Hokage who ever lived?"


Naruto fainted from the shock. Ten minutes later, he woke up. "morning. I had a really weird dream. Both of you were in it and…" the blonde trailed off, as he took in his surroundings. "Oh dear Kami-sama. It really is real isn't it." Sandaime nodded patiently. Naruto was in a daze. In all his years, he'd never have thought HE of all people would be the son of the Yondaime, or as he was publicly known Kazama Arashi, and known privately as his real name, Namikaze Minato. Guiding the boy downstairs, both Shinobi waited for Naruto to get his head on straight. In the kitchen, Naruto found that someone had made pancakes, and he was ravenously hungry. Five minutes later, with a mouth full of pancakes, Naruto asked, "so, what is the first thing I gotta do as Namikaze Naruto? Cause I doubt anyone would want the demon brat to have a known family." Kakashi smiled at the boy's deduction, but frowned at the words 'demon brat'. "Well, Naruto, first we have to get you cleaned up with a bath, and get your hair under control. Then we can go out and get you some new clothes, got it?" Naruto nodded, and finished his pancakes before heading up for a bath. Fifteen minutes later, he came out to find his clothes in a neat, folded, semi-clean pile. Coming out of the bathroom, he found Kakashi and the Sandaime armed with a brush and a pair of scissors, with a chair in front of them, wearing grins that gave Naruto a bad feeling. The next ten minutes were filled with the sounds of struggling and someone screaming bloody murder. Both adult Shinobi stepped back to admire their handiwork, looking harassed, but pleased. There were clumps of matted blonde pair on the floor, with a barely recognizable blonde boy standing in front of it, looking in a mirror. Naruto was checking his head, not quite believing how all that hair could have come from him, without leaving him bald. His hair was now silkier and untangled, it was still wild and spiky, but now it wasn't a mess, it was a hairstyle. Naruto had to admit, it looked GOOD. Kakashi and the Sandaime smiled happily. "Come on, Naruto-kun, lets get you some new clothes." "HAI!!"


"Seeing all this again must bring back lots of memories, eh Minato?" inquired the Kyuubi.

"Hai. I still miss them, even after all this time. Who'd have thought Naruto would have liked 'Shina-chan's garden though….?"

"Your boy has quite the affinity for nature, I must admit. Though I'm a bit worried about his interest in seals and pointy weapons…"

Minato chuckled, remembering Naruto's….enthusiastic……. reaction to seeing the large five foot tall zanbato in the armory. "Worried he might tamper with the seal, furball?" Kyuubi just snapped at him, barely missing the man. "Watch your temper Kyuubi. Besides, Kakashi's probably going to teach him, and maybe old man Sarutobi and some others as well. They wont let him mess with it." The old kitsune sighed, and commented "You sure have a lot of confidence in this village, Minato. But remember what this place has done to him?" Minato grimaced.

"It's a miracle that Naru-chan isn't the monster they think him to be. He truly is a saint….. This village is no longer the one I risked my life for. Even with Sarutobi around, there's too much hatred. Poor Naru-chan cant even make friends in his own age group…"

"Foolish humans." Then Kyuubi giggled. "I wonder how Naruto would react to your nickname for him." Both of them laughed for a while, until Minato pointed out, "at least his life isn't as bad as it could be."

"Oh? How so?"

"Lets see…. Orochi-teme could still be in Konoha, Sandaime might not have made that secret law or supported Naru-chan, Kakashi could have never known about Naru-chan, Ichiraku could have rejected him, Iwa could have known that he's my son, need I go on?"

"Good point."

Something caught Minato's attention, and he pointed it out to the Kyuubi. Naruto was shopping with the elderly Hokage and Kakashi, and had finally found a store he liked.

Real World

It was the fourth store he had been too, and the first time he had found something he liked. There was this one orange outfit that he liked, but something in his head shouted at him to choose a different ensemble. The outfits were right next to each other, so he left it to chance, closed his eyes, spun around a few times, and grabbed one of the outfits without checking to see what it was. He ran into the changeroom, and came out a few minutes later, looking a good kind of flashy, and even more like his father. Sandaime agreed with the choice, glad he hadn't chosen the 'kill me' orange jumpsuit, even though he thought the boy should stay away from any Iwa shinobi for a while.

Naruto walked out of the store wearing dark red shinobi sandals, a pair of black ninja pants with about ten hidden pockets and white bandages wrapped halfway up his lower legs to the top of his sandals. His shirt was a muscle shirt, with a mesmerizing color mixture of dark red and black, the colors so close, yet so different that it was hypnotic to just try and find out what was what. A black headband shot through deep gold strands and long ends was holding his hair out of his eyes, in the position that most shinobi wear their hitae-ate. Completing the look was a long cloak that reached mid-calf, with tight, mobile, long sleeves, and a slit going partway up the middle of the back. But, unlike his father's white cloak, this cloak was like a mixture of flaming colors swirling together towards the middle. Light orange and flame red merging seamlessly with shades of gold, tones of crimson melted into flashes of deep yellow, and pure white flames embroidered along the bottom of the cloak sent of a few barely noticeable shots of white thread in a spiraling pattern, all leading towards one word embroidered in black in the very middle: Maelstrom.

Needless to say, this new outfit drew attention like moths to a flame. With no one recognizing the boy, and Sarutobi and Kakashi carrying the bags of clothes, training outfits, and a few weights Kakashi had found, Naruto was attracting plenty of attention from the girls, who started a fanclub.


Minato was doing a happy dance. His son chose the awesome outfit! Minato had yelled it out as loud as he could, in an attempt to be heard, and so Naruto wouldn't wear that evil orange 'kill me' outfit! Kyuubi was in a corner of the cage, holding his sensitive ears because of Minato's volume. Even though he grumbled about his vessel looking like a mini-me of his 'seal-mate', he couldn't help but agree with the blonde man about the jumpsuit.

Real World

Back at the Namikaze estate, Kakashi dragged Naruto out into the training yard, ready to start the 'torture', much like what his sensei put him through. He eye-smiled in a way that made Naruto's skin crawl. "Alright Naruto. Before we start, put these on your wrists and ankles." Taking the two pairs of bands that Kakashi handed to him, the boy dropped to the ground after putting them on. "Wh…..at……are…….th…..th….these…." The jounin just smiled. "They're Gravity Bonds. Your father invented them, not liking bulky weights that only work certain parts of the body."

Somehow, Naruto managed to stand without falling after ten minutes. "Naruto, you're young so we'll start out easy. Give me five laps around the clearing." (clearing's 100m in diameter. Poor Naru-chan) Naruto just stared at Kakashi like the man was crazy. Which is highly improbable. Hard, yes, Cycloptic, yes, Genius, yes, Sadistic, yes, Perverted, huge yes, but Crazy? No. "Those laps aren't goning to decrease by you standing there, or by the author's rambling!" Naruto started jogging, laughing at Kakashi when the man was hit on the head with a brick from the fourth wall.

Two and a half laps later, Naruto was breathing hard, seriously regretting having wasted the air used for laughing at Kakashi. Said man was still holding his aching head. When Naruto managed to finish the laps, he fell backwards on the ground, legs and lungs burning, gasping for air. As he finally calmed his breathing, a shadow loomed over him. Standing at his head was Kakashi, with another eye-smile that made Naruto's blood run cold. "alright Naruto, give me 20 pushups, 50 sit-ups, and 25 knee-to-the-chest jumps."

"You've GOT to be kidding me! No four year old kid can do all this, this shit's inhuman!!"

"Watch your mouth. And Minato-sensei did all this at your age. It takes-" Kakashi stopped his pep-talk/ lecture. As soon as Kakashi had mentioned the Yondaime doing this, Naruto had jumped into the exercises with vigor.


"Minato, you never said your student was an evil genius." Commented Kyuubi in a mild tone. The blonde man was torn. He was tempted to rip Kakashi apart for doing this to his little boy, but he was also swelling with pride at his little Naruto. Sure he'd done this at age four, but this had been his whole work out, and he hadn't started using any type of weight until he was eight! And here was his little Naru-chan, struggling through, and succeeding in this workout, on gravity level 2!! Minato grinned.

"He truly will surpass every one of the Hokages!"

Real World

"Okay Naruto. Now that we're done with the warm-up, lets practice with kunai and shuriken." Stated Kakashi, secretly impressed with Naruto's resilience and stamina. Giving the boy some of his, the jounin started showing his young student how to handle and throw a kunai without getting hurt. He noticed that, even though the boy REALLY liked the pointy objects, his aim sucked.

They practiced until just past one, when the boy's growling stomach interrupted his concentration. He looked at Kakashi with the most feared jutsu ever made; Puppy Dog Eyes no jutsu. Kakashi caved in and nodded, causing the boy to yell for joy and run inside to the kitchen. When Kakashi caught up to the boy, he found Naruto sitting by the open ramen cupboard, devouring a cup of instant ramen, ten empty cups littering the area around the blonde. The man just blinked. Another two cups were empty. He blinked again. Naruto was leaning back in his chair, a sated look on his face, with a grand total of fifteen empty ramen cups around him. Kakashi sighed, grabbing a cup of ramen, as it was the only food in the house at the moment. 'He's just like sensei, but he's as hyper as Kushina-san…. Scary.'

Inside Naruto's head, Minato was cheering about the wonders of ramen, while Kyuubi was just in a corner, sweatdropping.

Just as Kakashi finished his ramen, the Sandaime entered the kitchen, having triumphed over the evil that is paperwork.

"Jiji!!" Naruto yelled, running to hug the elderly Hokage. "Hello to you too, Naruto-kun. Follow me to the library; we need to talk about your training schedule."

"Hai!!" Naruto ran off to the library, leaving the two older shinobi to talk about him.

"So Kakashi, how was Naruto-kun during training?"

"Well, he's got tons of stamina, and he's showing budding signs of sensei's bloodline, if his body's reaction to the Gravity Bands is any indication. He looks up to his father, and wants to surpass him… Naruto has a love of pointy objects like both his parents (Why would Minato make the Hiraishin kunai 3-pronged if he didn't like pointy objects?), but is no good at aiming them. All in all, he'll be an amazing shinobi in the future, if we can get him to tone it down." Summarized Kakashi. Sarutobi chuckled.

"Well, I think I can get him some good teachers. The boy liked that zanbato, so I could ask Gekko Hayate to train him in kenjutsu, and Anko-chan will teach him how to be quiet, and probably how to hide." Both chuckled, "you and I can teach him ninjustu and politics, maybe a little diplomacy. Even though he's loud, Maito Gai could do wonders for the boy's taijutsu, and jiraiya can teach him the rest." Kakashi silently agreed, though he would kill Gai if Naruto ever came home wearing that green atrocity with a bowl cut hairstyle. They had reached the library, to find Naruto waiting impatiently.

"Alright Naruto, this may seem a little harsh, but from 8 in the morning to one in the afternoon," Kakashi sweatdropped, " Kakashi will train your body, and the training's only going to get tougher as you get older, is that ok?" Naruto nodded, a look of pure determination on his face, though you couldn't be sure if it was about the training, or from trying to memorize what his new schedule would be. "You then have half an hour to eat lunch and shower. From one- thirty to six, you will be doing book-learning with me here in the library. After we think you're ready, we will let you study Minato's notes and seals. You have until eight pm, two hours to do what you want. Eight is bedtime, got it?"

"Hai, Jiji-sensei."

And so the first few months passed; breakfast and his torture session with Kakashi, lunch and shower, book learning in the library with the Sandaime, eat supper, tend as much of the gardens and the house as possible, and bed.

Three months of living in the house later, then the schedule changed, as Sarutobi had brought someone new to the house at lunch. This man was a pale sickly looking jounin, dressed the same as Kakashi minus the mask. "Hello," cough "Are you Naruto? Sandaime-sama said you were interested in kenjutsu." Coughcough "You can call me Hayate-sensei." Naruto grinned, and led his new teacher to the dojo, where the man started Naruto on some basic stretches, before he asked Naruto if he knew a weapon he wanted. The blonde led the older man into the adjoining armory, where he pointed to the five foot tall, one foot wide zanbato, and asked for help getting it down. "You sure you can lift that, Naruto?" the boy just grinned. "I'll get it eventually, sensei!" Hayate laughed at the little maelstrom's dedication and good will. "Alright. Let's get started. To get used to the weight, run around the dojo a few times with the sword." "Hai!!" by the end of the lesson, Naruto was exhausted, and his arms and legs were like limp ramen noodles. However, he had managed to convince the jounin to let him use the sword. Naruto managed to drag himself to the library, where the Sandaime was waiting for him.

Dragging himself through taking care of the house and gardens was also torture, and he looked forward to sleep with longing. His bed had never felt more welcoming.


Minato and Kyuubi were sitting around bored, nothing to do but talk to each other and, in Minato's case, plot pranks. All of a sudden, a sleeping and worn-out Naruto appeared in the mindscape on the opposite side of the cage, mumbling, right in the middle of the two's debate about who could kick more but; Superman or Spiderman. Minato's expression softened, and he reached through the bars to stroke his sons golden hair, who snuggled up closer to the touch. "Mmmmmm…… mom……dad….."

The blonde man froze, a look of surprise on his face as the scenery changed and Kyuubi faded into the background, no where to be seen. 'It's a dream!' Minato grinned, as this was the perfect opportunity to spend some of the time he had missed with his son. "Dad! Sorry I'm late, I got caught up playing with Hinata-chan!" said Naruto, grinning as he ran up to his older counterpart. Minato grinned and ruffled the young boy's hair. "That's okay, musoku. You hungry? Come on, let's see if we can convince your kaa-san to eat ramen with us." Naruto cheered wider, holding his father's hand as they walked to find Kushina. They found the red-head leaving the hospital, her part time workplace. She was modeled after Minato's memories of her before she got pregnant; long flowing red hair tied up in a high ponytail, warm green eyes glowing in the sunlight, and a slim figure that had all the grace of a lioness. "Hey 'Shina-chan! Want to come to Ichiraku's with us?" Kushina chuckled patiently. "You two and your ramen. Meh, nothing better to do. Why not?" Both blondes cheered, and ran off towards the food stand. Kushina let out a gentle laugh and caught up, the happy family of three holding hands, Naruto in the middle.

"Let's start with seven bowls of miso, jiji." Called out Minato, brushing aside the entrance curtain. "It's been a while! How's the paperwork, Minato?" asked Teuchi. The older blonde grinned. "Evil as always. Can't wait 'til Naru-chan takes over and I can go on vacation." Naruto pouted at the chan suffix, then grinned at the Hokage implication. Old man Ichiraku grinned and turned to Naruto. "Oi Naruto. How's your girlfriend?" the blonde boy blushed. "Hinata-chan isn't my girlfriend!!" he exploded. Kushina grinned. "We never said it was Hinata-chan." She teased. Naruto just blushed harder, and started to devour his ramen, which had just arrived. Thirty seconds later, Minato was asking for his eighth bowl, and Naruto was working on his fourth. After Naruto's tenth bowl, a loud clanging rang throughout the area, waking up the boy.

Real World

This continued for the next few months, and the blonde's strength, endurance, and speed greatly improved from Kakashi's lessons, and from carrying his zanbato around in his kenjutsu lessons. He wasn't as ignorant as before. Naruto was also a good deal happier, with a real life family, and twice a month dreams of what his family might have been like if the Kyuubi hadn't attacked.

Seven months into the training, Naruto was given a day off, and allowed to visit the rest of the village.

Grinning, Naruto decided to visit old man Ichiraku. He hadn't eaten out in 6 months! Running into the restaurant, he cheerfully orders an extra large miso ramen to Teuchi's turned back. "Extra large? I haven't made that since…." The old man turned around and blinked. "Naruto? Naruto is that you?" the blonde fox-boy merely flashed a grin in response. Ichiraku grinned and turned back to making the ramen.

"One pork ramen, please." Said a familiar voice from behind Naruto. He turned and saw "Hinata-chan!! I missed you!" startled, she looked at his face, which is currently the least changed of his physical features, but with faded whisker marks. "N-Naruto-kun? Naruto-kun!!" the poor blonde was suddenly glomped by two pairs of arms: Hinata's and Ayame's, whom had come out from the back just in time to here Hinata's exclamation.

Both girls started interrogating him about where he'd been and what he'd been doing. "Slow down!! Sarutobi-jiji took me to my father's old home in the forest. This is only my second time off the estate since then, the first being for my new outfit. I've been training the whole time! Kakashi-jisan is a slave driver!" The three sat down to a few bowls of ramen, in Naruto's case, before Hinata came up with a welcome suggestion. "Neh, Naruto-kun, why don't we go hang out at your place? Neither of us have had a chance to see it, when you've been in ours." (1)

"Hmmmm…………. I don't see why not! How about it, Ayame-neechan?" The oldest of the three just looked at her father in hopeful, silent askance, only for all three children to cheer and run off when Teuchi grinned and nodded. Naruto ran at a pace that the less-trained girls could keep up with, leading them on the trail through the forest, laughing the whole time. At the large gates of the estate, Naruto waited for the girls to catch their breath from the run, which had turned into a bit of a game for all three. Looking at Naruto, both girls lost their breath at the sight of the front yard, now well taken care of. Soft emerald green grass carpeted the area behind the walls and gate, sprinkled with designs and patterns of jeweled flowers. Sapphire pools dotted the area, connected with the pale blue diamond stream running through the estate yard and under the walls, while the occasional golden, white, and black koi-fish darted across the top of the water, swimming leisurely. Healthy red-wooded sakura trees also dotted the yard, casting a changing play of shades upon the carpet of green, abundant with light green leaves and gentle pink blossoms. Naruto just grinned, remembering his own reaction, and the energy and time that went into fixing and maintaining the yard. All three of them discovered how amazing the yard truly was, by starting games of tag and hide-and-go-seek, Ayame somehow keeping up with the two ninja in training.

Tired and thirsty, the three friends entered the house with the intention of getting drinks and a tour, Ayame and Hinata surprised at the sheer elegance of the cleaned up house. Making their way towards the kitchen, the three children froze, feeling something staring at them. Naruto turned around, and sure enough, his grandfather's picture was staring at them. He sighed, remembering what Kakashi had told him. " Uzumaki- Namikaze Naruto, son of the deceased Namikaze Minato and heir to the Namikaze clan name, showing Ichiraku Ayame, friend of Uzumaki- Namikaze Naruto, and Hyuuga Hinata, heiress of the Hyuuga clan name and friend to Uzumaki- Namikaze Naruto around the house." He then grinned. "Get used to them, gramps, because they'll probably be around here quite a bit in the near future." As the painting looked forward once more, Naruto gave a relieved sigh. Saying his full name so many times gets tiring real fast. Naruto led his shocked friends away to the kitchen, where they broke out of their stupor and looked at him, silently demanding an explanation. The blonde sighed once more. "It's basically the house's defense mechanism. You gotta explain your connection to the Namikaze family, and your reason for being in the house. If you don't, all the traps in the house and grounds will activate the second you get in range of them. So far I've only found five safe spots in the whole house. My grandfather made all this by sealing his soul into the family portrait before he died. Turns out my dad found out about it the hard way."

The girls just nodded, a little confused, but deciding it would be best to just go with it. After getting drinks, Naruto led them on a grand tour of the house and grounds. They were astounded by the sheer amount of training stuff and space in the house, when it had seemed to just be a small family. The extensive library had both jaws on the ground, as did the plush guestrooms and massive kitchen, with most of the cupboards filled with cup ramen. Both girls absolutely loved the lovely gardens, filled with soft, exotic smells, plants varying from area to area. But the three's favorite was unanimously the garden which once belonged to Kushina, now Naruto's main garden. It was very well cared for, gemstone flowers mixing with leaves that were shades of red, brown, silver, blue and green, depending on the flower, herb, or poison, yet each distinguishable in places so the gardener wouldn't confuse what was what.

Noticing the shadows lengthening and the sky turning red and gold from the setting sun, the blonde boy offered to escort the two girls back to the village, which they readily accepted, knowing they would be hard pressed to find their way back this first time. The trio took off down the path to the village, Naruto pointing out the identifiable landmarks as the sun set, and they would be cast in complete shadows, if not for the gentle light of the numerous fireflies. That night, Naruto dreamt more of how his life would be different if his parents were still alive, adding his teachers and the Sandaime into the mix.


VW; I apologize for the massive delay in these chapters. Chapter three was finished on time, but due to Oreo's resolution to do double updates, it was not posted until now, when I finally motivated her enough to finish this chapter.

Oreo; Awww Valley-kun, you're making me sound extremely lazy…. pouts

VW; That's because you are lazy. But I love you anyways.

Oreo; blush Anyways, you don't know him, and I doubt you ever will. Sorry for the lateness…. Don't hurt me!! Well, chapter five is in the workshop, and I will start typing it as soon as I finish writing it. For those of you who hate the shortness of even these two chapters, rejoice, 'cause I'm probably only about halfway done it, and it's at least as long as all four of these chapters combined. But don't expect chapters of that same length as five all the time, because my hand gets sore, and I got high school work to keep up with!

VW; Here's a one chapter vote for all of you. Well, not really a vote, but an idea conjuring thing. Garra and Naruto meet next chapter and Oreo needs ideas for their reaction to each other. Naruto will know about Kyuubi in him and it will be before garra kills his uncle and before the Uchiha massacre.

Oreo; aw man. You just gave away a bit of the plotline, not that anyone can guess it. And what do you mean 'Oreo'. Won't you be helping?

VW; you know I'm just here for motivational support. You know that.

Oreo; meh… Ah well. Ja ne!


Thank you.

Well, the votes are leading w/ Hinata and Shikamaru seem to be the most popular voted for people (singularly), but it's still up for debate until chapter six, or should I say seven, cause for six, me and chibi have something crazy planned. Also by the looks of it, Haku and Zabuza will live, but that's also up for debate.


Poll results so far:

Poll #1;

Stalker; 1

Hate Naruto; 1

Plot w/ Iwa; 0?

(not sure if power hungry counts as plotting.)

Poll #2;

Hinata; 7 (counting my choice)

Shika-kun; 6 (counting my choice)

Lee; 2

Tenten; 1

Shino; 1

Kiba; 1

All Others; 0

Poll #3;

Haku live; 6 (YAY!! Counting my choice)

Haku die; 1 ( no offense, but Haku rocks!!)

Zabuza live; 4 (I'm indifferent, though it would be cool for him to teach Naruto. Speak before chappie seven, or forever hold your peace )

Zabuza die; 2

Poll #4;

Haku x Hina; 2. ( sorry, not gonna happen, unless I feel like fluff, or in a brother-sister way.)

Haku x Ino; 1. (Wow. Never seen that before… interesting…)

Haku x Anko; 1. (Same as hakuino. Cool ideas, both of them.)

VW; Poll #4 Is not really a vote, but an idea gathering. Submit your ideas, and Oreo will choose the one she finds coolest, unless there's one that soars above the rest. Sorry to those who like Haku x Hinata.

Oreo; …. I feel like I forgot something… Oh Ya. Master of Storms will not be up yet, due to needing research, but I will post a voting page in its place. The page will be replaced with the first arc when I have enough votes, and will start after this arc of Konoha's ArkeAngel . But it will take a while, as I've still got to write it. The second arc of ArkeAngel (lol) will start on chapter seven, but will not be started until Master of Storms is done the first arc. They will alternate between arcs, giving you plenty of time to vote for changes to the next arc. The rest of the fifth chapter will not be finished until probably the end of the first week of April, but no guarantees. Well, that should be it. Oh, and expect crazyness in chapter six. Chibi, also known as The Last Ghost Rider, will be helping me write the craziness, and we intend to make you laugh. EXPECT ANKO X IRUKA AND ANKO X KAKASHI FLUFF NEXT CHAPTER. THEY MAY OR MAY NOT BECOME REAL PAIRINGS.


Thank you.


VW and Oreo; JA NE!!