Okay, random net surfers who will read this, hi. Been a long time, please, no criticizing reviews (too tired). I don't own Storm Hawks, but if you steal my ideas without my express permission, just remember… I know where you live… and I have the best lawsuits in the world. Enjoy!

The Supreme Being

Ten years after the TV series: only three whole Sky Knight Squads are left…

Finn walked to the Condor's rail. He was the last of the old-new (?) Storm Hawks.

Piper: missing in action.

Junko: retired.

Aerrow: dead.

Stork: died of pessimism.

Radar: eaten by chickens.

The new-new Storm Hawks were out chasing the last of the scattered Cyclonian fleet off the map. The squads Shadow and Snow were keeping the Parathians at bay. Only Finn and the Condor were free.

And this did not look good, thought Finn as he saw the oversized Parathian starship coming towards him. He was currently wishing that any of the other squads were with him…

Finn ran to the bridge and activated the long-range missiles and pressed the red button.

Generally in stories pushing a red button will result in you blowing yourself up, however this particular button started a series of events that ended in a missile hurtling towards the Parathian vessel. The missile flew through the air and struck the starship in the hull.

Unluckly for Finn this was an old missile and did not detonate upon hitting the target. The starship returned fire and soon the Condor's shields were down…

To be continued…