Author's Note, part one: So I've had this collection of drabble-esque things I call "ficbits" hanging about on my ficjournal for ages and it occurred to me that some of you lovely people might like to read them as well. Most are in the same 'verse as "Healer;" some are not. Also: some of them are several years old, and chances are I haven't bothered to tweak them much, so don't be surprised if the style and quality of them varies a bit. A lot of them jump into the middle of a scene and then leap back out again without any explanation whatsoever. Sorry.

Thanks to my darling Mariah for the series title!

Title: Blue Eyes
Rating: G/K
Genre: Fluff. Sappy fluff.
Word Count: 1,509
Author's Note, part deux: Healer-verse. By this point Ed and Winry would be in their mid-twenties.

Disclaimer: This applies to the entire drabble series: I do not, never have, nor will I ever own Fullmetal Alchemist. The closest I come is a collection of gashapon and a pocketwatch.


"Winry, look at me. Winry! Are you listening to me?"

She nodded.

"I know it hurts, and I'm sorry. If I could make it stop, I would, you know I would. But I can't. Winry…" he smoothed sweat-soaked hair out of her face. "Winry, do you trust me?"

"Always," she whispered, without any hesitation.

"Then believe me when I promise you that it will be over soon. But you have to help. You know Rennifer, here, don't you?"

She nodded again.

"Can you trust her for me? She knows exactly what she's doing, and if you listen to her, she can help you, okay?"

"Okay," she murmured.

"Don't you dare give up on me, Winry. I won't let you. Do you know why?"


"Because I love you, Winry, do you hear me? I love you, and you are not giving up on me now."

Her eyes widened, and then she smiled brilliantly at him. "I love you too."

"Here, take my hand, and listen to Rennifer. I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

She clasped his hand, squeezing it tightly, and turned her attention to the woman standing at the foot of the bed.

Two hours and three severely crushed fingers later, Edward Elric had a daughter.

They named her Catia. She was a tiny, perfect copy of her mother. Emphasis on tiny, he thought in wonder as she was put into his arms. Tiny fingernails, tiny hands, tiny eyelashes, tiny nose and mouth. No tiny teeth, not yet. He winced at the thought. He vaguely remembered the time when Al was teething as a continuous period of very loud screaming.

"Ed?" Winry's voice broke into her thoughts. "Let me see her."

He handed Catia over very carefully, terrified that he would drop her. As he watched Winry hold their daughter close, talking to her, he felt suddenly very domestic, and grinned broadly.

"I bet I look awful, " Winry said.

"Yeah," he replied, still grinning. "You're beautiful, you know."

She flushed and smiled at him.


Constructive criticism is, as always, warmly welcomed! Expect bunches more of these very soon.