Sam woke up to darkness and the strong smell of alcohol. Her last memory was of falling asleep in a room in the tower where Atina's guards had locked her in. But now she was definitely somewhere else. A mask over her face prevented her from seeing anything or speaking, but cold metal lay beneath her; and all around her, she could hear bottles clinking together. She pulled herself up and rested against the wall of what she now realised was some sort of delivery truck.

Wrapping her arms around herself, to fend off the cold air, she found that she no longer wore the dress robes that had been supplied to her by Atina, and now wore some sort of two piece outfit. A spandex sort of fabric clung to her legs and chest. The outfit was off the shoulder, low cut and open at the stomach but connected by a metal ring around her waist. Her hands and feet were bare and a metal bar sat pinned to her back, joined to the ring.

The rumbling of the motor seemed to calm and she turned to what she gathered was the front before falling back as a sliding door, slid out from behind her.

Strong hands caught her as she struggled to regain balance. She was pulled out of the truck and sat in a chair that had been cushioned and covered in a silky material.

Sam fought to sit up, but was pulled back painfully by the ring around her waist.

"Forgive me" a man spoke beside her ear as her nostrils were invaded with a powerful gas.

Fight was the only thing she could think to do, thrusting her body forward and lifting her legs to kick at her attacker, or possibly attackers. But the drug was quick as her body felt weak and weighted; her legs to heavy to move and her chest straining to breathe. Her head fell back as her muscles gave way, forcing her to crumble into the chair. But she did not sleep. Her body fell limp with paralysis, but her mind stayed ever conscious, hearing every noise around her.


"Okay Mitchell, what'd you do to my team?" Jack asked as he stepped through the gate onto the first off world planet he had been on in a while.

"Welcome to P2X 893 sir" Cameron greeted as he and Teal'c moved in from where they had been standing to avoid the unstable incoming wormhole.

"Nice place" Jack looked around at the forest edge

"Yeah, you won't be thinking that half an hour into the trek to the village sir" Cameron admitted "and you definitely won't be thinking that when you meet the people"

"Hank gave me the run down, Colonel" he cleared his throat "shall we?" he asked gesturing towards the forest edge and Teal'c bowed his head, leading the way.


Once they had reached the village and had cleaned up and been changed into the 'appropriate' robes. SG1, including Jack, met with the village chairman in the chamber where Sam had last been seen.

The room was small and housed little furniture other then a bed and a dressing table. The sheets were mussed but more so of someone having slept in them than of a struggle.

"The guards reported that she had been sleeping and for a moment she was not guarded as they were being relieved by others, but in that moment, she disappeared." The Chairman explained as Teal'c knelt beside the bed to pick up a small broken glass capsule.

"T?" Jack asked shifting the positioning of his hands on his P90. At this point the chairman scoffed and began fuming with frustration.

"I take it you know what it is?" Vala asked and the man nodded

"It is the casing used to contain a toxicant that is forbidden in our land" he explained "It does not last very long, but it renders the body useless while the mind remains alert." he finished and a breath of realisation filled the room. "I know who did this"

"You do?" Cameron asked growing eager

"There is a village nearby here, run by a very wealthy and powerful man." he nodded "up until recently he was a very respectable leader and a close friend of mine" he continued "but he has become desperate" he told them as SG1 listened intently. "you see his wife is dying, she can not be saved; but she is with child and will pass well before there daughter is full term. Raphuscious believes that the goddess can prolong someone in her presence's life when they are close to death." he explained "he has tried before to capture Atina"

"Okay, how do we get in?" Jack stepped forward, trying to ignore the bubbling fury that images of Sam paralysed brought about.

"You can not" he admitted bowing his head in regret "his estate is heavily guarded"

"How do visitors gain entry?" Teal'c asked and the man paused in thought and then his face brightened

"That is it!" he grinned "He is holding a ceremony at his estate in three nights to honour his wife's life" he explained

"You can enter his estate by posing as guests" he offered "I will help you, but first..." he paused looking to Jack "you must show me how this gene makes you able to activate the statue and not the goddess."