A/n Well welcome to my first Naruto story, this idea came to me and idecided that i'd give it a whirl. it starts out pre manga, and will lead past the time skip. it is an AU story, it will follow a similar path as the manga but it will deviate due to the fact that Naruto will not be in the village from the ages of 4-12.

Summary: What if Naruto had been saved from the pain and suffering at a young age? What if he had been saved by none other then the Super Pervert himself? How would his life have differed, and how would his fate have changed.

Chapter: 1 Into The Night

It was a cold day in autumn in Konoha, as the wind blew across the streets in the market area of town, a young boy with blonde hair sat in an alleyway crying, it was October 10th again, a day that had showed him no kindness in his 4 years of life, even though he should have been thrilled for the day to come, like most kids are when there birthday came around. He had no idea why he was treated so poorly, as far as he knew he'd never done anything to harm anyone. He sat there long into the night when the stars came out and danced in the pale moonlight, he never even noticed the man slip up behind him and give him a quick chop to his neck successfully knocking the young boy out.

When the blonde boy awoke finally, he was sitting in a clearing in a forest unsure of how he arrived there. It was then that the boy noticed the fire burning next to him, and the giant man that was sitting on the other side of the flames. He immediately shot up and started examining his surroundings better. He was frightened, and unsure of what the man wanted. With a slight quiver in his voice the young boy asked "Wh...Who are you?"

The Giant of a man looked at the young boy with a slight frown, sure it was normal to be afraid, but to have such a look of terror in his eyes, and an understanding of pain at such a young age, things must have been worse then he could have imagined for the boy."My name is Jiraiya, I'm known as one of the strongest shinobi in the world. I was a close friend of your fathers."

The boy's eyes opened in surprise, had this man really known his father? "You know my father? Where is he, why did he leave me alone?"

The hurt was clear in the blonde's eyes Jiraiya sighed "Your father was a great man, I hate to have to say this, but your father is dead. He was the Fourth Hokage, he died sealing the Nine-Tailed Fox into you to save the village, he wanted you to be seen as a hero, its clear though that they didn't. That's why I'm here, I'm going to take you away from that place, and train you in the way's of the Shinobi."

The Blonde's eyes lit up, and he grinned a foxy smile. He finally had someone who didn't hate him, he had, dare he say, a friend, someone to look after him. And on top of that, he was going to be a ninja, he couldn't wait to start training. "WHEN DO WE START!" he screamed his sadness forgotten for the moment.

The giant of a man just laughed, he was so much like his father, he had no idea. "We'll begin early tomorrow morning, rest up, I wont take it easy on you, I only train the best, and the best you'll become."With that the Blonde boy finally layed down and dreamt of the training he would receive, he had no idea that when he fell asleep that he would be drawn into the depths of his mind to meet his tenet. This Fated meeting would change the boy more then anyone could ever realize.

He felt cold, wet, and most of all frightened. The Blonde couldn't figure it out, where was he, it was pitch black and he was standing in water up to his shins. He got an oppressive feeling, and he could see a light farther down. With no other choice he started walking forward down the tunnel toward the light, as the light grew he became aware of his surroundings he was in a sewer of sorts. He walked for what seemed like forever until he came into a well lit open chamber with a very large cage with a paper that read Seal on it. Behind the cage it was dark, as if the light itself was afraid to shine in that place. He then heard a meanicing growl from within the cage and a massive red eye opened, the pupil was as big as the boy was.

There was a erie red glow and then then boy could see a giant fox with nine-tails swishing dangerously behind it. "Finally we meet human, I am the Great Nine Tailed Fox, I am the Kyubbi." The boy shook his knees almost buckling beneath him. He'd never been more frightened in his life. "If I am stuck in here I will not have a weak container. You will be strong, because I will train you alongside this fool of a mortal. Our lives are connected and I'm not ready to die yet." The boy wasn't sure how to react he was still terrified, but he didn't have time to think as he felt a tug and was pulled from the sewer back to the clearing. The sunlight assaulted his eyes as he slowly opened them to see the giant man already up and cooking some breakfast. "Ah I was just about to wake you Naruto, Its time to start your training, I hope your Ready."

A/n Well theres the first chapter, let me know what you think, there will be parrings, i'm just not sure who they'll be i'm up for suggestions, the parring really wont have to much affect on the story. Well read and review, untill next time.