I highly suggest you read the bold italics, even if you don't read the A/N!

A/N: I would like to start off by thanking everyone who is still reading this, which really isn't very many. This is the last chapter. I do not have enough reviewers, and I don't really have all that many readers either. This may not end the way you want it, but its how I've chosen to go about it. I hope that you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything that has to do with the Twilight series. It's all the lovely Miss. Meyer's.

Dedication: This story is dedicated to all of you who have stuck with me, I never should have done a sequel, but I really appreciate all of you!

You May Now…

Information you may actually want to read: This takes place several months later. Alice planned the entire wedding while Bella and Edward were busy getting their home ready. Bella has gotten used to being a vampire, and cannot wait to be married.

Bella's Point of View:

As I stood in front of the mirror gazing at my self, I couldn't help but think that I was wearing too much makeup. Alice stepped up behind me and smiled.

"You look gorgeous!" Alice chirped.

"You really do." Rose added smiling. I must have been blushing by the looks Alice and Rose gave me.

"I still don't understand how you are able to blush." Alice pouted.

"It's just one of her special traits." Rose explained nonchalantly. I smiled at her. She always just let my quirks go as being one of my 'special traits'. It made things much easier.

"Whatever. Bella what do you want done with your hair?" Alice asked smiling brightly.

"Well…" I really had no idea what I wanted done with my hair, and all I could think of was that I had way too much makeup on. "Alice could we please redo my makeup?"

"Why? Don't you like it?"

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just a little bit too much."

"Bella, it's your wedding day! You are supposed to be all dolled up!" Alice explained.

"I know, but I would just be comfortable with less. I mean red lipstick Alice? Can't I just has a very subtle color, and add some gloss or something?" I pleaded.

"You can't add gloss that will mess up the kiss." Rose said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"When you kiss Edward, your lips will move all over, and he'll get all sticky, gloss is just a bad idea." Rose said.

"Oh. Well can I please where a lighter shade of lipstick?"

"But then the rest of the makeup won't match!" Alice pointed out.

"Alice, I think that's the point." Rose said smiling. I nodded slightly.

"Fine." Alice handed me a wet wash cloth. "Wash it off."

"Thank you!" I said happily.

"Sure, it is your wedding day after all. Plus I can still make you look lovely with barely any makeup."

"Good to know." Alice and Rose just laughed, as I wiped the makeup off.

After I was done cleaning my face Alice started over. When she was done I looked in the mirror and smiled. She had listened, and I only had a touch of makeup on, but I still looked great. I had a light purple eye shadow on that was blended into a pink. It was hard to tell I was even wearing eye shadow, and that's how I liked it. Alice had applied a lengthening mascara to my eyelashes, and very pale pink blush to my cheeks. My lips were a pale pink that had some sparkles in it. I was happy with how I looked.

"So how do you want your hair?" Rose asked happily. I could tell she was excited to do my hair.

"I really don't care. Just nothing too outrageous." I knew I probably should have been more specific, but I decided to just let Rose do her thing.

Rose placed me on a chair where I wouldn't be able to see in a mirror. After about an hour she told me I was done.

"Go look." She replied, sounding happy with herself.

I stood up and walked to the mirror. I smiled at the sight. My hair was half up and half down. The parts that were down were in big loose curls that fell on my shoulders. The rest was pulled back loosely, and there were a few wisps of hair that stuck out. I had a soft look, and I loved it.

"Thank you both so much!" I said as tears formed in my eyes.

"Do not cry!" Alice said.

"Didn't you use waterproof makeup?" I asked.

"Well of course, but I don't want you crying." She explained.

"Um, ok."

"Bella go get dressed, the wedding starts soon." Rose said. I turned around to see that her makeup and hair were now done.

"How on earth did you do that so quickly?" I asked puzzled.

"Magic." Rose said laughing.

"Very funny."

"No I could have done yours faster too, but I wasn't really sure what I was going to do. I knew what I wanted, so it was easy." I just nodded, as if I understood.

"Now go get dressed, we have to too!" Alice said, and the two of them walked out giving me some privacy.

I slipped into my long white dress and zipped the zipper as far as I could without help.

"Alice, Rose!" I yelled. They both came in, both already in their dresses.

"Can one of you zip me?"

"Of course!" Alice said and zipped me up.

"You two look beautiful!" I exclaimed as I turned to face them both.

"Please! You should look at yourself! You look absolutely gorgeous! Edward won't be able to take his eyes off of you!" Alice informed me.

"Or his hands." Rose added, smiling knowingly.

The three of us laughed.

Edward's Point of View:

"Bro you look fine. Would you stop stressing out?" Emmett said, annoyed.

"Is everything ready?" I asked. I knew I was stressing out, but I wanted everything to be perfect.

"For the millionth time, everything is perfect!" Emmett bellowed, I knew I was starting to get to him, but I couldn't help it.

"Jasper, do you have the rings."

"Yup, and Emmett's right, you really need to calm down. You aren't even tying your tie right." I looked down and realized that he was right, my tie was all messed up. I sighed, frustrated, and tried again, but I couldn't get it.

"I wonder if Bella is this much of a mess." Emmett said.

"Probably, you know Bella." Jasper added in.

"Would you two shut up, and help me with this stupid tie?" I yelled.

"Whoa! Calm down. Here I'll help you." Jasper said as he walked over to me and quickly tied my tie.

"Is that good?" He asked me when he was done. I just nodded.

"Dude, relax! Everything is fine. You need to breathe, well actually you don't, but who knows, it might help you." I chuckled lightly. I didn't know why I was so nervous.

"You have five minutes to pull it together Edward." Emmett.


"You have to be standing at the alter in five minutes. You don't want Bella to walk down, and then you're nowhere to be seen. That wouldn't go over well."

"Yes I know. I just didn't realize I only had five minutes."

"Well now you are down to four."

"Why don't we head there now." I said.

"Sounds good to me." Jasper said.

As I walked up to the alter Carlisle smiled. He was marrying Bella and me.

"I'm happy for you." He said calmly.

"Thanks." I replied. All of a sudden the music started, and Jasper and Emmett took their places beside me.

Alice was first to walk down. She was wearing a dark blue, satin, strapless dress that went all the way down to the floor. Her hair looked how it always did, short and spiky, but she looked nice. Next Rose came down the aisle. Her dress was the same color as Alice's, but it was a halter. Her hair was in a loose ponytail, and there were a few wisps of hair that popped out here and there.

Then she appeared. She stood at the end of the aisle for a moment, just smiling at me shyly. She looked absolutely incredible. Her dress was strapless, and fit her body perfectly. There were small flower details on it. As she started to make her way down the aisle I couldn't take my eyes off her face. She was so gorgeous. She walked up next to me, and took my hand in hers.

"Well, this wedding will be slightly unconventional, but to be honest, what about this relationship is conventional?" Carlisle spoke. We all chuckled quietly. "Basically the two of you can say whatever you choose, and then I get to say six little words, and you will be married."

We all laughed. This wedding was definitely interesting.

"Edward, you may go first." Carlisle prodded.

I turned towards Bella and took both of her hands in mine. She looked directly into my eyes and I fell in love all over again.

"I Edward Cullen, take you, Bella Swan to be my wife, to share both good times and bad times, side by side. I give you my hand, and my whole being, and hope that my love will always be a safe haven for you. Just as this circle is without end, my love for you is eternal. Just as it is made of a permanent metal, my commitment to you is forever. With this ring, I thee wed." With that I slipped the ring on Bella's finger.

"Ok, Bella, it's your turn." Carlisle said. Bella sniffled, and then began.

"Edward Cullen, today I take you for my husband. Now we will feel no rain, for each of us will be shelter for the other. Now there will be no loneliness, for each of us will be companion to the other. There is only one life before us, and our seasons will be good and long. I promise to love, honor, and cherish you, no matter what lies before us, for as long as we both shall exist." By the time Bella had finished, she had tears falling freely from her eyes. I took my hand and gently wiped her tears away. Then she placed the ring on my finger. I love you she mouthed. I love you too. I mouthed back.

"And here comes my part." Carlisle said happily. "You may now kiss the bride."

I pulled Bella into my arms, and kissed her, as we pulled apart I looked into her eyes.

"I love you so much!"

A/N: That's it! It's all over! I might write another story, but it will not have anything to do with this story or Scarier than a Family of Vampires. Thank you all for reading!

Review please!


This is for you Zija! So enjoy!

Alternate Ending:

"You may now kiss the bride!" Carlisle announced.

I pulled Bella into my arms, and just as I was about to place my lips to hers, she caught on fire. My wife caught on fire! I didn't know what to do, and all of a sudden I was on fire. I backed away quickly and ran into Jasper, who in turn ran into Emmett. They both started rolling on the ground, trying to put the fire out. Bella had backed up as well, and Alice and Rose were also on fire. This wasn't good, my entire family was on fire, including Esme and Carlisle, I just don't know how they caught on fire.

We all ran towards the ocean and jumped in. We were lucky to be so close to water. There was no other way we could have survived from the fire. Once we were all put out, we started laughing.

"What the hell just happened?" Emmett asked.

"Bella, did you spontaneously combust?" Alice asked laughing. I don't know why we were laughing, but for some reason this was just too funny.

"I think so." Bella sounded scared. "Is everyone ok?" We all nodded, and went over to her.

"Well our wedding day was eventful."

A/N: Ok that was bad. Zija I know I said I would kill them off, but it just wouldn't have worked, and frankly this didn't work either…oh well. Thanks again everyone!!!