"RAIMUNDO!" A shrill scream rang throughout the temple, shattering Raimundo's eardrums. Only one person could be making such an ear-splitting shriek, and he could not see a pleasant future if that person were to see what was in his hand. He quickly shoved the little square item in his pocket and stood up to face the steaming-mad Japanese girl who was storming into his cubicle.
"Hello, Kimiko." he greeted cheerfully, grinning his famous half-smile. Kimiko, her black hair died pink and swept into two little buns, did not return the favor.
"Where is it?" She snapped, hands on hips. Raimundo smiled.
"Whatever do you mean, Kim?" He asked, hands behind back. She reached over, yanked at his wrist, and pulled it back to examine. Neither hand held a thing.
"Where is it?" She asked again, slamming his arm back to his side. Raimundo laughed.
"Where is what?" He chuckled, flopping down on his beanbag. Kimiko puffed out her cheeks and let an angry breath out.
"My PDA, Rai! I know you took it!" She shouted, yanking his arm so he'd stand up. He heeded her request and burst into guffaws.
"Why do you think I took it, Kim? It could've been Omi or Clay!" With that, he made for the curtain leading into the hall. Kimiko yelped and pushed him back.
"Because Omi doesn't know what it is and Clay's…Clay! Now give it back!" She shrieked, riffling through an open trunk at her feet.
"You're so paranoid, you probably just lost it!" He snorted, kicking the trunk away from her clawing hands. She straightened up, crossing her arms across her chest.
"I never lose it, you always take it! What, did you carve a hole under your mat?" She dove to the ground and lifted his sleeping mat, scanning the wood for signs of a compartment. Raimundo pulled her up by the shirt and guided her to the curtain.
"I swear on my hamster's grave, Kimiko, I don't have your PDA. Now if you'll kindly leave, we can put this incident behind us." He said calmly. Kimiko crinkled her eyebrows.
"Alright, fine--wait!" She gasped, reaching down. Before Raimundo could jump away, she stuck her hand into his pocket, riffled around, and emerged with a light blue, bedazzled rectangle with a hand-stick dangling from a rope in the side.
"RAIMUNDO!" She screamed for the second time that day. Raimundo laughed and ran past her into the hall, Kimiko barreling after him.
"Aw, come on Kim, can't you take a joke?" He called over his shoulder, rounding a corner. Kimiko was gaining speed, smoke beginning to steam out of her hands. Five corners later, massive fireballs were chucked at Raimundo's feet. He blew wind bombs to keep them from burning him.
"Get back here!" Kimiko yelled, pouncing in the air. Her precision was right on the money, as she landed right on top of him. His head in her arms, she captured Raimundo in a headlock, squeezing his neck until his eyes bulged.
"I'm--sorry--okay??" He choked, ripping her arms off and rolling out from underneath her.
"You'd better be!" Kimiko huffed, strutting away back to her own room. Rai laughed and jumped to his feet.
"Aw, come on, I thought I was a hottie?" He called. In an instant, Kimiko's head had popped out the door.
"What?" She hissed, trooping back up to him. Rai's grin grew.
"Well, as you said, and I quote, 'Oh, Keiko, he's just so hot I can't even stand it!'" He recited, balling his hands together and clinging them to his chest. Kimiko screamed and ran off, blushing madly. Raimundo laughed as she dove into her room.
"What? I was just gonna say I thought you were hot too!" He said, quietly, more to himself. With that, he began humming a soft tune, bobbing his head all the way outside to practice with Omi.
A\N-That was Erika with your daily dose of pre-Raikim! Hope you liked it!