Disclaimer: I ADMIT IT!! im not the Multi Billionare or the Japanese Creative Genius that owns Naruto or these characters!! (surprise, surprise...) so THERE. :D everything's clear as a blank page now...right? All ideas belong to fairycloud22, so please do not copy. Thanks!

If anyone is confused, go back and read the first chapter. This chapter and the entire plot flows directly from it, so it doesn't make alot of sense at first if you just start on this chapter.

Now...to continue my story...




Chapter 2

"Kushina Returns and Minato Makes Plans"

And still was. It had been four years, and she had grown her hair out, clipping her bangs back in a simple barrette. She had followed his advice...for once. It was a flowing, scarlet curtain now. And she had a stunning figure to match it.

"Minato...Minato-san?" The intern waited a moment, and then waved a hand in front of his face. "I apologize, Kushina, our fourth Hokage appears...deep in thought...maybe we should..."

I think I know exactly what he's thinking...that weird look...the empty stare...

"JUST because I've been gone for a while AND I didn't have time to cut my hair during my training, DOESN'T give you the right to stare at me like I died...or grew horns...or something!" The fuming, redheaded, slender woman marched behind the cluttered desk and slapped him...clean across the face. "Snap out of it!"

"I wouldn't..." The female intern gasped. "Such disrespect! For the Hokage!" She left in a huff...maybe to go report the ranting, crazy redhead.

Hands on her hips, Kushina waited impatiently for Minato to blink and come around, sighing exasperatedly.

Crud...this stinks. I spent all that time trying to get the boys in Kohona to accept me as one of them...for who I was...and every one of them gawks at me like...this...like I'm some sort of alien! Or just a girl...in a bar...Uuggghh!!

People once couldn't tell if I even was one or not...they used to think I was...a BOY! Hmmph...

Sensei was right...I might have become more...womanly. She said they would react this way, even though I denied it. I just hoped Namikaze Minato would be different, since he couldn't stand me. That's partially why he was my friend in the first place.

Though I've always had a knack for making friends in the strangest places, even if it takes some time...and in his case, lots of patience.

He turned, clutching his head and gasping, "Kushina?"

However, he does look cute...maybe attractive...when he's off balance and surprised. That intern probably has a lot of fan-girl fun working for the "stunning Hokage" in his "own regal office" along with the rest of the village of gawking girls.

What a wonderful most honoring privilege...to get to stare at him all day! Though...I wouldn't exactly protest.

She smirked. "That took you long enough...what's so shocking?" Her head tilted as she asked sarcastically, "Terrible news for the Yondaime Hokage?"

"Well...yes..." he stuttered, "and...no..." A sigh escaped him as he gave in, expressing his thoughts with a shrug, "I just missed you...really...that's all." He smiled with his trademark confidence, into her eyes. "It's been a long time...you've...changed." He took hold of her hand gently. "You really are...beautiful now, Kushina."

She blushed furiously at his touch and words in his now deepened voice. Giving herself only one extra second to leave her hand in his strong one, she softly pulled away.

"Now let's not get too ahead of ourselves. We just said hello..." she teased, and gave a faint smile. For a moment, they just stayed that way, smiling and secretly enjoying each others presence. It had been so long.

I don't like to admit it...I've never been one to go for looks...but it is nice to see his yellow spiky hair, his determined (I say stubborn) chin, the quiet smile, and his vivid blue eyes...Alright! Maybe he is downright handsome. She sighed.

At least he isn't half as stupid as I have found some of the boys around here to be...sometimes he can be twice as smug though. A smirk appeared on her face.

Oh well, I can be a little thick headed too...He is, my Minato, and that's what counts.

"I don't plan to." He grinned widely with his eyes squinted shut. "At least not in a few more years..."

Laughing at his forwardness, she fondly and disrespectfully ruffled the fourth Hokage's attractive hair. "You're impossible; you know that, don't you?" Kushina grinned mischievously.

After discussing their stories of the past years, and setting up a ramen fest (for Kushina), with all their old teammates of course...(Kushina wouldn't stand for some sort of...date) she left, and Minato leaned back in his chair casually, hands behind his head, thinking...

I may be impossible, as you say, but I usually get what I want. (I became Hokage...didn't I?) When I set a goal...I never lose sight of it. I have my reasons...And I know exactly what I want now...It's just going to take some time...and I can wait...for you.

A quiet smile crossed the Hokage's face...and on the face of a red haired beauty on the crowded street below. Who would have thought...




If you read closely, you can see some of the similarities they have to Naruto. Minato has his exact huge smile and physical features. (just check out the manga comics for pictures) He also rubs the back of his head when he's nervous...like Naruto has done around Sakura, and he has the same drive and confidence. (especially when it comes to wining Kushina's heart...that's why he's so assured about it, he never gives up. And Dats the ninja way! :D...sorry...just couldn't resist adding that quote...:D)

Kushina likes Ramen, exactly and obviously like Naruto. Also she is very forward, can make friends easily, isn't especially book smart, and doesn't have a lot of respect for authority figures. (Like Hokages...slapping him on the face! Really! ;D) And does her "unpredictable fighting technique" in the first chapter sound familiar to you? ;D Kushina is truly the mother of the unpredictable ninja. (So she can keep Minato "on his toes" :D) Oh...ya...and they both have a really short fuse...(Naruto&Kushina- "HEY!" fairycloud22- I'm just stating the facts...no offence... Naruto&Kushina- "Grrrrr..." fairycloud22- SEE)