Author: Shuichu Sarahari

Editor: none D:

Story: Bestranged Love

Rated: M for Man! What a good story!

Chapter 9/?

Disclaimer: I don't own Hana-Kimi nor am I associated with the author. All of my work is done purely out of fan-creation.


Mizuki chased after Sano. She managed to catch a glimpse of Sano as he turned the corner of the hallway towards the gym. She sprinted down the hall, leaving wet footprints on the ground. Just as she was about to turn the corner she felt something was amiss. Her breasts were bouncing up and down inside her shirt. She gasped loudly and sprinted back to her room. She breathed a huge sigh of relief as she opened the drawer where she put her vests. She locked her dorm room and slid her shirt off. Small beads of sweat could be seen along the length of her body. She stood there for a second, looking down at her figure. The chilly air had made her nipples perk up like small rose buds about to bloom while down her stomach, goose bumps could be seen. She shook her head violently as she came back to reality and slipped on the vest. She put her shirt back on, unlocked the door and chased after Sano once more.

She checked the gym to find Sano was nowhere to be found. She ran out of the gym and went to the cafeteria. She hoped that it might still be open, forgetting that she had eaten dinner with Sano earlier that evening. The doors were locked, but that didn't deter her at all. She ran all around campus for the next half hour until her stamina gave out. She collapsed near the statue in the middle of campus and started to cry. Her sobs shook her violently, head finally hitting the pavement. She failed the notice the pain and fell on her side. She couldn't move anymore. She was too emotionally compromised to function anymore. She took a deep breath and shrieked at the top of her lungs. "SANO! SAVE ME! SAVE ME FROM MYSELF!" Her brown eyes widened, reflecting the half moon, before they shut and she fainted on the concrete.

Nakatsu passed by at eleven in the evening. He'd heard the shout but decided not to go check it out. He assumed Sano would have been at her beck and call. He found her lying on the ground. Her shirt was riding up, just enough for Nakatsu to take a glimpse at her bellybutton. He stood there for a moment, frozen by the sight of the person of his dreams lying on the ground completely asleep. The thought that she was a girl never crossed his mind, but his instincts weren't too far behind. Boy or girl, this was his chance to make a move. What would she do to me, though? What would Sano do to me? I couldn't just take him in his sleep. It's so immoral! But then again, Sano did leave her out here all alone. Even I heard her cry out for him, but I guess he was a no show. I wonder if they had another fight or something. Bah! I can't be thinking about that right now. I should get him inside and somewhere safe.

Nakatsu said to hell with his emotions and picked up the limp girl from the ground. He slung her over his shoulder and made his way back to her dorm room. He knocked three times before entering, just in case Sano had decided to come back. It was 11:30 now, but he still wasn't back. He didn't know if it was the top or bottom bunk bed she slept on, but since he was too tired to drag her all the way to the top, he laid her down on Sano's bed and tucked her in.

"Mizuki, I'm really sorry. I'm not sure what happened tonight, but I hope that you're able to overcome this and make up with Sano." He bowed his head and laughed softly. "You're unconscious. Like you can hear me…." His voice trailed off. He turned to leave when the door opened and Sano walked in. Sano's black eyes flared up at the sight of Nakatsu.

"You…" Sano started. His face reddened with rage as he took in the whole situation. Though his perception of the situation was wrong, what he saw wasn't pretty. "So, you trash my room , and then you decide to make a move on my roommate?" Sano started shouting. "It wasn't enough for you that you ruined my date with Mizuki, but then you have to try to make a move on her while she's asleep and I'm not here? Get out!" Sano moved in towards Nakatsu, planning on making him leave by force. As he approached, Nakatsu took a deep breath and held his ground.

"Look, Sano. You've got the whole situation wrong, okay? I know arguing with you is going to get us nowhere, but I'm not going to stand here and let you accuse me of something that I haven't even come close to doing. Honestly, the way I see it, it's all your god damn fault!" Nakatsu glared right into Sano's black pits. There was no emotion behinds Sano's eyes as he listened with fists clenched.

"Well then, why don't you tell me what really happened here tonight," Sano hissed. Nakatsu smirked. He wasn't really planning on provoking Sano, but this chance was too good to give up.

"Well let's see. It was probably around nine o'clock when I heard this awful shriek. I knew right away it was Mizuki's voice. She was shouting, 'Save me, Save me, Save me from myself." She was crying for you! And you! You… You bastard! How could you not go to her aid! The only reason that I didn't go sooner was because I thought that you'd hear her call and run straight to her. Apparently that didn't happen though, because I came about two hours later to find her lying down on the ground, unconscious!" Nakatsu took a step forward and grabbed Sano by his collar. "How could you be so cruel? Mikzuki was calling for you and you had the guts to ignore him? I'm disgusted to think that you could even act like his protector when you act this way. You're going to pay for this…" he finished. Nakatsu looked up, expecting to see a smirk on Sano's face. Instead, he saw a look of genuine horror.

"I-I didn't know! We came back to the room at 8:30pm and found the place entirely trashed. I thought I knew who'd done it, but I wasn't quite sure. I don't really remember what happened, but I snapped at Mizuki and ran from the room. I didn't see her come after me, and I sure as hell didn't hear her screaming. I didn't know why I was running after a while so I took a few laps around the track to cool off before I came back." Sano looked over at Mizuki, sleeping on the bed, and took a deep sigh of relief. "Thanks for bringing Mizuki back, though. I owe you one."

"You owe me? You DAMN right you owe me. WAIT!" Nakatsu paused. "Did… Did you say her?"

This brought a look of dread to Sano's face. He didn't pay attention to what he was saying when he attacked Nakatsu, and his tongue had slipped. He'd known for a long time, but it was the first time that he'd acknowledged it outside of his intimate relationship with Mizuki. "D-did I, now? I don't remember saying that at all. Maybe you're just hearing things, Nakatsu. Mizuki is a boy, even you know that!" Sano's expression was of completely terror now, but he still tried to convince Nakatsu otherwise. "I've accidentally walked in on him in the shower before, and I'm telling you, he's definitely got a dick!"

"Sano, you're not a very good liar. But how can I, who lives with the ghost boy, know whether Mizuki is a boy or a girl. Well either way, you owe me big time. Mizuki is safe and sound, and that's all that matters to me. Now good night, I'm tired!" Nakatsu pushed past Sano and slammed the door shut. Sano just barely caught a glimpse out the door and saw several people out in the hall with confused looks on their faces. Oh shit… Sano thought. I really hope they didn't hear what I was saying. If her secret gets out it's all my fault for one and for another, she's going to hate me for the rest of my life!

Sano looked around the room. Paper was still on the floor, but the sight of Mizuki sleeping in bed attracted his attention. She was on his bed, which was still wet. He slid his arms under her body and carried her up to her own bed. As he set her down, he noticed that her bed was still dry. He sighed once again. Well, at least her bed is dry. I wonder if she would mind if I slept in her bed with her. I don't really want to sleep in my bed while it's still wet. It might even take a few days for it to dry off completely. But before all of that, I should really start cleaning up this room. Sano started by taking the sheets off of his bed and taking them down the laundry room. He threw them into the washer, just in case, and turned it on. Returning to his room, he got down to work. He grabbed a large trash bag from the bathroom and started picking up the shredded pieces of paper lying around the room. He tried to make as little noise as possible, sweeping the bits of paper into the bag.

"Mizuki, why does this stuff always happen to us? First, you decide to come to an all-boys school. Then you make friends with me. Now you're my girlfriend, at least I think. And now this. Of all things…" Sano put the bag outside for the custodial staff to pick up later and went back inside. He locked the door before starting to undress. He slid his shirt off before his pants, leaving him only in his boxers. He decided it would be interesting to see Mizuki's reaction when she woke up, so he crawled into her bed with her and her dry blankets. He got under the covers and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Hnnghh, Sano.." Mizuki moaned. "You really shouldn't do that!... Kyah! Stop it!" Mizuki lay there on the bed half naked. Sano bent down to kiss her, carefully caressing her lips with his own. She broke the kiss abruptly and tried again. "Sano, please! I-I'm not ready for this…" Her face glowed from embarrassment, eyes widening as he wove his tongue past her lips.

"Come on Mizuki," Sano cooed. "This is new to me, too. Don't you want to know what happens when a boy and girl get together for the first time? If not sex, let me at least enjoy this moment. I've never gotten the chance to kiss you like this." He pressed his luck again as he locked his lips onto hers. Her hands feebly pushed at his chest to try to push him away, but she quickly gave up and let her hands fall back onto the bed. He took this as his chance to take full control of the situation. He used his left hand to pin her against the bed and placed his right hand behind her head.

Mizuki turned her head to the side for a moment to speak. "At least take off your shirt. Why am I the only one that's half naked?" Sano laughed at her comment, but obliged, sliding off his shirt. He stretched, raising his hand high above his body, revealing his toned abs and pectorals.

"There you go, princess. Now shall we continue?" He ran his right hand down the length of her side, feeling her shiver from his touch. "I've waited a long time for this, you know. I didn't take to you at first because I thought you were gay. It's not the best way to start out a friendship, but I guess I finally took a liking to you. Now there are no more barriers keeping us apart." Sano licked behind her earlobe, feeling her tremble. "You know you can speak right? A relationship isn't a one sided thing."

"How can I speak when you're doing all this to me?" Mizuki peeped, face flushed scarlet. "But…." She started. "I'm glad that I finally got close to you. When you first met me, I thought that you hated me. You had the entirely wrong idea when I said that I wanted to be good friends with you, but I guess that was also my fault." She reached out for Sano, pulling his face closer to hers. She pressed her lips against his and dragged him down with her. "I love you, Sano," she whispered into his ear.

I love you…

Sano woke up and glanced over at the clock. It read 9:17am. He laid his head back down on the pillow before he remembered that he was sharing the bed with Mizuki. He got up again and stared at her sleeping figure. Her brown hair was sticking up in fifty different directions, reflecting the dim light of the room. He smiled as the dream came back to him. Thank god it's the weekend he thought. Sano felt a tugging sensation in his groin and uttered a soft groan to himself. Of all things, this… He wasn't sure if it was safe to do anything there beside Mizuki, but her sleeping form was nigh irresistible. He tentatively reached for her hand. Her soft silky skin surprised Sano as he slowly pulled it closer to him. He examined her hand closely. He saw all of the wrinkle lines on her palms and studied the patterns of her veins. What am I doing…?

He let go of her hand which fell back to the bed with a soft flump. His heart beat fast in his chest as he reflected on what he was about to do. He climbed out of her bed and went to check on his laundry. He moved his bedding to the dryer and turned it on. He took the seat next to the dryer and listened to whirring rhythm. He slowly drifted off to sleep.

Mizuki woke from her slumber to find herself in bed. The area next her was still warm which confused her even more than being in bed at all. All she remembered of the night before was collapsing near the fountain on campus crying for help. She shook her head, feeling her hair shift from side to side. Her hands instinctively shot to her chest, feeling for her vest. The vest was still in place, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She sat up in bed and stretched, reaching for the ceiling before climbing down from her top bunk. Her body felt filthy from the sweat the night before. She turned on the shower to warm up and went to pick out some clothes. Her vest was sweaty, so she took off her shirt and vest and put them in her clothes hamper. She picked out another shirt and vest from her drawers before returning to the bathroom. She put the clothes next to the sink and slipped off her shorts and panties. She stepped into the shower and closed the curtain.

Warm water gushed over her body, hissing as it came from the shower head. She bent her head back, letting the water run over her face and down her body. "Sano, I really hope you're okay. I couldn't find you last night, and I was worrying so much about you. It might just be woman's intuition or something, but I think that getting the secret out between the two of us was a bit harder on you than you made it seem. Oh, what am I saying…" She looked down and watched the water go down the drain. She grabbed the soap from the ledge and started to clean herself off. The soap felt nice against her skin. She lathered it all over her body, making sure to clean every inch of herself to get rid of the sweat and grime that had built up. She quickly finished her shower and dried off, blushing as her towel accidently rubbed her most private area. Gosh, I almost forgot how good it feels when I touch that… Oh no! I can't think like that now… not when I have a boyfriend. She clothed and left the bathroom. I wonder where Sano ran off to now.

Mizuki headed toward the door just as Sano was walking back in. He had all of his bedding in his arms and couldn't see her. She opened her mouth to speak as he ran straight into her, knocking them both over on the floor. Sano didn't expect Mizuki to wake up for a while and was still in his boxers. He moved the blankets out of the way and saw his roommate on the floor. She blinked twice and looked up at him with large brown eyes. She bit her lip, unsure of what to do. They both lay there on the floor for several minutes before Sano moved closer. His lips moved closer and closer to Mizuki's, hovering just above her. He hesitated for a few moments. Her breathing was shallow, anticipating what might happen. Sano never got the chance to move away. Mizuki wrapped her arms around Sano's neck and pulled him into their first kiss since the revelation. Sano took control from there, pressing his lips firmly against hers.

"Mizuki, I'm really sorry for what happened last night. I shouldn't have been angry at you, but everything happened so quickly and I was overwhelmed. Please forgive me, please," Sano pleaded. Mizuki drew Sano into a tight embrace and ran her hand through his short black hair.

"Sano, I could never be mad at you for anything. Thank you for coming back," she whispered in his ear. "Today is a new day, so let's make the most of it." She let her hands explore his back, feeling the ripples of muscle that lined his frame. She looked up and saw Sano for who he truly was. He was the strong person that she needed in her life to make sure she felt like she was worth something. "Thank you, Sano," she repeated.

"it's just like you said, Mizuki. Today is a new day, so let's make the most of the time we have here together! Come on. Let's get ready and go have some fun." Sano stood up and offered his hand out to Mizuki, pulling her up from the floor. He took her hand in his and they both walked out the door together.


Okay, so it's been a while since I've written something, and I'm also not a very good writer. I feel like my writing has actually become worse. Some good reviews on both my writing and the story would be much appreciated. Thank you all for following this story as you have. I started writing this as an eighth or ninth grader and my high school days are coming to an end. I'm a second semester senior now! I really do love you all.

Read and review please!

Shuichu Sarahari