Autors Note: SoScaramoucheFandangoDancer over on the wwry boards posted this idea back in like 2004 and a few people talked about writing it but as far as I could find, no one actually did. I'm pretty sure the idea was up for grabs, if not and there's an issue with me following the idea I can take this down. But for now, I decided to have a go with it. Also I would post this over on the wwry boards but I don't have an account over there and apparently you can't register anymore…I don't know. I tried.
Everything pretty much gets sorted out time line wise within this first part so I won't be giving a summary.
Oh and I'm from Toronto so the Toronto production is what I've seen therefore Meatloaf is Oz, Ozzy Osborne. And Gazza is Figgy…and some of the Bohemians are named differently, the characters talk a bit differently, you know how it is. Its how I've seen it and how I know it so it's how I wrote it. Cool.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Except my computer, and thank god for that.
"C'mon old man, you gotta be faster!" An older, wiser Oz with even more colourful hair yelled over the beating sounds of the helicopters flying overhead.
"Maybe you should have brought one of the others out with you! You know I'm not what I used to be." Pop shouted back, running to catch up to her while dragging a ratty old backpack behind him.
"Stop being self depreciating and run!" Oz pushed the old librarian in front of her, hoisting her own pack higher on her back while shielding her face with her arm, protecting her eyes from the disturbed dust.
Pop led the way to the new bohemian base camp which had been decorated much the same way as the Heartbreak was and was referred to as the Hotel California.
Not much had changed since that day at Wembley. There were a few more bohemians milling about and there were more GaGa's acting out on the surface, but nothing significant enough to break Planet Mall completely free of Killer Queen and Globalsoft. Sure she was wounded and had lost a decent amount of her workers to the new "bohemian" way of living but it only took a few weeks for her to gather replacements. The original bohemians though, were still living in hiding, waiting for their moment to try again.
"It's about time you two got back!" Burton jeered when Pop and Oz entered what was made to be the bar and common area of the Hotel California.
"This one can't keep up like us veterans." Pop snickered, motioning to Oz as he dropped his satchel loudly on one of the tables.
"Ha! Veteran is one word to describe you. I'll leave you to it next time then." Oz exclaimed placing her backpack by Pop's. She then made her way towards one of the bohemians who was sitting slumped at the bar, nursing an empty beer. "Has he been here all day?"
"All day everyday, you expecting it to change?" The bartender answered, giving her a pointed look.
"One can hope. C'mon babe, we brought some food." Oz spoke softly as she rubbed his back through his greyed t-shirt. Sighing she turned his chair to face her. "You have to eat."
"Nahhh." He drunkenly slurred, taking a drink from his beer only to find it empty.
"Okay, I'm getting right sick of this. Snap out of it kid!" Pop yelled, snapping his fingers in the boys face.
"Snap out of it!? Ha! G-G-Get out of my face. I don't need you. I don't n-n-need any of you!" Galileo slurred angrily, standing up only to falter and fall to his knees.
"Thanks Pop. C'mon, let's get you cleaned up a bit." Oz muttered, bending down to help Galileo to his feet, only to be pushed away.
"L-l-leave me alone!... The love you gave me, nothing else can save me S. O. S." He muttered, grabbing at his head and groaning before standing up and stumbling out of the bar.
"Let him go." Burton said shortly as he watched Oz begin to follow him.
"He needs our help." Oz spoke in sympathy, wincing as they heard a loud thump come from the direction Galileo had gone.
"Well he doesn't want it right now. Just give him some time Oz." Burton told her, wanting the dreamer back just as much as the rest of the Bohemians.
"It's been over a month, he's not getting through this on his own anymore." She whispered sullenly.
"I th-th-thought I told you t-t-to leave me alone." Galileo mumbled into his pillow when he heard his door creak open.
"And I thought I told you to stop drinking." Oz smarted back.
"I've stopped. Look n-n-no drink. Go away." He replied, using his learned sarcasm, without moving from his spot.
"She's gone Galileo."
"Don't." He warned.
"And even if, by some miracle, she came back, do you think this is what she'd want to come back to?" Oz continued, ignoring the guilt she felt, knowing she was causing him more pain.
"Stop!" Galileo shouted, even lifting his head to yell.
"You're drunk all the time, you don't eat, you're stuttering again. You're a mess. Who you are now would disgust her."
"I s-s-said stop! I d-d-don't care! At least s-s-she would be here." Galileo replied brokenly.
"Well she's not. And I know it's hard. But you have to move on." Oz told him sincerely, thrusting the two into silence.
Knowing he had no reply Oz quietly left the room, closing the door behind her, hoping her attempt at brutal honesty would make something click within the dreamer.