A/N: Yes, it's really here. A new chapter! Sorry it took so long. I'm not so much a fan of it, so I ignored it and mostly worked on further chapters. I do have the next part almost done, and then it'll go through my lovely beta and hopefully be posted within the next couple of weeks? I make no promises, but I will try.

So props to CrayolaxSmiles for beta-ing! She added in some stuff that made me like the chapter a little more lol which is why I'm here posting when I should be primping for work.

Thank you for the reviews! I love them! Please continue to drop me your thoughts! And yes, to answer the question I seem to get a lot, I am continuing with this. It's just taking some time...and wow I haven't updated since March. That's bad. Sorry again. Keep bugging me if we pass the month mark and just remind me it's been awhile, hopefully it won't come to that.

Anyway, enjoy the read. Let me know what you think. Thanks lovelies!

Disclaimer: Don't own wwry nor the song The Party, which is Queens. Lucky.

Scaramouche awoke the next afternoon to, surprise, another pounding headache. The room was nearly pitch black, she had no clue what time it was, and to top it all off, she felt like someone had zapped her with a laser beam. Sure, she had felt drained and groggy the past couple of times waking up at the Heartbreak Hotel, but this was a completely different feeling. She also felt a pressing urge to find a bathroom. Quickly.

Jumping up from the bed, she ran into the bathroom that was conveniently adjacent to the bedroom. In a matter of seconds, she was hunched over the gleaming white toilet bowl.

"Well that sounds like fun," Oz commented as the sounds of Scaramouche retching carried through walls and into the unusually silent kitchen.

"She always did get the worst h-hangovers," Galileo sighed while dropping what was left of his lunch onto his plate; he suddenly wasn't so hungry anymore.

"I wonder if she'll be as bitchy now… The only thing worse than hung-over Scaramouche, was horny-and-pissed-off-at-the-Dreamer Scaramouche..." Oz thought out loud, smirking when Galileo's only response was a deep blush while he tried to busy himself with a glass of water.

"Yeah, well... I'm going t-to go check on her," he finally stated, a determined, yet protective tone in his voice. He went to go see her then, a glass of water and a few painkillers in tow.

Entering the bathroom, Galileo found Scaramouche with her head propped up on her arm, which was resting on the toilet.

"Oh turn that off…please." Scaramouche begged, her voice hoarse, when he switched the light on.

"Sorry…here. I b-brought you some water a-and pills," Galileo offered almost meekly after turning the light back off.

"Thanks," Scaramouche grumbled as she took both from him, hurriedly swallowing the pills. It was only now, with someone else in the room, that she realized she was only wearing an oversized t-shirt as she sat on the cool tile. His oversized t-shirt. Darting her eyes to the door, she briefly considered getting up and changing, but had to decide against it as she felt another wave of nausea hit her. Before she knew it, she was throwing up into the toilet again. This time she felt her hair being pulled back out of her face as Galileo rubbed her back soothingly.

"F-feel any better?" he asked as she took his pre-offered washcloth and slumped against the wall while wiping her face.

"What did you guys do to me?" Scaramouche asked weakly.

"You have a h-hangover…from drinking so much last n-night…" Galileo answered slowly, furrowing his eyebrows. Just how much did she remember from the previous night?

"Huh? A hangover?"

"It's what h-happens when you drink too much. Just your body's way of g-getting rid of the alcohol," Galileo explained to her.

"Well then, I sure as hell am never drinking again."

"Right, don't we all say that after a n-night like the one you had," he laughed lightly, remembering that he had heard Scaramouche tell him that many times in the past.

"And what kind of night did I have exactly? And why can't I remember it?" she looked at him, blatantly unamused by his musings.

"Y-you drank a lot. Seemed like you h-had fun though."

"Really? Did I do anything stupid?" she asked in sudden fear of embarrassing herself in front of him.

"I don't really know w-what you call stupid…"

"Did I make an idiot of myself?"

"No. At least not in front of me you d-didn't," Galileo assured her with a smile and slight blush. Scaramouche let the moment stay as she smiled back in relief, enjoying the company he was providing for her.

He opened his mouth as though to say something, and then shook his head, thinking better of it. He'd wanted to mention that she'd been quite lively - spunky even - the night earlier, but maybe, he realized, he should count his blessings and enjoy the fact that she was actually allowing him to be in her presence, without complaint. Better not to risk losing the moment by saying something stupid that would upset her…


Having spent the duration of the day with Scaramouche, Galileo found his life falling back into place. The GaGa version of his girlfriend was showing more familiar attributes – she even remembered that funny little hair toss she used to do. That had to mean something, didn't it? Galileo was as sure of it as he was that she would be back to her old self within the week. As a matter of fact, later that night the two made their way to the lounge, laughing and having a good time together, when they heard singing coming through the closed doors.

We had a good night jamming away,
There was a fullmoon showing,
And we started to play,
But in the cold light of day next morning
Party was over,
The party was over.

"Is that…?" Scaramouche stopped in the hall with a worried look on her face. It took Galileo a second to realize, but then he knew she wasn't used to hearing people singing, much less the kind of music they could currently hear. Ah well, now was as good a time as ever to get used to it, wasn't it?

"Come on," Galileo encouraged as he held open the door, immediately flooding the hallway with the Bohemians' song.

We got love and we got style,
And we got sex and I know we got what it takes oh, oh,

The Bohemians were busy cleaning up the bar from their impromptu party last night and, let's face it, cleaning is not a fun job. In typical wild-child fashion, while they were cleaning, they were enjoying themselves with song. Shania and Clay noticed the two enter, Scaramouche a little more hesitantly than the Dreamer. None the less the two stopped cleaning and approached Scaramouche, singing to her.

Why don't you come back and play,
Come back and play, come back and play,
We got all night all day,
Everybody's gone away,
Why don't you come back and play, come back and play, come back and play,
Come back and play,

Frightened, Scaramouche had reached for Galileo's hand, who was, of course, more than happy to offer his comfort. Shania had noticed and quickly nudged Clay, both lowering their voices to sing into Galileo's ear.

Go get 'em boy - let's party,

Shania and Clay decided to leave the two alone for the time being, presumably to give Galileo some time to "get 'em". They then gleefully went back to cleaning and singing, leaving Scaramouche to continue to watch them in awe, still gripping Galileo's hand in hers.

We had a food fight in somebody's face,
We were up all night singing
And giving a chase,
But in the cold light of day next morning.
Everybody was hung-over.
Come back and play, come back and play,
We got all night all day,
Everybody's gone away,
Why don't you come back and play,
Come back and play,
We got all night and we got all day,
We got all night to play,
Come back, comeback, comeback, comeback, comeback and play,
Goodbye, Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, the party is over.

"Do we clap?" Scaramouche whispered in Galileo's ear, after tugging on his hand. It was notable that the small gesture had resulted in her pulling him closer to her. It was also notable that her face was endearingly innocent right then, something very attractive in the mind of our Dreamer.

"No," Galileo chuckled, a smile illuminating his face as he guided her towards the bar.

"How nice of you two to show up after we've cleaned up…Good to know some things never change, brainwash or no brainwash," Pop commented, effectively ending the light, happy mood that Galileo and Scaramouche had been enjoying.

"Nice Pop," Oz commented, witnessing everything, including Scaramouche dropping Galileo's hand, which he then used to scratch his head awkwardly.

"Whoa, what'd I do?" the eternally clueless Pop asked innocently. The only response he got was the rolling of eyes from the three of them.

"You feeling any better? I heard you this morning…" Oz gently asked Scaramouche, ignoring Pop.

"You heard me?" Scaramouche asked, her face taking on a rosy colour as she flushed in embarrassment, much to the surprise of Oz, who had never seen her blush before. Galileo had, a few times, but mainly only during their 'fandango' time, surprisingly.

"Yeah, don't feel bad or anything…we've all been there. Pretty sure Madonna's still there right now actually," Oz laughed in a feeble attempt to try to make the girl feel better.

"Oh, well, yeah I do feel better. Not great, but I haven't exactly felt like myself in a few days now…" Scaramouche told her pointedly, scoffing when Galileo sighed and put his head down on the bar in exasperation. She matched his sigh with one of her own, putting on a pout, "Oh, life's so tough. Find me when I can go home."

"I think she's more hot and cold now then she ever was before." Oz sighed after they watched Scaramouche proceed to walk through the doors of the lounge and disappear down the hallway.

"You're telling m-me." Galileo grumbled, lazily lifting his head to rest it on his arm.

"I'm sorry Galileo…maybe this whole thing was a bad idea," Oz scrunched her face in regret, causing him to sit up straight.

"No! Something worked. I know it did! We just have t-to give it more time," Galileo argued quickly. He'd been making progress with her, he swore he had! Remember, the hair toss?

"We've been sitting here doing nothing for too long. We haven't played a concert in months, and we need to start focusing on bringing down Globalsoft, once and for all, before they find us."

"No one's gonna find us. And th-things are leveling out on their own up there. And how were we s-supposed to play a show without Scaramouche? She's the only one who knows how t-to play the guitar."

"You know what Kazz said, only a few more days, then we have to send her back. It's only fair baby."

"We won't have to send her back. She'll remember." Galileo told her confidently.