Disclaimer: I am not in any way making a profit from this fic. Torchwood and Doctor Who belong to thier creators.

A/N: What can I say? I just rewatched Titanic. I know Gwen's a little out of charactor, but she's just the perfect person to play this part. I personally think this drabble sucks, but please tell me what you think...!

"Gwen just saw 'Titanic'." Tosh explained to Jack as her and Gwen came stumbling into the hub. Jack arched in eyebrow at the sight of Gwen sobbing, but said nothing and turned back to his work.

"Jack and Rose were so cute together." Gwen sniffled.

Jack's head shot up.

"They should have stayed together, but then Jack had to go and die."

Jack frowned.

"Love's so unfair. Jack should not have died. Then they'd still be happy."

"Well, we've already got Jack." Tosh said, nodding towards him, "All we need now is Rose."

"Yeah, we need to find Rose." Said Gwen. Her eyes glistened playfully, and her lips curved upwards into a smile.

"Well, when you do find her, tell her I said 'hi'. I miss her." Jack sighed and got up to walk out of the hub.


The End.