AN: I have no excuse, save boredom. I wrote this in about twenty minutes so if there are any grammar or spelling errors I apologize…Soul Society is from Bleach, L and Raito are from Death Note, they are owned by their respective owner, i.e. not me…
More Coffee for Your Sugar?
The first thought Raito had was 'Where the hell am I?' while 'I'm going to kill that Ryuk.' Followed close behind. He looked around the area he had suddenly found himself. It looked like feudal Japan. He leaned against the building he had woken up next to and watched the people scurry back and forth.
His brain was working overtime. He checked his chest and hand, no bullet holes. He remembered Ryuk writing his name down in the book, remembered the terror of thinking he was going to die, and remembered the pain as his heart stopped beating. So where was he now? He had to be dead. There was no getting around the Death Note.
A young woman was walking towards him. He stepped slightly out of the shadow and addressed her. "Miss, I'm sorry to bother you, but could you tell me where I am? I seem to be lost." He smiled that smile that always worked in his favor and smirked on the inside when he saw her blush.
"Oh, sure. You must be new. You are in Soul Society. Everybody is usually a bit confused at first. My name's Naoko." She bowed slightly.
Soul Society? He returned the gesture. "My name is…"
"Yagami Raito." A voice behind him said in slight disbelief. Raito schooled his features away from shock before turning. It can't be…
"L, it is good to see you." He said as he took in the black and white clad, stooped figure. People were gathering around them, whispering things Raito couldn't quite catch.
L cocked his head to the side and studied him. "I have to admit I am surprised."
Raito raised an eyebrow in polite interest. "Surprised I am dead?"
L shook his head. "No. I knew you would die soon. I am simply surprised you were sent here, instead of the gates of Hell opening up for you."
Gasps were heard around the crowd while the few people standing beside L, also dressed in black, gripped the katanas at their waist. He wasn't exactly sure how to respond to that. He kept his face impassive. "You still think I was Kira."
L cocked his head to the side. "Are you hungry?'
Raito blinked but refused to be thrown off by the strange question. "Actually, I am." Gasps once again sounded around crowd. Raito really didn't like not knowing what was going on.
L nodded. "Let's go get something to eat." He turned and Raito followed thinking quickly.
One of the black clad figures was watching him with distrustful eyes. "Taicho, are you sure about this?" he asked.
Raito let an impressed expression to cross his face. "Taicho? Not bad L…"
L shrugged. "I try. And don't worry, Raito and I are old friends, aren't we, Raito?"
Raito smiled. "Yes, we are." They passed through the gates of a large city. "We never did have our rematch." He said conversationally as he looked around.
L led him to a small café and they settled at a table. "You're right. We never did have that rematch. Well other things came up." He began dropping sugar cubes into his cup of coffee. "So how did you die?"
Raito smiled ironically. "Heart attack."
L's hand stilled over his tower of cubes. "Is that so?"
Raito sipped his own coffee. "It was always a possibility."
"So Kira's reign came to an end…"
Raito laughed. What the hell, I'm dead already, right? "Yeah, I suppose so. I have your friend, Near to thank for that."
"Near killed you?"
Raito stared into cup with a glare. "No, Ryuk wrote my name down. The bastard Shinigami."
A few heads turned at his statement. L ignored them. "Near huh? So he replaced me?"
Raito nodded. "And this guy name Mello. Seems they both were competing for the job."
L nodded and plopped a sugar cube in his mouth from the tower out of his coffee. "Yes they were rather good."
"Mello's dead." He said tonelessly.
"Your work?"
Raito's lip curled up in a half smile. "Actually, no."
"So, I've always wanted to know. How did you figure out my name? Was it Misa's eyes?"
Raito scratched his head. "Truth be told, I never figured out your name. Remu killed you. You were getting to close to Misa, and she had a soft spot for that girl."
L nodded. "That makes sense. So what happened to the Note?"
"Ryuk took his, and Near has the other two. He probably burned them or something."
L smirked. "The last two rules were fake?"
Raito laughed. "I had to figure a way to clear my name. And that idiot's Misa."
The two fell into a companionable silence. L continuing his sugar cube creation, Raito picking at the food that was brought to him. Both were aware of the strange looks they were receiving, and both choose to ignore them.
L broke the silence. "I really was hoping I was wrong about you." He didn't look up.
Raito leaned on his elbow. "I know." He reached across the table and took the sugar cube from the top of the tower. "Just because you were right, doesn't mean we can't be friends." He popped the cube in his mouth.
L watched him crunch the cube between his teeth. "You killed hundreds of people." He said slowly. Raito shrugged and stole another sugar cube. "You orchestrated my death." Another shrug, another sugar cube. "You killed my colleagues."
"Technically, I didn't kill you or Watari. Or even Mello." He reasoned. He shrugged. "Besides, that's all in…" he searched for the right words. "…in a past life."
"A past life, huh?" L wiped a hand through his tower, scattering the cubes all over the table. "I suppose that true." He picked up his coffee cup, now a mesh of dissolved sugar cubes and coffee. He took a sip.
Raito raised an eyebrow. "Would you like more coffee for your sugar?" he asked sarcastically.
L smiled before dropping another sugar cube into his cup. "My friend, you can never have enough sugar, but you can always have to much coffee."
Raito smiled as he picked up one of the cubes that made it over to his side of the table. "I suppose you're right…"