Maricksage: I got a good if not any response to Crystal heart and was possessed to do this follow up. I hope it is as good as I intend it to be and hope you all will enjoy it. Anyways here we go.
I do not own Yugi-oh GX at all as you can see…so enjoy.
As the chill from the winter died down round Duel Academy students entered the new term of their school year. In the Obelisk blue dorm all seemed quiet in the room where only one soul was awake. His name was Jessie, he tiptoed around the room trying to keep sounds low. It was far too early to arouse his roommate from his peaceful sleep. His laced up his shoes and tiptoed past the bed where he had insisted his roommate sleep trying to avoid wakening him to grab his deck and duel disk.
When he did he had only managed a step before a small moan of discomfort froze him in his tracks. He turned around to see him look up at him with large and round grey eyes still dazed in the pool of sleep. "Jessie-kun? Aniki why are you awake so early today?" He asked?
Jessie knelt beside the bed and he pet his friend on the head "Sorry to have woke you up Syrus, I just kind of wanted an early start today. I just thought you looked so content laying there and I just couldn't wake you."
Jessie smiled when Syrus rested his head back on the pillow and he smiled sweetly, he looked so much like an innocent child in the midst of all the chaos that surrounded him. He hated to admit the truth of his early rising, it was because of a small nuisance named Jaden Yuki who cursed Syrus and him for different reasons. Jessie preferred to say that Jaden just didn't see things the way he should. Syrus had only a month ago confessed his love to Jaden and was crudely rejected. But he was now on the way of healing and Jessie was there as his emotional balance. He wished there where more but for now that was all Syrus ever asked for.
"Jessie…do you really have to go? I want you to stay here so that we can look over our decks before school." Syrus said with a whine. Jessie sighed and brought the covers over him again and gave him his stuffed bear and said "I know I promised but I need to do something first, I was called and I need to see what is the deal."
"Syrus' smile bent into a sad frown and he looked fearful as he asked "Is it Jay again? Please don't go to him, just ignore him like always…please I can't let him convince you to leave me." Syrus clung to Jessie's arm and hi saw the tears fill Syrus' eyes.
He soothingly used his free hand to rub over his younger friend's forearm to make his grip ease. "I know but he won't stop messaging me and I need to find out why, I know it's because of our…circumstances but still. We need to do all we can to try and help clear this up. I just…"
Jessie looked into bright grey eyes and said softly "I just couldn't bear for him to hurt you again." Syrus looked down at his hands and he softly begged "Please…do what you must but come back to me okay?"
"I promise you that I will Syrus you know I will." Jessie said as he stood and he smiled seeing Syrus looking satisfied with his answer and he said "I will be back soon, I'll wake you up when I get back."
When he left Syrus cuddled his bear close and nuzzled it and he hoped that Jessie spoke the truth.
Jessie waited by the lighthouse as Jaden had asked and still he hadn't come. "Oh that Jaden has a lot of nerve calling me here like this. If this is a trick then I will so kill him."
His thoughts where interrupted by a laugh that came from a figure that was shadowed in the shadows of early morning. "Jessie, I assure you that I wasn't planning anything like that to deceive you." Jaden gave Jessie the coldest of stares and he said in a monotone "What do you want? I doubt you are here to simply just to talk."
Jaden met him and with a smirk he said "I'm on to you Anderson, I see all too clearly what you're doing to Syrus and to everyone else."
Jessie took a step back and his posture became defensive "What in the world are you talking about?" Jaden laughed again, his face portrayed that he knew something that Jessie didn't that made him profusely angry. "What is it Jaden? Quit toying with me!"
"Oh someone's getting angry." Jaden teased lightly. Jessie growled and his fist clenched tightly he was close to hitting Jaden in the jaw but kept his cool. "Jaden if there is a point get to it before I make you regret it."
Jaden's eyes narrowed and he got closer to which Jessie backed away "My point? You really sure you want to know my point?" Jessie wasn't likening the dripping passion coming from Jaden's voice right now and he was scared of him now instead of his original anger. "Just what are you doing, why all the secrecy?" Jessie demanded.
Jaden came closer still and his posture became somewhat suggestive as Jessie was backed into the wall of the lighthouse on the pier. He leaned in close and he whispered "I have no secrets with you Jess…but tell me…" He leaned in and nuzzled the hollow of Jessie's neck and whispered "Is there more to you and Syrus than you'd care to admit?"
Jessie blushed like mad and he struggled out of Jaden's grip and his face was a beet red in what was a cross between anger, embarrassment. Jaden laughed and he smugly said "Seems I was correct in my assumptions…I know you and I will say this that if you do not quit manipulating him I will expose you and Syrus will never come near you again."
Jessie froze and his eyes widened, the thought of Syrus leaving made him feel oddly empty inside and his heart weighed into his chest. "Consider my words, Jessie." Jaden said as he turned and walked away. Jessie was in a stunned state till his heart came to and he felt the sudden need to return to the boy in question. He broke into a run to get back to his dorm to where Syrus probably still lay sleeping.
Syrus had been restless ever since Jessie left to see Jaden and was pacing the room in a worried fashion. His stuffed bear cuddled tightly in his arms. He final sat down and set aside his bear he looked outside and frowned. He hoped Jaden didn't do anything bad to Jessie. Since their falling out things had been rough between them. They had gotten into several fights both verbal and physical. Syrus only wished for peace between them but it seemed impossible to come to a compromise.
Getting up he went to the closet and pulled out his uniform and then began to undo the buttons of his nightshirt to occupy his thoughts. 'Jessie said that Jaden was just trying to talk…I know that is just a story. I wish they didn't fight, but what could I do?'
He shed the shirt off his shoulders and folded it up and put it away, just then the door burst open and Jessie came in and at the same time was calling to him. Syrus turned to him and Jessie blushed deeply when he saw him. His body was thin and slightly toned much like a child. His skin was only comparable to porcelain and the pink across his face only made him even cuter. Jessie looked away sharply and said in a rushed tone "I am so sorry Syrus…I just was worried…and I should have knocked…."
Syrus shook his head and pulled on his dark brown turtleneck and went over to Jessie and timidly said "It's…fine Jess, no harm no foul. It's not like I am a girl right so it isn't a big deal." Jessie wished Syrus knew how wrong he was, he looked back and smiled seeing the gentle look on his face, he was truly an angel the way he forgave so easily. Even to those who didn't deserve it. His mind flashed to Jaden and he shivered slightly and he said softly "You had better go finish getting ready and we can get going to class."
Syrus nodded and left into the bathroom to finish getting dressed. Jessie plopped down on the bed and he closed his emerald eyes in deep thought. How could he act like that just by seeing Syrus like he had? But his bared skin somehow had triggered something inside his heart. But could it have been what Jaden had said that made his emotions go off like they had, or was it just him.
The day progressed slowly for Jessie after that and his loss of attention didn't escape Syrus' notice and on several occasions he asked if he was okay. Jessie faked a smile and told him he was fine. But in his heart he knew better something was stirring and he wanted to know if it was true or just mixed up fears from Jaden's words. He had to know…
Was he in love with Syrus Truesdale?
Wow a cliffie! I am so loving this I plan to have him do a journal entry every chapter that is if it sounds like a good idea to you all. So tell me what you think. Read and review