Alright! I picked up on Wind Kunai's Theme Challenge, or at least thatâ–“s what I'm calling it. Please anyone who supports AllenXLenalee, please, write, even if you write like an illiterate hog-monkey, just please!

Moving on! I'm posting these in order, because I'm a bit obsessive about order, you should see my book case. Anyone who reads 'Pretty Little Liars', I'm such a Spencer! But I have up to 10 finished, with a bunch of holes, so it might take a while for an update some days, because I refuse to break order.

That said, enjoy!


Theme One: Gentlemen

For the record, I love both Lavi and Kanda, and don't mean anything I'm writing here with malice. It's just for the story. Both me and Lenalee care for these people.

People often thought Exorcists where gallant gentlemen. Lenalee, as an Exorcist herself, knew she was no gallant gentleman, but neither were many of the men around her. Lavi was a rather rude, playboy, with almost no manners, and just as many brain cells. He was brave, but no gentleman.

Kanda was also rude, he had manners, just chose not to use them. He was easily angered, quick to judge and far too easily irritated. Not to mention he could hold grudges forever. He did hold a samurai's sword, and the honour that came with it, but he was no gallant gentleman.

Koroy came from a rich family, and had the manners and put them in to use often. But he was too afraid of hurting people, due to his sheltered life. Sometimes he over did it, and hurt more people then he helped. (Being naked on a train, hurt, it hurt many people.) Koroy was no gentleman.

Bookman was a wise old man, who took time to think things out. But he had a rude streak as well. Of the aforementioned males, Bookman came the closest to being the gallant gentleman, which people imagined when they thought of an exorcist. Once you got past how old and panda-like he looked.

There was only one true gallant gentleman that Lenalee worked with often, and he was only a boy. True Allen had his flaws, such as his black side, but who could blame him? He trained with General Cross. But he had the manners and he put them into practice whenever he could. He probably talked to himself politely. He protected anyone, no matter the cost, even if it wasn't part of the job. He jumped into battle without a second thought, and took a hit for anyone. He didn't judge, and believed everyone had a some good in them. Maybe he believed that, because he could bring out the good in people.

He could also bring out unfamiliar feelings in Lenalee. Dare I say it, Love. She had never cared for anything like she did for Allen. He was currently chasing the bird that had captured Timcampi, around the yard. Lenalee looked at him and smiled. Yes, Allen Walker was a true gentleman. He was her gentleman.


This was evil! I wrote this one like 20th or something! Actually only the 8th, but you get it, I just couldn't come up with anything. And it still sucks. But I had to write something, or else who knows when I would be able to post this. Better ones come later! Two needs to be rewriten. Gawd! And I don't have anything for three yet. So just wait a while okay?