I apologize for the extreme delay with this chapter.

Piper, Phoebe and Cole were standing in the foyer (that part of the house where the stairs end) waiting for Prue to arrive. Cole and Phoebe were sitting on the little sofa whispering things to each other, while Piper paced back and forth impatiently-occasionally mumbling things to herself.

"What the heck is taking her so long? She should have been here at least-," Piper cut off to check her watch, "half an hour ago!"

"Piper, relax-" Cole started,

"Don't you tell me to relax!" Piper cut in her hands flicking unconsciously, making the grandfather clock blow up, "We just got that fixed!" Piper began to groan.

"Piper! Don't start losing it now!" Phoebe yelled at her, "Prue's probably just … getting some gas!"

"Her tank was full when we left and the park isn't that far from here!" Piper replied.

"Maybe the source sent Shax to steal her gas so that he could …" Phoebe trailed off making gestures at Cole for help,

"Make his fireballs more powerful!" Cole finished,

Piper looked at Cole with a raised eyebrow, tapping her foot irritated.

"He's been trying to use human resources to make his powers stronger…Yeah that s it!" Cole added.

"Huh!" Piper replied, obviously not buying Coles story, "You know if Prue isn't walking through that door I am gonna make the both of you shimmer across town and look for her!" Piper threatened.

"Why don't you try scrying?" Cole asked,

"We don't know if the source or some kind of oracle is watching us, it's too risky we could reveal Prue's location to him," Phoebe answered, "But there might be another way!" Phoebe added, getting up and running up to the attic.

Piper and Cole looked at each other confused, after a few minutes they heard Phoebe yell and both raced up the stairs.

"So what's your plan again?" Piper asked,

"We cast a spell!" Phoebe replied,

"A spell? What kind of spell?" Cole asked,

"A spell that will give us telepathy!" Phoebe answered again,

"Why telepathy?" Piper asked,

"Because if we use telepathy we would be able to talk to her mentally and see where she is!" Phoebe informed,

"Isn't that personal gain?" Cole asked,

"Well the elders can put it on my tab full of other personal gain spells!" Phoebe answered annoyed at the plethora of questions,

"What kind of spells?" Cole asked,

Phoebe didn't reply, she turned her head towards Piper in a weird gesture.

"You don't want to know!" Piper informed him,

"So we gonna do this or what?" Phoebe asked,

"How's the spell supposed to work?" Piper questioned curiously,

"Well if we intertwine the telepathy power into the power of three, then we would be able to give Prue the power as well!" Phoebe answered as best as possible.

"So what do I do?" Cole asked,

"Your helping! We need all the magic we can get!" Phoebe replied, grabbing Coles hand and forcing Piper to hold Coles other hand.

"It's alright Piper! I don't bite!" Cole told her,

"Yeah! That's because Phoebe cast a spell to put a muzzle on you(metaphorically) and enhance and few other things…" Piper trailed off, making Phoebe cast a glare at her.

"Spell now!!" Phoebe yelled,

"Sacred Powers we seek your power,
Help us to find our sister within this hour,
Grant to us the power of Telepathy,
Intertwine it with the Power of Three."

As they chanted the spell repeatedly, white orbs began to swirl around them and bestowing them with what they asked for.


"Ok! I'm gonna take you back to our home we're me and my sisters can protect you kay?" Prue asked

"You have sisters?" the red haired girl asked,

"Yeah!" Prue replied,

"You mean you're the Charmed Ones?" the blonde asked,

"Yes! What are your names?" Prue asked them,

"I'm Christy and this is Billie, we're sisters too!" the red haired replied,

"Alright this way!" Prue told them as she turned to lead the way.

But before she could make it up the hill a mass of white orbs flew out of nowhere and struck her sending her flying back down. As Prue tried to get up she heard two voices in her head.

(A/N: This is where it gets tricky stay with me people!)

"Did the spell work?" a voice asked,

"How am I supposed to know!" another voice replied,

"Think something bad about me!" the first voice said,

(That dye-job didn't do a good enough job to hide your split ends!) the second voice rang throughout her head,

"Piper!" the first voice yelled,

"What?" the voice known as Piper asked,

"Piper? Phoebe? Is that you? What's going on?" Prue asked across the mental connection,

"Prue is that you? The spell worked!" Phoebe yelled triumphantly,

"Will someone explain what the hell is going on here!?" a different voice asked,

"COLE?! Why were you included in the spell?" Piper asked,

"Ugh…What an astral pain in the ass!" Prue thought to herself, "I'll be back in a second! I had to stop off to help a couple of witches!"

"Alright hurry up!" Piper told her, (Still a bad dye-job no matter how you look at it!)

"Piper shut up!" Phoebe yelled,

"Hi Prue!" Cole shouted,

"Ugh…Could this day get any worse?" Prue asked.

Well what do you think?? Send me a review please!! And as i promised Telepathy in this chapter!