I thought up this little fic, while watching DBGT one day. I hope you all enjoy, and for those of you who don't, then I highly suggest some therapy. XD Just joking. Enjoy!
Dragon Ball GT: Pan's Lost Future
Chapter 1: Back in Time
Out in the mountainous region, just beyond North City, 4 sayian children were enjoying a relaxing day of training. Well, three of them anyway. "Come on Bura! Why don't you just train for once instead of fuss with you make up?" her older brother asked. The blue haired teen looked up at her older brother and spoke.
"What is so wrong with trying to keep myself looking my best?" Just then Goten laughed.
"Yeah. So if Broly comes back and blows up the earth we can all rest in peace knowing you looked gorgeous." He and Trunks laughed, but a fourth voice spoke from behind them.
"Aw come on guys, leave her alone. It's not like you know what it feels like to wear makeup." She suddenly laughed. "Well, at least Uncle Goten doesn't." This made Trunks blush with anger.
"Hey! If I didn't dress up like a girl, we would have never found that dragon ball!" Goten was kicking his feet in mid-air.
"Man I laugh every time dad mentions it. That's classic!" Pan laughed. She felt sorry for Trunks though. She liked Trunks, but never really had the courage to tell him. Yet she was brave enough to face an evil parasitic life form, the ultimate android, and 7 evil dragons. That struck her as weird.
"Then if we're done reminiscing about my past, can we please get back to training?" he begged, and the others nodded. Goten flew towards Trunks and tried to land a punch, but Trunks sidestepped it, and fired an energy blast towards him. Goten swiped it out of the way and hit it towards Pan. She narrowly dodged it, and the blast hit the cliff above. Pan flew towards her uncle, but Goten swiftly moved away and caused Trunks to almost collide into her. They both stopped in time. They looked up at each other and blushed. Bura sighed.
"Why can't they just say it?" she thought. Suddenly Goten could be heard from above the sayians.
"KA-ME-HA-ME…" the two looked up. Trunks eyes widened.
"Crap!" he said, as he and Pan flew aside.
"HAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Goten fires the blast downwards and Trunks and Pan narrowly avoid the attack. Pan darts back towards the cliff, and Trunks flies towards the trees. He suddenly fires a Ki blast towards Goten but he moves away causing it to head straight for Pan.
"Darn it!" he cursed, and forced his hands upwards. Just as it was about to hit Pan, the blast was redirected upwards and hit the cliff above Pan. Pan sighed in relief, but the danger wasn't done yet.
"PAN, WATCH OUT!!!" called Bura from below. Pan looked up to see multiple boulders heading for her. Everything seemed to slow down. She saw Trunks and Goten fly towards her, yelling for her to move. Bura running out of the path of the falling rocks. Pan couldn't move. For some reason she was glued to the spot. Then, before she knew what happened, she was hit. With not one, but many. The boulders collapsed on her. The first hitting her square in the head. The others following. In mere seconds Pan was buried under the rock pile. (A.N.: Pan wouldn't really be knocked out by that, but just play along, it's all part of the story.) Trunks eyes went wide once more.
"PAN!!!" he shouted, and landed next to pile of boulders that now blocked the road. He then began to forces the heavy objects out of the way. Goten soon landed as well, and began to help Pan out of the rubble.
"PAN HANG ON! WE'LL GET YOU OUT!" he called. After a few minutes, Trunks saw a glint of orange from the pile.
"Goten, I can see her bandana! Come on!" With a sudden flash he turned into a super saiyan and began to work even faster. Goten did the same, and in seconds they had her free. The purple haired saiyan surveyed his friend. She had a huge gash on her head from where she was hit. Blood could be seen trickling from her head. She was still breathing though. That was one good sign. Bura ran over to them, worried about her best friend.
"Oh my God! Pan! Is she alright?!" she asked, but Trunks just calmly spoke.
"Bura, call mom! Goten go and get your brother, and tell him what happened. I'll stay here with her." He said cradling Pan in his arms. Goten nodded and took off, and Bura pulled out her phone and called Bulma. Trunks looked at Pan and grimaced.
"Pan! Pan! Say something, anything! Pan, wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP!"
(A.N.: Pan's POV)
It's dark…
It's really dark…I can't see anything.
Am I dead? No I can't be!
I don't want to be dead! I wanna see gramps, or grandpa.
Mom! Dad! Where are you?
My head hurts, and I feel sick.
I don't like this…I wanna go home.
"Hey. Can you hear me? Wake up."
Huh? Trunks?!
No, that can't be.
The voice is too deep, and…
"Any movement yet Trunks?" his mother asked.
"No. She still hasn't woken up yet. But she is breathing, so that's one good thing." Pan heard the voice say.
That was Bulma's voice.
I just heard her say it. Trunks is here, I must be at Capsule Corp.
Now I just gotta open my eyes.
Come on Pan, you can do it.
Just open your eyes and you can see everyone and have a good laugh about this.
Come on your eyes!
Finally, Pan began to open her eyes. Everything was blurry, but she could still make things out. Trunks was there, and so was his mom. But after 5 seconds things began to come into focus. She was lying in Trunks room, and Trunks was indeed there, but there was something different about him. This Trunks had long hair, and he was wearing blue jeans, a black shirt, and a short blue jean jacket. But what struck as odd the most was the sword that Trunks had buckled onto his back. Bulma was also there, but she too looked different from how Pan remembered her. Her hair was shorter and straight, and she looked younger. She was also dressed in her work suit. Finally Trunks spoke up.
"Good to see you're alright." He said with a small smile on his face.
"Yeah. My head still hurts a bit, but I should be better in a bit. I really owe you one Trunks." Suddenly however, the half saiyan gave her a confused look.
"How did you know my name?" he asked. Pan was suddenly confused as well. Trunks had just saved her, and now he couldn't recall who she was. What was going on?
"Come on Trunks, quit playing around." She said trying to laugh, but Trunks and Bulma both had serious looks on their faces.
"I wish I was playing around, but I'm not. Until when I found you in East City, I've never seen you before in my life." He said, without a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Pan began to panic slightly. She turned to face Bulma.
"Bulma, tell him to stop fooling around." She said. Trunks turned to face his mother, who was now confused as well.
"Mom, you know her?" Trunks asked, but the blue haired woman just shrugged.
"No, I've never seen her before either." She said. Pan was now officially freaked out. Something was wrong. Trunks didn't know who she was, and neither did Bulma. Trunks also said she was found in East City, but the last place she was had been the Mountain Road. She wasn't having fun anymore. She was scared, and Trunks and Bulma weren't helping. Just then she thought of something.
"Then go and get Bura. She still has to know me!" she said with a hint of force in her voice. Trunks was now dumbstruck.
"What? Who the hell is Bura?" Pan was getting furious at his stupidity.
"Trunks don't be so stupid! How do you not know about your own sister?" Bulma spoke upon hearing this.
"Honey listen. Trunks doesn't have a sister, it's just me and him here." Pan was getting more confused by the second. She was worried, she was angry, but most of all she was scared. Suddenly small tears began to fall from Pan's eyes.
"What are you guys talking about? How could not remember me, and how could you forget everyone else? Where's mom? Where's dad? Gramps, grandpa…anyone." She said before breaking down and beginning to cry. Bulma sat down next to her and put an arm around her shoulder.
"Look, I'm not sure who or what you're talking about, but we'll help you. Don't worry, now just tell us your parents names, and maybe Trunks can try to search for them." Pan looked up. She couldn't believe Bulma didn't know, didn't remember her parents. Her grandpa and her where really good friends, so she should've known her father, and her mother, grandmother, and herself where almost always together. However, when she looked up at Bulma she saw that Bulma still had a look of concern on her face. It was look of concern that said "you can tell me, I'll help" and Pan knew that she would, so she decided to go along with it, and try.
"My mom's name is Videl, and my dad's name is Gohan." Suddenly Pan felt Bulma let go of her shoulder. She put her hands on her lap and looked down, a sad look on her face.
"That's impossible." Said Trunks suddenly. Pan looked up at her friend. Trunks was looking down too. His eyes where narrowed and he hand his fists clenched. He seemed angry, but Pan could see a look of remorse in his eyes.
"What? How is that impossible?" she asked a hint of confusion in her voice. Trunks looked up and spoke. He voice was full of regret and sadness, but he was still able to keep his serious look.
"Gohan has been dead for 4 months."
I'll end it there for now. I wanna keep you guys in a bit of suspense. How'd you like? R&R, and if anything seemed wrong tell me. I wanna make this the best I can, but no flames please. Thanks!