I wanted to take a special moment for those reviews on chapter seven. I wasn't expecting any since it wasn't a proper chapter. I am grateful for them, they show a lot of support and understanding and at the moment, that's a lot. so thanks for those heart felt reviews. The people writing and reading here on the Digimon selection is amazing group. I haven't encounted the likes any where else on the writing block as everyone here.
This next case it a law suit against The Deimon Commander from Hell on the story called: War of the Four Kingdoms. I have not completely read the story yet as it has 13 chapters so far and I am at chapter 6. The Deimon Commander has given me permission to use his stories against him for humor purposes only. I do recommend Deimon's stories to anyone who enjoys a good battle story. Also Deimon has crossed over characters from Terry Brooks novels and anyone who is a fan of Terry Brooks will enjoy the familiar characters brought back to life in Deimon's stories.
Tai slammed his gavel once more on the desk. Still argument rose from every corner of the court room. "Why won't you people listen to me!" Tai hammered repetitively.
"ORDER IN THE COURT!" Mimi screamed in a shrill voice.
The chaos in the room settled into a few mummers while people took their proper seating and soon the mumbles etched away.
"That's more like it." Tai leaned back in his over stuffed, black, fake leather chair.
Joe took a step in front of the large desk. "We are hear to witness the case of Matt vs. The Deimon Commander from Hell. Mimi vs. The Deimon Commander from Hell. Tk and Kari vs. The Deimon Commander from Hell. Davis vs. The Deimon Commander from Hell."
"Is it possible to shorten the name to Deimon Commander or maybe DC?" Tai leaned forward as he spoke to Joe.
"I don't see a problem." Joe shrugged. "You are the judge and this is your court room."
"Alrighty then. Let's hear the first case." Tai glanced at Matt. "Why are you suing Mr. DC?"
"For making me play with elves." Matt stood up.
"I object!" Deimon Commander stood up abruptly. "I did no such thing. He fought with the elves."
"Still, it isn't good for my image." Matt shuffled his papers. "Being seen with elves…."
"They weren't Santa Claus elves." The Commander growled. "We are talking elf like Lord of the Rings. Elves that almost appear to be humans. He could pass as one of the elves."
"That is my point!" Matt pointed. "See, I co-star a story with elves and the next thing I know I'm being accused as being an elf!"
"Matt." Tai licked his lip as he thought it over. "I think you misinterpret the story."
"HA!" DC pointed at Matt, "You are going down!"
Matt gave his deadly glare over at the writer.
"Mimi, do you have a proper charge against DC?" Tai asked the young woman.
"I do. First he treated me horrible. He placed me in a battle zone. Me." Mimi shook her head in disbelief. "I cannot handle watching people being slaughter and I had to witness this out of a carriage window. It was horrible. My skin reflected the stress. I had broken out in a nasty case of a pimple and I had to have an emergency appointment made to have a facial." Mimi took a deep breath. "Then on finding out that he allowed you, of all people, to have an actual sword."
"Hey…" Tai slammed his gavel. "I might sue you next if you don't watch it missy."
"You were beaten by a blind man, Tai." Mimi waved her hands in the air. "A blind person! You had no right to own a sword!"
"DC put my life in danger by giving you a sword!" Davis jumped up.
"Seat down!" Deimon Commander yelled.
"I have proof." Davis stood up and took a sheet of paper and read, "How do we hit this guy?" an exasperated Matt asked Tai as he slashed down, almost hitting TK.
"Just keep slashing!" Tai yelled back as he almost chopped off Davis's head with a back swing. This craziness continued for quite a little time longer as Landon ducked and jumped with this really freaky grin on his face. Finally, Tai managed to nip him on the back."
"See I was almost beheaded." Davis slammed the paper down.
"And I would had witness the beheading of Davis." Mimi cried.