Ok this story is dedicated to Writerchic16 and Dance without Sleeping and to all of you who have put up with me forever! Such as, LilMissReba, xHottix, Shining Friendship, and all my reviewers! Thanks guys and here is my next great (hopefully) story, called Over Her Dead Body.

Have you ever wondered how quickly life can be taken away so quickly? Well her life was over and it was gone so fast. Reba Hart's life was over with the sound of cars crashing, and glass flying. Reba's body was slumped over the wheel of the car and the other driver was stumbling over to her car to see if she was ok, expecting the worst.

"Miss? Miss? Are you all right?" The man called. He went around to the front of the car and saw the mess of red hair and wasn't shocked to see no movement. Then he knew she was dead. He searched in his pockets for his phone as fast as he could and dialed 911.

"Hurry! We're on Highway 42, on the outskirts of Houston, and bring the coroner, the young woman in the other car is dead." The man said glancing back at the body in the car.

"Ugh, my head! It hurts like hell...o?" Reba said looking around at her setting. "I don't think this is where I need to be." Reba said. She was in a blank place where if you walked around, you could hear the echo of your own steps.

"Hello?!" Reba called.

"Jeez Reebs, you ain't gotta yell." A voice said.

"Ok, what's going on here?" Reba yelled getting scared, then she saw it. Her clothes were stained with blood and she saw her white shirt underneath her black one was also stained with blood.

"Oh God! I killed Brock!" Reba shouted as she started to cry.

"No! You killed yourself actually." The voice said again.

"OK tell me oh voice who is pissing me off, where am I and who are you? And how did I kill myself?" Reba asked getting annoyed.

"Ok ok, still the same ole Reba as you were 20 odd years ago. It's me Reba, Terry! Well, my voice anyway." Terry replied.

"OK, yeah, if this is a dream, wake me up now or I'll kill you! Wait, that sounds wrong." Reba said taking a minute to think it over.

"Um Reba, you're not dreaming, this is real." Terry's voice said.

"Ok, well how did I ill myself?" Reba asked.

"You were at the therapist's office and neither of you two answered, which by the way, I know what you were thinking, anyway, you drove off angry and kept on driving until it was so dark you couldn't see and voom, you died." Terry explained.

"Ok well, am I going to Heaven or..." Reba said wrinkling her nose up.

"Actually, you made a promise you're gonna have to keep." Terry said about to laugh.

"Wha.. oh great." Reba said. "I have to haunt Barbra Jean!?" Reba finished screaming.

"Well you'll have some fun with it I'm sure, and also she'll be able to see you, but only if you let her." Terry explained.

"You suck, that makes no sense!" Reba shouted.

"Aw dang, time really flies doesn't it, well Reba I'll see you later!" Terry said and with that nd a great flash of light, she was on the couch of Brock and Barbra Jean's house.

"Ok Terry when I see you, I will hurt you!" Reba hissed.

"Brock! Was that you?!" Barbra Jean yelled from the kitchen.

"Oh shit!" Reba yelled making herself invisible to everyone else. "Hmm, I wonder If I can walk through walls." Reba questioned herself and decided to give it a try.

Reba started walking towards the wall and ran smack into it. "Ok this is so not like on "Over her dead body"!" Reba said rubbing her nose.

"Brock?" Barbra Jean asked walking through the doorway and looking around.

"Baaarrrbbrrrraaa Jeeeaaaannnn." Reba said in a ghostly voice.

Barbra Jean let out a srill scream and started doing all sorts of weird things, like jumping and twisting around, or something like that, and it made Reba hystarical.

"Spirit from another world, leave me and my family alone!" Barbra Jean screamed.

"Oh Barbra Jean, you knoooowww meeeeee." Reba said in another ghostly voice.

"Who are you?!" Barbra Jean asked.

"You stooollllee my huuuusssbaaaanddd." Reba said about to spit with laughter.

"Mrs. Johanson?" Barbra Jean asked.

Reba's mouth dropped open and she burst into evil laughter. "Man BJ, you ain't changed a bit!" Reba laughed.

"Show yourself!" Barbra Jean yelled about to panic.

"Ok ok, look in the mirror." Reba said.

Barbra Jean walked slowly towards the mirror in the living room and when she looked in the mirror she saw herself, but in a quick flash, Reba made herself appear in the mirror. Barbra Jean froze up and fainted.

"Well that wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but whatever." Reba said walking out of the mirror. Reba stared at Barbra Jean for a few more minutes and decided what her next motive would be.

Tell me what you think! Reviews are lovely!
