Hello again, I've been away for quite a while now but I've had a lot on so only now have I had the time to actually continue with this story. So anyway sorry for the wait and I hope you enjoy 


Gaara let out a sigh as he stared down at the land of Sunagakure's, never not even in his wildest dreams did he ever believe that he would be standing looking down at it as the people's protector, their Kazekage. Everything had been peaceful for a good 7 months now but, in Gaara's personal opinion, that was all going to change and soon, call it a hunch or instinct but it was probably more to do with the fact that Gaara could hear his sisters loud voice all the way from his top floor office and she hadn't even reached mid way yet.

"GAARA, OI PANDA-KUN!" just as he predicted in burst a panting red faced Temari, Gaara noticed two things at once, one being that she was carrying a crumpled

Scroll in her right hand and the other was that she was grinning like a Cheshire cat neither of which was a good sign

"You'll never guess what!?" Gaara raised one of his none existent eyebrows telling her to humour him, as he sat back in his desk chair taking a gulp of his carrot juice (what it tasted really good!)

"Sasuke got Sakura pregnant!" SPLAT the carrot juice that Gaara had momentarily been enjoying went flying across the paper work scatted on his large desk, he followed this graceful action with a not so flattering coughing fit which caused Temari to come around the side of his desk and slap him repeatedly on his back until he had calmed down

"Well at least you took it better than Kankuro, he ran into a wall the idiot" Temari snickered

"When did it happen?"

"Well according to the letter she's about 3 months along, she took her time telling me as well I mean come on I am one of her best friends and it took her 3 months to tell me, then again it is the Uchiha he's probably holding her captive the snide bastard!" but by this time Gaara had stopped listening to his sisters rants instead he narrowed his eyes out of his large windows at a small red cloud that had formed just above the city.

"Something's wrong" he spoke interrupting Temari mid sentence who turned to stare in the direction he was pointing to "send the alarm and get every ninja available to the battle rooms"

"But what…"



Sakura let out a sigh as she strolled along one of the hospitals many white washed corridors, it was getting harder and harder to hide the growing bump which had settled itself somewhat to comfortably on her body, not that Sakura minded the bump itself it was more what actually came with it that was the annoyance, you see along with the morning sickness, bad heart burn, saw feet and back ache she had to deal with a blond six foot 3 moron and a over protective six foot 4 Uchiha neither of which were making the experience the least bit enjoyable not to mention an amused Kakashi, a devastated Lee and over exited elders to make everything that much better, sarcasm hopefully noted.

You see it wasn't the fact that she was carrying a baby that had everyone in such an out roar it was the fact that she was having the last remaining Uchiha's baby that was so amazing, Sakura herself could have been anyone, she was merely the incubator as one of the elders had so kindly pointed out while in a meeting on the matter, not that anyone actually tried to correct him that is.

"Haruno- san Tsunade-sama requests your presents right away!" Sakura looked at the pale looking assistant her brows crinkling in concern

"yes of course" she replied while letting herself be led towards the Hokage's office, as soon as Sakura had reached the door she knew something bad had happened that thought was only backed up as she entered the room to be met by a panic stricken Tsunade, who was currently barking orders at different levels of ninja "Sakura finally! Suna has been attacked and are in dire need of assistance, I need you to go with the next ANBU team as a medic, normally I wouldn't ask because of your current condition" her eyes skimmed Sakura's slightly rounded stomach before continuing " but it's an emergency of course I'll put you in a team with Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke, otherwise that damn Uchiha wouldn't allow you to go" Sakura blinked at the usually calm women who seemed to be falling apart in front of her "but what…"

"no time to explain grab what you need then meet your team at the gate in 10" Sakura blinked as she was seemingly pushed out of the Hokage's office by two ninja's, so much for her boring day at the hospital.

Exactly ten minutes later Sakura arrived at the towns main gates only to be met by Neji, Shikamaru and Shino who seemed to be discussing battle strategies "umm where's Naruto, Kakashi and Sasuke I'm sure sensei said that I would be travelling with them" Sakura questioned glancing from one man to another

"There has been a change of plans" what in the last 10 minutes? Sakura thought sarcastically to herself

"It was decided that it would be more dangerous for you and your team if you were placed with them because of your current condition" Neji paused glancing down at her stomach, while Sakura raised an eyebrow at him wondering to herself why everyone kept doing that "their judgement may be impaired" Impaired? great now she was being thought of as a liability that's all she needed "all I'm going to say is that I hope that Sasuke's agreed to this otherwise your not going to have a very happy Uchiha" Sakura answered back calmly before passing the three men, pumping chakra into her legs and leaping into the nearest tree glancing back to see they had got the hint and were following close behind.


"Hey old hag how you doing!" Naruto grinned at the disgruntled looking Hokage from over her large desk

"Naruto call me hag one more time and I swear to god…" she threatened as she glared at her wanabe successor

"Why did you call us here Hokage- Sama" Kakashi decided to butt in before his idiotic student said anything else which would lead to loss of limb

"Yes well Suna has been attacked by an unknown force and is currently in need of desperate aid, I've already sent out two teams of four but there was another attack just last night and it seems more lives were lost, I need team Kakashi and Team Gai, with Hinata replacing Neji, since he is already out there with a special team, to go and help I also want a full investigation to take place to find out the cause of the attack understood" they all nodded

"But umm Baa-san"

"What Naruto?"

"Where's Sakura?" Sasuke's eyes narrowed at Naruto for even asking such a stupid question of course she wouldn't be coming when she was pregnant with HIS child that would be beyond idiotic of her

" Sakura is already out there she left 2 days ago with Neji, Shikamaru and Shino" Sasuke's jaw dropped a look of pure horror crossing his features before his eyes turned a blood red and narrowed into slits he was going to kill her…

"Erm Teme?"

"We're leaving!"

"Now Uchiha…!"

"Shut-up if anything has happened to my child I'm holding you responsible" he glared at the taken aback Hokage

"Teme you can't say that!"

"Shut up dobe and let's go"


"NOW!" he bellowed as he dragged a struggling Naruto out of the door followed by an amused Kakashi

"And Kakashi" Tsunade called

"Yes Hokage- Sama!"

"Make sure those brats don't do anything stupid"

"I'll do my best Hokage-Sama" he replied before slipping out the door.

Tsunade ran a shaking hand over her face, those stupid brats were going to be the death of her.


"Sakura-san we need help over here!" cried a distressed nurse who was trying to control the bleeding of a patient

"Just give me a minute!" Sakura called back as she pumped a final dose of chakra into the small boy's body, who minutes ago had been on the brink of death. Team Neji had been in Suna for 3 day's now and Sakura couldn't remember having more than half an hour sleep. In short she was just about ready to collapse, only pure stubbornness and determination kept her going. She would NOT let a patient die on her watch. No matter how tired or weak she was THEY were the priority and nothing was going to stop her from treating them.

"SAKURA!" well almost nothing, Sakura groaned so they had been sent out after all and by the sounds of it Sasuke knew she was here and was not amused.

Suddenly the doors to Sakura's ward burst open and in stormed an enraged Uchiha it only took him seconds to locate her and less to be by her side, grasping her shoulders and shaking her harshly "you idiot what the hell were you thinking coming out here on your own your pregnant with my child I swear to god if something had happened to it…" he trailed off obviously to angry to continue, Sakura merely raised her eyebrow at him "Sasuke can we not do this now I'm slightly busy" Sasuke glared at her while grabbing her arm and dragging her out of the ward and into the less crowded corridor "You're going home. Now."

"Sasuke I can't just leave and anyway I've already been here for three days and nothings happened"

"I don't care you are not putting my child at risk because you want to play doctor"

"What did you just say?" Sakura snarled "playing doctor! I'm saving lives Sasuke, something your not exactly familiar with are you! This isn't a game this is a war! Do you know how many people I have saved by being here do you? 120. That's 72 men 12 women and 36 children Sasuke; if I hadn't been here they would have died. Now get your worthless ass out of my hospital and go find out what the hell happened here" with that said she turned away and started back to the recovery room leaving a fuming Sasuke in her wake.

How dare she how fucking dare she. She had talked to him as though he was a child, someone who new nothing. Didn't she realise that she herself looked like the living dead, of course she didn't she was to busy killing herself by pouring all her energy into other people, his child's energy into other people.

"TEME!" Sasuke snapped out of his thoughts only to be glomped by the bouncing blond "did you find her?" Sasuke gave him a withering look

"Of course I did"

"Well where is she" Sasuke just glared at him

"Naruto, Gaara needs your help we're under attack again!" gasped a panting Temari from the doors to the hospital. Before Sasuke could even blink Naruto was gone.

Idiot. He thought before running after him.


Sakura was in the middle of surgery when the attack landed on the hospital. It all happened so fast that no one new quite how or where the attack had come from. One minute there had been the sounds of children crying, beeping of machines and the hum of healing throughout the building, next there was silence.

The attack had come in the form of glowing red energy wave which seemed to have torn the building apart brick by brick,

Sakura had been about to pump her final shred of chakra into the unmoving body when the walls began to shake around them suddenly a loud crack could be heard and the floor beneath her feet had given way, which sent her plummeting down into darkness, the ceiling soon following after.


By the time Sasuke and Naruto had arrived at the battle field everything was still. An odd mist seemed to linger in the air where the fighting must have taken place.

Naruto, his eyes wide with worry started to run again obviously noticing something in the distance. It was then that Sasuke saw what was happening "Naruto stop!" but it was to late as Naruto was thrown backwards by the force of the attack that had been delivered landing with a thud by Sasuke's feet.

Sasuke had a bad feeling about this, quickly he activated his Sharingan as a red flash raced passed him and headed towards the town, not taking notice of the flash Sasuke moved his hands quickly in a silent jutsu before disappearing in a puff of smoke only to re appear seconds later behind the shadow he had seen through the fog, before the other ninja could comprehend what was happening Sasuke's hands were already forming a new jutsu which rendered the assassin paralyzed "who are you?" He hissed

"Sasuke- kun I'm so happy to finally meet you" the man sneered at him, something wasn't adding up Sasuke thought to himself, why had the assassin been so easy to capture when he knew that Sasuke would attack him. "Why did you attack Suna, what do you want here!"

"Sasuke-kun its not so much what I want it's what I need, and anyway who said anything about what I want being from Suna" now Sasuke knew something was off

The ninja carried on seemingly uncaring of the situation he was in "the Uchiha's were once a great family, powerful. They were the controllers of the Sharingan, a strong race shame you will all soon die out… or will you if my sources are correct there is another" Sasuke tensed at this

"If you mean my brother then your wrong, I killed him"

"ahh but it was not your brother that I was referring to, it is the unborn Uchiha that I find so intriguing, especially since this certain Uchiha will have a mix of blood, strong blood, the Haruno family, though not many know, were once a great family just like the Uchiha's, though they had the power to manipulate the elements"

"What are you talking about…" suddenly he understood, this was a trap. They didn't want anything from Suna. They wanted Sakura.

"Ah so you have discovered our intentions, I'm disappointed Sasuke that you were so easy to fool, shame I thought you would have understood earlier then this" he sighed dramatically his green eyes widening slightly in mock amusement "and now its to late to save them, shame I really was hoping to watch the fight"

They wanted Sakura, they wanted his child. This had all been a trap and they'd all fallen for it. He'd fallen for it. His fists clenched as he tried to control the anger that was growing inside of him

"well Sasuke it was a pleasure meeting you but I must go… my master is calling" with a sly smile at the trembling Uchiha he easily broke the paralyzing jutsu which had helped Sasuke defeat Itachi and disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

It only took Sasuke second after his disappearance to take off towards the hospital.

When he arrived, his heart seemed to stop at the sight before him; it was completely destroyed

"Teme!" Naruto came speeding towards him "what the hell happened! Where's did that guy go did you beat him?"

"It was all a trap; they didn't want anything from Suna"

"What? But that doesn't make any sense"

"They new that if Suna was attacked we would be sent out here and is being out here makes us easier targets"

"But what did they want from us?"

"Sakura" Naruto's face grew pale, as he glanced at the tattered hospital

"They took Sakura, Naruto"


Well another chapter, took me long enough I know… but I hope you liked it and I promise there will be more soon.

