Disclaimer: I don't own beyblade.
Lost Skills
"You haven't won a beybattle in three weeks. Did you know that, Miriam?"
"Shut up Dunga, I've just been a little off my game lately." she shot back.
"Oh, please." Dunga goaded, "That's the oldest excuse in the book. Besides you rarely win battles anyway, this is just the first time you've lost every bey-battle for three weeks in a row."
"Oh, shove off." Miriam retorted.
"Ya' know, sis', he is right, you hardly ever win battles since we lost to the Bladebreakers." Joseph added.
"Joseph, do me a favor. Next time I ask for your opinion be sure you don't have one" Miriam snapped, getting fed up with this.
"Cool it, all of you." Ozuma cut in, "Get off Miriam's back, so she's been a little off the last couple months, it doesn't mean she won't ever get her game back." he added with a smirk.
"Ozuma!" Miriam shouted, "I expected it from the other two, but you? You're all such jerks!" And with that she ran out of the warehouse they were currently staying in.
After losing to the Bladebreakers the Saint Shields hadn't been given a mission for several months, so they just stayed in Japan. Ozuma actually seemed better than before and the other two hadn't changed, but Miriam? Miriam was different ever since battling with Max, the rest of the team either didn't notice, or figured it was 'a girl thing'.
As much as she hated to admit, it was also true what Dunga said about her 'blading skills. They had gone seriously downhill since battling Max. Now every time she bey-battled she thought about him, and what it would have been like to battle him as a friend, which threw her game off completely. She hated him for that, without 'blading, she was nothing.
So now that I can't blade I am nothing. She thought, so what's the point of me being here at all?
She took Sharkrash out of her pocket. One more try, she thought, then I'll make my decision.
So she tried one more time. She launched Sharkrash and sent him flying through the air attempting to dislodge a rock at the bottom of a nearby pile of stones. The loss of that rock would send the entire pile crumbling, but it was small and would be hard to hit, so she knew it would be a good test for her.
Her blade got closer, and closer, and closer. It was gonna hit! Suddenly the blade turned a little bit and missed completely. Damn! How had she missed that?
She tried again with the same effect. In fact she tried three more times with out hitting the rock.
That's it then. She thought, I used to be able to do something like that in my sleep. I guess I have lost my edge. Maybe it's just time for me to go.
So, with one last look back at the warehouse housing the only family she had ever known, she turned and left, never to return.
A.N.) So whadya' think? I hope to make it a three shot, so watch for more chapters!