Another Chance.
Alices POV
"Alice, can you see anything now?" Edward asked me for what had to be the twentieth time in ten minutes.
"Edward, I swear, if you ask me again…" I left my threat hanging; mainly because I was too frustrated by my lack of visions to come up with a good one.
"Edward can you hear anything?" Emmett asked; at which he shook his head.
"It's like you're all Bella's. Jasper can you feel any of our emotions?"
Jasper was standing behind me with his arms around my waist so I couldn't see him but I felt him shake his head.
"So…where are we?" I asked before Edward could ask about my visions again.
"I think its some kind of purgatory or limbo or something." Bella said quietly.
"You're right Isabella; this is where the undead come to have their fate decided." A loud, deep voice said from my left.
We all turned to see a tall, godly man walking towards us.
"Who are you?" Emmett asked bluntly.
"I am God." He said simply, shocking us into silence. "The eight of you, despite what you were, saved people and tried to be as humane as possible; I have decided to give you another chance."
"You mean to be human again?" Rose asked, speaking for the first time since we got here.
"Yes, you will be re-born as humans, same last name as your previous human life; you will have a chance to meet your family members again. You will retain most of your qualities and characteristics. Also, you will be given an opportunity to choose to become a vampire again. Now you may not find each other again right away, but you will find each other. I will give you a way to remind you of who you were when the time is right." God explained.
"Will we look the same?" I asked hoping I might be taller.
"Sort of…You will look some what similar but not exact and your vampiric qualities will come out once you know who you are, such as needing or getting less sleep, increase in running speed, better reflexes, those types of things. Good luck Cullens." God said right before I saw a bright light.
All of that took place at least eighteen years ago as far as Bella, Rosalie, Esme and I can tell.
In our new life many things has changed, our names for instance, I am now Aliz Brandon (Ali to my friends and family.), Bella is known as Arabella Swan (still Bella), Rosalie is now Rosalia Hale (Rose or Rosie) and Esme is Esmeralda Platt (Es or Ezzy to her friends), not that any of us call each other by those now that we've figured out who we are.
We are the Cullen Sisters.
Author's Note: Alice's name is pronounced AH-leez. Yes, I know I should be working on one of my on going stories but this idea has been nagging at the back of my mind for a while now and I just had to put it down on paper. So let me know what you think!! Review please!!!
Much luv!