A/N- So here's yet another SM story. It's still a bit historic, but there will be a mix of historic things and modern ideas. Anyway, hope you guys like it! Enjoy!

Serena Lunae walked down the main street of Kingston, the capital of Laydon. She was currently staying wither he father in their two story town home for a few weeks. Serena's father, Ken Lunae, was an advisor and good friend of the King of Laydon. He was also the Lord of Oakworth the neighboring county. Serena hated the city, but her father had insisted she come with him for this trip. He wanted her to attend a ball one of the nights that they were staying in the capital. Serena knew it was just a ploy to get her to meet the prince and try to attract him. Serena just wanted to be back home in Oakworth with her friends Lita and Amy. At least there she could run in the endless fields, swim in the lakes, and be who she truly was. When she was in Kingston she was forced to be an upper class, pampered lady. She couldn't run through the streets, go riding, or talk to people who were not of her status even if they did make better conversation.

When Serena reached the park she found the bench her father used to bring her to before he became too busy for walks to the park. The bench was nestled in between rose bushes. A large oak tree was growing in the middle of the bushes and provided shade for the little bench. Serena wished at least her mother would come, but she was pregnant so she was not allowed to travel to Kingston. Ilene had always given Serena a little slack while they were in Kingston because she knew her daughter couldn't be trapped within the walls of the city like some caged bird.

A yelp from the corner of the park broke through Serena's thoughts. When Serena turned her head a black dog was running towards her. The dog dove into the bushes as another dog, this time brown, came trotting up behind it. The brown dog had blood around its mouth and appeared to be chasing the other dog. Before the brown dog could get to the black one Serena stood up. "Shoo! Leave him alone you mutt! Go away!" The brown dog looked at Serena before looking at the rose bushes were the black dog was watching. The brown dog huffed before turning the trotting into the forest that bordered the park on one side. Serena knelt down and looked at the black dog in the roses. The blue eyes watched her cautiously. "You can come out now. That other dog left." The black dog did nothing, but retreat past the rose bushes and up to the oak tree. He started licking some wounds on his belly and paw, but he was always watching Serena. Serena watched him with returned interest before she realized that the sun was getting ready to sink behind most of the building and it would be dark soon. "Well I'm going home. I wish I could help you, but I can't here. I'm sure that if you were to come home with me that I could. I will not force you though. If you want help you can follow me on your own will." Serena stood up and started walking back to the entrance of the park.

As Serena walked down the streets back towards the castle she heard the low clatter of claws on concrete. She knew the dog was following her and Serena smiled. Maybe she could help this dog. In some ways helping the dog would give her something to do… something to release her from the monotonous life her father was forcing her into for these couple of weeks.

"Serena! Hurry up! You're father will be here any minute!" Danielle, the housekeeper, yelled when Serena was within sight. Serena picked up her skirts and ran back to the house. "You've been at the park far too long. Dinner will be served as soon as your father gets home. He sent a messenger saying he'd be home by seven and it is nearly six thirty!"

"Sorry Dani, I forgot to keep track of the time. I'll be right up to change. I need to take care of something real fast."

"Hurry up!" Danielle shouted as she started to ascend the stairs towards Serena's room. Serena ran outside and unlatched the side gate. The black dog was sitting by some bushes and watching her house. When it saw Serena it slowly walked over and slunk in through the gate. When the dog was in the small backyard Serena ran into the kitchen and found some scraps and a bowl of water for the dog. Her backyard was not large, but had a lot of bushes and trees in the back corner. From experience, Serena knew there were small burrows in the bushes, burrows the dog could use. Serena set the food and water in one of the small hiding spots.

"You need to stay hidden for a bit. Father is used to me bringing home strays and taking care of them, but I've never brought a dog home before so you still might be a surprise. I'll work on your wounds before I tell him." Serena said. The dog seemed to understand and crept into the bushes.

"Serena! Your father is almost home! You need to change for dinner!" Danielle shouted from the top window.

"I'm coming." Serena yelled back. "I'll be back tonight. Father has been going to sleep early lately. I'll sneak out once he's asleep, the chef's left and Danielle's retired." Serena smiled once more at the dog before running into the rustic looking house.

Serena was able to finish changing into another dress for dinner before her father arrived home with the help of Danielle. Serena had changed from a yellow walking dress to a dark blue dress that as Danielle said 'was more appropriate for a young woman of your station in life." Serena was in the sitting room when her father arrived and was the first to greet him. Since there was not usually a full family living in the town house Ken had never seen a reason to hire a full staff. All he needed was someone to watch Serena during the day when he was gone and a chef.

"How was your day father?" Serena asked.

"It was fine. Meetings as usual. It seems that they never end these days." Ken answered.

"What is so important now? I thought all of the worrying over were-beings was over. I thought King Jared had been able to appease those worries."

"I am afraid not Serena. He is trying his hardest though. The leader of the Weres is being difficult. He will not talk and there is always a threat of war in the air. Why are we talking about just a depressing matter? What did you do today my dear? Surely your life was more exciting than meetings and arguments."

Serena and her father talked quietly over some chicken that the chef had prepared for them. Serena's father had always been open to telling his daughter what was going on. He knew she would never be one of the women of the court whose main interest was what color her dress should be made of. Serena had a thirst for news and always wanted to know what was going on. Ken used to constantly find Serena arguing with some of the young men on Oakworth over the latest news. He often still did. Serena knew to keep her mouth quiet when she was in the court though, but she held a rigid frame that expressed her discomfort. When Serena's hunger for food and news was quenched she excused herself and left for the sitting room where her book was still open on the nightstand. After an hour or so Ken walked in to find Serena still reading, curled up in front of the fire.

"Serena, I am going to bed. I have to leave early for the castle tomorrow. I will see you tomorrow night for dinner." Ken said.

"Goodnight." Serena replied. Ken bent down and kissed his daughter's head. Serena listened as he walked up the stairs, said goodnight to Danielle, and closed to the door to his room. Danielle came in a few minutes later to check up on Serena.

"Danielle, you can go to sleep. I can get ready for bed myself." Serena smiled.

"Of course my dear. If you need anything just come wake me up." Danielle said. She patted Serena's head and retired to her own room.

Serena waited a few more minutes to make sure that the other occupants of the house had all gone to sleep. The chef had left as soon as the kitchen was clean and would return early the next morning to make sure Ken would have coffee and something to eat before he left for the castle. Serena found some strips of cloth before she tip toed her way to the back door and quietly slipped into the night air. She ran over to the bushes and looked for the dog. She found no scraps of meat and the water bowl was empty. Serena was pondering where the dog had gone since she had locked the back gate once more when a twig snapping caught her attention. Two blue eyes starred back at her from an open patch of dirt behind all of the bushes.

"There you are! I was wondering were you had gone. Do you want me to look at your paw?" Serena asked. The dog didn't move so Serena took a few steps towards the dog. He didn't move. Serena reached out to the dog and let him sniff her hand. When the dog was satisfied she looked at his paw. The wound was still open, but the dog had managed to clean it. Serena wrapped the cloth around the wound before tying it gently. "There you go. It should be better in a few days. I'll bring you some food and water tomorrow morning as well." Serena patted the dogs head before she ran back to the door and slipped inside.

"That is your plan? You're going to use some girl to get to the royal family?" a voice broke into the night air. The dog looked up into the tree and spied a silvery owl.

"Hello to you too, Malachite. Her name is Serena Lunae. Her father is one of the King's advisors. He's supposed to be a good personal friend of the King as well." The dog sat on its haunches and watched as the last light in the house was blown out.

"Darien, I do not know what your plan is, but you should hurry. Your father will want results sooner than you think."

"I know. My father has absolutely no patience." Darien looked down at his paw which was wrapped in the clean white cloth.

"I see she patched you up as well. Zoi got you pretty well." Malachite laughed.

"I'll get him back for it don't worry." Darien's wolf form couldn't grin, but Malachite knew he was.

"How are you going to report back to your father? You can not stay in your wolf form for days on end. You'll need to resort back to being a human at some point."

"I'll return at night. Serena and her household go to bed quite early. Her father is an early riser, but he does not know about me yet. It gives me some time to get to the forest and back before she wakes up. I can change when I'm leaving. I'll need to unlatch the gate anyways."

"Alright, you're father wants me to check up on you most nights so I should be here a lot."

"Just don't blow my cover." Darien muttered.

"Don't worry, I won't." Malachite said goodnight to his werewolf friend before launching himself into the night sky and flying back into the forest.