Meh...I really don't feel like writing, but I've already procrastinated too long.
I would have done it before, but Monday I had lots of drama from breaking up with my boyfriend so I was on the phone til like midnight, Tuesday I had play practice til 5 then babysitting, Wednesday I had a dress rehearsal to 5:30 and was too exhausted. Thursday was practice til 3:30 and I'd planned to hike with my friend Adrian and that lasted about 4 hours, Friday was opening night and dinner for celebration. I had another act tonight and a party til 11, but yeah, I've waited too long.
And also, I know Voldemort isn't gay, he acts like it, though. So I didn't skip the question. And by the way, in case you didn't notice yet, I don't come up with the questions. People send them in. That is the names right under this, so don't get mad at me for questions.
The questioniers (questionaires? questioners?) are Shadowstar513, Flipflopper333, Cupkae11, Aimee Waimee, curiosity, Lucy, disguisedxlies, Bloody Pumpkinhead, friska-freak,CaptainESavvy, and Wolfy the Ironic Ninja.
Thanks to everyone who helped and sorry to the questions I didn't use or cut shorter.
Dear Grandma Sweeney (God, that's weird),
Do you like broccoli? I know it sounds random, but I just wanted to know, because I hate it! Also, which do you like better, cats or dogs? Dogs are loud and excitable, but cats get in the way and knock over stuff. So, which one? Also, a repeat of my last question. I look a little like Mrs. Lovett if my hair is the right way. So... if you came back to life and saw me, would you, like, toss me into an oven or something?
-Lovett Look Alike and Also Not A Fan Girl
P.S. The Judge is really... Messed up! I hate him. What would be better than killing him is sending him to Australia for years and seeing what he's like after a taste of his own medicine! Also, I bet he wouldn't get an awesome white streak in his hair!
Dear Lovett Look Alike and Also Not A Fan Girl,
I eat whatever, so I don't really care. I like dogs better, they're loyal and trustful. If I saw who simply lookedlike Mrs. Lovett I would have enough sense not to toss her into an oven, of course if the person acted like her, I might be quite tempted. I would absolutely adore the sight of Turpin trying to survive on Australia as a convict.
-Grandma Sweeney
Dear Grandma Sweeney,
Have you every tried to kill Harry Potter? It would be a good challenge! He would make a great meat pie... Would you ever get dread locks, tie items into your hair, dress like a pirate, steel a ship and start drinking rum instead of gin? Would you ever consider using a sword instead of a razor? Wouldn't you be a grandpa not a grandma?
The Girl Who Lived (because she didn't go for a shave.)
Dear The Girl Who Lived (Because She Didn't Go For A Shave.),
I don't know who Harry Potter is, but I'm willing to give him a shave. Um...I could not see that happening, me being a pirate. Just too, odd. And a sword...just not for me. Mrs. Lovett came up with my name, I really don't want to do this at all but, yeah...she's the boss.
-Grandma Sweeney
Dear Grandma Sweeney,
Have you ever read fics where you end up marrying Mrs. Lovett? Would you ever consider marrying Mrs. Lovett? Do you know she loves you? And! What do you have to say to us Sweenett yes, that's you and Mrs. Lovett fans?
Dear Aimee,
No, I've never read a fanfic at all. It did cross my mind, briefly, that we could be...happy, but Anthony brought me back to my senseful numbness where there cannot be love or happiness. To the Sweenett fans I have one thing to say, don't tell her anything I've said in this answer.
-Grandma Sweeney
Dear Grandma Sweeney,
Hypothetical question: If you were to one day wake up next to Mrs. Lovett in her bed, what would you do?
Dear Curiosity,
Um, I wouldn't. But I really don't know. I'd have to have been drugged, in which case I'd probably toss her in the grinder or stove or something.
-Grandma Sweeney
Dear Grandma Sweeney,
I was wondering as soon as you had killed lucy the first words you spoke were "you lied to me" does that prove that you cared more about Mrs. Lovett lying than Lucy being dead?
Lucy (that seriously is my name)
Dear Lucy,
The first thing I said when I found out I killed Lucy was "'Don't I know you,' She said." I cared much more about Lucy.
-Grandma Sweeney
What would you do if I dyed your white stripe pink and put flower decals on your razors? I would NEVER do that though. I love you way too much. ;D But some other creepy... person would. I BET TURPIN WOULD. :O ANYSHWAYS.
Viki, your lover! :D
You annoy me, I shan't answer.
-Grandma Sweeney
Dear Grandma Sweeney,
Did you know that your last name is a lot like the German word 'tod', which means death...? I think that's cool, because you are kinda... cause of death to your unlucky customers. It's freckin' cool. Do you agree with me?
-Your Loving Stinky Sock
That's exactly why I chose my name. I suppose you could call it cool.
-Grandma Sweeney
Dear Grandma Sweeney,
Do you think that Mrs. Lovett is a pretty woman? P.S. Do ya like me name?
Your loyal servant,
Bloody Pumpkinhead
Dear Bloody Pumpkinhead,
I have no comment on your first question, but your name's vaguely familiar.
-Grandma Sweeney
Dear grandma Sweeney,
Anyway, when Mrs Lovett said "we could get by." you looked like you were really going to say something (of course anthony had to go ruin the moment as usual). I'm curious... what were you going to say? Also one more thing... how did it feel like to kill the judge? (sly grin)
Maybe A Bit Insane
PS: What do think of my name?
Dear Maybe A Bit Insane,
Like I said earlier, I did see some hope. I wasn't planning on what to say, I was waiting to blurt something out without thinking for once and just see what would happen. And I felt wonderful and exhilerated when I killed the judge, but also sad for Lucy.
-Grandma Sweeney
Dear Grandma Sweeney,
I was wondering if you knew if Mrs. Lovett was a cannibal? Since of course, she did make pies out of human bodies. And were you ever curious of what were the ingredients of Mrs. Lovett's pies when you first came into her shop? And the last question, -smiles- Do you like your hair?
I Like Your Hair, It's Hot.
Dear I Like Your Hair It's Hot,
Mrs. Lovett is not a cannibal. She's too much a lady for that, she doesn't eat much that I know of, just gin and tea. I didn't and don't ever want to know what Mrs. Lovett's pie ingredients were. Yes, -grins and blushes in a way that's so out of character it should be illegal- I like my hair.
-Grandma Sweeney
Dear Grandma Sweeney,
Could you come visit my city and get rid of some of the vermin there? There are plenty of fangirls who wish that they could've killed Lucy themselves, as well as a few pervy teachers and judges who wanted to "do her" in, if you will. Also, may I come live with you? I absolutely love blood and watching you slit the vermin's throats and having the precious rubies spray everywhere. Plus, I know how to get out bloodstains really well, and I will willingly help Mrs. Lovett in the bakehouse too.
Yours truly (or falsely),
Bloody Razors of the Past
P.S. Do you like my name?
Dear Bloody Razors of the Past,
I would rather not leave the town of Lucy's residence and eventually death. But send your vermin here and I'll take care of them in a flash.You may not live with me. And I do like you name.
-Grandma Sweeney
Dear Grandma Sweeney,
Have you read any of the raunchy/sex-filled fanfics about you and Mrs. Lovett? (a/n- I've gotten quite a few like this one.)
-Crazy Stalker Person (who watches you from her house across the road)
Dear Crazy Stalker Person,
Uh, something suddenly came up! Goodbye!
-Grandma Sweeney
Like I said, I'm not in the mood to write, but please review and vote in the poll on my profile. Buhbye.