a/n: if I own marimite. I would already know what will happen to season 4. And wont be desperately waiting for it.
"But Oneesama!" Yoshino said as she slammed her hand on the table. She completely forgot about being a good upperclassman in front of the first years. They were in a café near Lillian.
"No! we… We have to.."
"And what do you intend to do Yoshino?"
Yoshino became silent. Who was she? They compared to the powerful families in Japan? The Ogasawara and the Kashiwagi? What can she do?
"Oneesama, I cant just sit here watching those two suffer and neither can you!" Yoshino eyed Rei. Shimako and Noriko agreed with this. Rei was faltering. She, as Sachiko and Yumi's friend was also concerned. Those two are in a sticky situation, especially Yumi and her family. And she still haven't forgotten about Yumi helping her with the yellow rose revolution. Yumi was always there. And knowing Yoshino, she must have felt that way too.
"Touko…" Noriko suddenly whispered. It was more to her own and not to them but Yoshino heard.
"what?" Yoshino clarified.
"Touko!" said Noriko with wide eyes hoping that it would work. All of them were already by impulse looking at Touko who with a look of having a guilty face as if she did something wrong.
"Ohhh no! not me!" Touko said as she stood up to walk desperately out. But Yoshino was too fast for Touko.
"Oh no you don't. Stay here." said Yoshino accompanied with a evil grin that scared both Touko and Rei who was just watching.
Touko, irritated but afraid of what they are planning at the same time stood still in front of them. A bit uneasy but she was calm.
"What are you up to Yoshino?" Rei asked. But knowing Yoshino, she wouldn't know what she is planning. The girl can be so unpredictable. All she know, it wont be anything easy.
Poor Touko. Rei thought as she sipped the tea.
The door opened.
A girl with raven blue hair came in gracefully as she always does. She puts her bag on the table and sat down beside a sleeping girl who was laying her head on the table with the girls mouth partly open. The girl with the raven blue hair leaned closer and put her face in level with the sleeping girl and felt the warm breath coming from her. She then put her hand on top of the girls brown hair and dropping her hand gently to the brown hair girls cheek.
She then leaned closer and breathed a deep sigh of relief and whispered, "I….Love… You." as slowly and as sweetly as a breeze passing through the ear.
"Hmm?" the brown haired girl stirred. "onee… Sachiko."
Sachiko leaned closer and smiled, "Yumi…"
"You came this time."
"Im sorry. i really am busy lately. but i see that you have done most of the work for the ceremony." Sachiko smiled.
"I had help... and inspiration." Yumi said as she rubbedher eyes. Sachiko looked at Yumi.
And together they kissed the lips they hungered for. The lips and the touch that they missed. And for a moment, it then felt that they were the only people in the world. Surrounded in silence only the breeze and the ruffles of the leaves can be heard and the parting and meeting of the lips of two girls in love.
"What time is it?" Yoshino said with eyes wide with excitement.
"4:45. " Rei said with desperation on her face as to how she can control her dear cousin.
Yumi leaned toward Sachiko and rested her head on Sachiko's shoulders. Sachiko then kissed Yumi again from her forehead to her cheek and to her lips that tasted like sweet tea.
Both girls smiled in their innocent kisses and hugs or was it?
"I love you Sachiko." Yumi said as she kissed Sachiko over and over. They missed each other so much. Both were so busy with school. Yumi for the preparation of the graduation ceremony and Sachiko with her examination results and graduation.
They hugged each other afraid to let go. Going home wasn't even getting to their heads for now. Neither wanted to separate from each others embrace and to go back to reality full of problems they should face.
"Yumi?" Sachiko whispered as Yumi was coming up for air as they were kissing.
"im planning to meet Kashiwagi tonight." Yumi felt Sachiko's body stiffen up as she said this. Yumi then pulled away to give a little space.
"huh? What for Sachiko?" Sachiko didn't answer. She wasn't sure herself. She wiped the side of Yumi's mouth.
If she goes to Suguru. What will happen? What after?
"Are you going with your mother and father?"
"Just…." Sachiko said with hesitance. "The two of us. But will you come with me?"
I cant be left alone with Suguru. Its just scary.
Yumi then put her hand on Sachiko's cheek and pinched it. Sachiko's face was squirming. Yumi then laughed at Sachiko, she looked so cute which is definitely in contrast with Sachiko's usually serious princess like looking face.
"I will." Both kissed again both with smiles in their faces.
Sachiko was leaning on Yumi's chest and was about to fall asleep as Yumi was tenderly stroking her hair. Yumi was about to kiss Sachiko when five people budges into the room and both parties was so surprised that everyone froze.
Seeing this, Yumi hurriedly stood up blushing while Sachiko did the opposite of Yumi's reaction. Sachiko who in proper training of a lady controlled her surprise and her body's desire to run away just looked up to them, maintaining her balance as Yumi suddenly stood up. She tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled.
"Gokigenyou everyone. Have you forgotten something?"
Everyone else, so was Yumi was too shocked to even speak but Noriko broke the silence.
"Rosa Chinesis, we have something to tell you."
"Its important." Shimako added.
Sachiko who was a bit disappointed that her privacy with Yumi was disrupted still regained her composure but Yumi however was still red to the core and was pouting. Yoshino observing this definitely amused her. The complete opposites. Sachiko's mask that covers in different situations and Yumi's readable face is just too much for her to bear that she laughed.
Everyone looked at her, "er…. Nothing.. nothing" Yoshino pulled her own chair and so did the rest of the Yamayurikai members they sat on their seats as Sachiko was waiting of what they have to say.. Or were they too shocked with what they have seen? But it wasn't as if they were doing something "more" than what they were doing.
If only they've seen us the night that we confessed to each other. They would be having their nose bleeding by now.
Sachiko thought to herself and at the same time congratulated herself for her "wild side" that night and laughed inwardly.
Yumi sat down beside her and as she felt that Yumi was by her side. Instinctively she reached out from under the table and twirled her fingers on Yumi's hand with this feeling that as if their hands are meant to hold each other. Sachiko's hands over Yumi fits perfectly. Sachiko watched Yumi out of the corner of her eyes careful that they wouldn't notice and smiled as Yumi's readable face stared at the table as if there is something interesting going on at the table surface and was blushing really hard.
You look so cute Yumi.
"….and so we both need your cooperation on this. We have a slight chance but we'll take it." Yoshino said with finality. Proud of the plan that all of them made and now was waiting for Rosa Chinesis reply.
Sachiko who was too preoccupied thinking about Yumi then cleared her head as she saw that Yoshino's lips stopped moving. Sachiko then cleared her throat.
"Okay, so what are we supposed to do?" said Sachiko as she was trying to remember.
Ch! I didn't listen at all. This isn't me.
"B…But.. Rosa Chinesis.. I just…(sigh)" Yoshino stammered as she was clearly disappointed that the plan that she clearly explained for half to a quarter of an hour wasn't heard. Rei nudged Yoshino and instead Rei took over, "Rosa Chinesis do you want to cooperate with the plan we have in mind?"
Sachiko was left speechless.
What am I supposed to say? I don't even know the plan. I only saw Yoshino's mouth move. This is so unlady like for me to act like this. But I cant ask Yoshino to explain again either. It would be inappropriate.
Sachiko looked at Yumi. I was too preoccupied…too swept away with Yumi's beauty, those expressive eyes, the smooth hands and the soft lips. She thought as she imagined Yumi's face come closer….. Closer… Sachiko then blushed and tried to regain composure again.
But then, for the five other members of the Yamayurikai. All they saw was Sachiko's face with a faint smile looking like her head is in the clouds and was blushing and suddenly stiffen up. When they saw her stiffen up again. They assumed she was back to reality. Rei then continued talking after this sign.
"About you two.. The plans? Rosa Chinesis?" Yumi then noticing that they are calling on to Sachiko tightened her grip on Sachiko's hand and Sachiko tightened her grip too in reply to Yumi.
Shimako who was beside Yumi noticed all this and giggled slightly with the cute expressions and small body languages that they have clearly saying as the sky is blue that they truly love each other.
"Yes, we will. But what is this about us?"
Oh no, they know? But how? Yumi would tell me if she has these plans. Sachiko then looked at Touko. She didn't!
Touko locked eyes with her Sachiko-oneesama and suddenly was afraid for spilling a family secret and tried her best to show in her expression that she really was sorry. "I'm sorry Rosa Chinesis!" Touko bowed. Then to Yumi, "im sorry Oneesama!"
"its ok Touko." Yumi answered and smiled to ease Touko's fear. And Sachiko smiled to show Touko that it really was ok.
"oh. So you know already," Sachiko did her best to remain calm. But she was actually really concerned. Her friends are now a part of this. She originally didn't want any of the Yamayurikai to know. She knows they will all constantly worry. And she wasn't the type of person to rely much on others for help.
But then again, she looked from Yumi to them and back again and she felt Yumi's hand grip tight as if to say, "im here" with a reassuring smile. She then felt comfort around them. Especially on Yumi.
Maybe I do need their help this time. I obviously with Yumicant do this alone. Not this time. She thought as she saw in her mind the time she knelt beside her mother. Her father is ok with it. So one down. And maybe it might just work.
(sighs with relief) its done. Yumi wasnt that talkative here this was more like Sachiko's pov
This chapter is done… but the fic? Not yet…..
Leave me some reviews, let me know what you think about it…. It helps let me improve more on this!
Thank you!
a/n: thank you for clarec97- you really helped.
And to spikesagitta, and deatheater2493.. You inspired me more to write!
To all reviewers: you all did…. Thank you! It really helps…