(A/N) Yaay the third one! Please review!
Looking far into nowhere, Katara walked down the corridor, as if in trance.
Her mind was set on what had just happened.
She and Zuko—in love.
Ever since the war was over, Zuko stood up as the new fire lord. Katara, after all the celebrations, returned to the north pole with her brother, to build it up again.
Three years later, she decided that the place she was most needed was in the fire nation palace.
Sokka remained behind, and took Katara's share of the tribe leader for a while.
Aang was making a search through the world, along with Toph and they were looking for air benders that were in hiding, or had no idea of their element.
She had gone to the fire palace however, and now worked as Zuko's most trusted ambassador, and admiral.
She still smiled at the thought of her being an admiral, but Zuko had insisted.
Of course her work here was never done, and Katara did many more things beside those.
And in time they had both been very good friends. It had took them a while to figure out that they were very similar in many things and balanced the rest.
They were the perfect team, and the fire nation was restoring.
For months there had been rumors, she and Zuko were supposed to be in love, and they had always laughed about it. But recently…… recently everything was different.
It had only be three weeks ago, but it seemed like a life time. It was at the yearly celebration of Zuko's rule, and that night, as they watched the fireworks they had kissed.
And now he had told her that he loved her.
Katara shook her head when she thought about how things had worked out.
Katara yawned, and after she changed into her nightgown, she cradled up under her sheets, and tried to get comfortable in the big bed.
It was only hours later that a noise woke her.
'What?' She asked confused and sat up in bed.
'Go back to sleep.'
'Zuko?' Katara asked surprised.
'Yeah, I…I'll just go now.' Zuko said, and although it was dark, Katara was sure that he blushed.
'NO! wait, what are you doing here?' Katara asked, strangely not wanting him to go.
'I couldn't sleep.' Zuko said, and he leaned against the wall, 'Looking at you helps.'
Katara turned on her light, and stared into Zuko's clear amber eyes. She could always know what he thought, just by looking in them.
His eyes were so clear and just like those of a child's, it revealed all his secrets.
She know he could see the same in the par of blue ones staring at him.
Without saying a word, Zuko walked over to Katara's bed, and slit in next to her, under the sheets.
Also without saying a word Katara turned off the light, and made herself comfortable in his arms.