A/N: If you've read Scarier than a Family of Vampires, you do not need to read this A/N. Bella is a vampire, and she and the Cullen family are living on Arrilian Island. If you need more details, feel free to ask, or go check out Scarier than a Family of Vampires.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

Water Sports

Alice's Point of View:

I wanted to go water skiing, and I wanted to go now. Bella was changed now, and she seemed perfectly fine, so why couldn't we go?

I walked up the beautiful spiral staircase and knocked on Edward's gorgeous cherry wood door.

"Yes?" Came Edward's voice.

"Can I please come in?" I asked politely.


"Edward." I huffed. "Stop messing with me! Can I come in or not?" I asked annoyed. He chuckled.

"Yes Alice, you can come in. No need to get all upset."

Angrily I opened the door. As I stepped in I immediately forgot that I had been upset. Bella and Edward were both in their swim suits. I started to get excited.

"Does this mean we can go water skiing?" I asked happily.

"No, we're just going to sit in the bedroom with our bathing suits on." Edward replied sarcastically.

"Ha ha, very funny Edward." I said as I ran over to Bella and pulled her into a tight hug.

She seemed shocked, but she quickly recovered and responded to the hug by returning it.

"You look beautiful." I whispered in her ear before pulling away.

"Thanks Alice."

"So are you ready now?" I asked bouncing around.

"Yes Alice." Edward and Bella said in unison.

"Good!" With that I ran out of the room. I made it to the bottom of the stairs and I couldn't see them coming.

"Are you two slow pokes coming?" As I finished the sentence, they came into my line of vision.

"You know Alice, if you don't start being nicer, we could just go back upstairs, change, and do something else." Edward said.

"No! I'll stop!! I promise!" They couldn't bail on me now!

"So she lured you two to come along as well?" Emmett said while walking into the room.

"Yup." Edward replied. "Is everyone going?"

"Yes." Rosalie said as she waked into the room. "Carlisle, Esme, and Jasper are already on the boat waiting for us."

"Well, then I guess we should be going." Bella said. Edward wrapped his arm securely around her waist, trying to protect her.

"Edward, give the girl some space. She's a vampire now, she can protect herself, and what are you worried about anyway?" I asked.

"You know what I'm worried about." Edward replied hastily.

"Enlighten me." I said while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Alice, you know how this family works, and now that Bella is a vampire, you won't be going easy on her. For now I feel I have a right, and need to protect her, from our insane family."

"Oh come on Edward! Give us some credit here. We aren't going to hurt her…too much." I added quietly at the end.

"I heard that, and you seem to be forgetting that I can read your minds. I see what crazy ideas you are thinking about, don't even bother trying them."

"Edward…" Bella started, she obviously didn't know what he was talking about.

"My family likes to play tricks on each other." He said simply to Bella. She nodded in understanding, and moved closer to Edward.

"Bella," I started slightly annoyed. "Would I harm you?" I asked innocently.

"Well, yes." Bella said quietly.

"What? How can you say that? I've been nothing but kind to you!" I sounded hurt as I said it; I knew how to make Bella cave.

"Sure, you have been kind…but you've also put me through some extensive makeovers…

"Those did not harm you!" I claimed while interrupting her.

"Maybe not, but you have that same evil grin on your face right now, and you are doing that thing with your voice, it's like you are trying to hide an evil laugh from just coming out." Bella finished off her rant, and Edward chuckled lightly.

"And what may I ask are you laughing about?" I said, glaring at Edward.

"Well my dear sister, Bella here just explained you perfectly, and I personally find it quite amusing."

"Oh shut up Edward, you totally brainwashed her!"

"He did not!" Bella said loudly standing up for herself.

"He did too! You just don't see it, that's how good he is at doing it!"

"I can think for myself you know!" Bella said raising her voice slightly.

Emmett walked up between us and stuck his hands out.

"Okay as funny as it is to watch you two argue…this is the first day that Bella is officially a vampire, and this is how you chose to welcome her to the family? Have a nice little sibling rivalry. Give her a chance to get used to things first." Emmett's words shocked me, normally he's the one starting this so-called 'sibling rivalry'.

"Since when do you care about sibling rivalry?" I asked stubbornly. As I was saying the words, I started to realize how stupid this whole thing was. There was no need for me to argue with Bella. If she wanted Edward's protection for the day, she should be allowed to have it.

"Since Bella is new to the family, and all this bickering is taking up the daylight, and I would really like to go water skiing." Ah, of course, it had something to do with his enjoyment.

"You know, water skiing can be fun in the dark." I said while raising my eyebrows.

Emmett was about to speak, but Rosalie beat him to the punch.

"Can we please just go? Edward you can protect Bella all you want, and Alice just leave her alone for the day. Deal?"

"Who are you to talk? You've always been hard on Bella!" I claimed angrily.

"That's because I thought it was stupid for her to choose this lifestyle, however then she got sick, and it was either this or die." Turning towards Bella she continued to speak. "So Bella, I would like you to know that I am happy you are part of the family, and I am truly sorry for the way I treated you."

"Gosh Rose, you're so full of crap."

"Alice what is with you today? You aren't being yourself."

"No reason."

"Why did Jasper get on the boat already? Why didn't he wait for you?" Rose asked.

"You know what, fine, I will leave Bella alone, deal!" I said exasperated.

"You didn't answer my ques…" Edward broke her off, and I was grateful, I didn't feel like talking about the fight I had had with Jasper earlier.

"Let's just got now, and everyone can just leave everyone alone." With that Edward and Bella walked out of the room, and Emmett was very close behind them.

I started to walk after them, but Rose grabbed my arm.

"Alice, is everything okay?" She asked sincerely. I wanted to lie to her, but I couldn't.

"Jasper and I got into a little fight earlier." I sighed.

"I'm sure everything will be fine."

"It will be, if he'll just let me talk to him, and apologize, he's been avoiding me."

"If you don't mind my asking, what did you do?"

"I may have made fun of him a bit too much."

"Oh Alice." Rose laughed lightly. "Everything will be just fine, trust me." She pulled me into a slight hug. "Let's go."


Edward's Point of View:

The boat was huge and gorgeous. It was a house boat, so there were four bedrooms. Bella and I were in one of them, looking through the window. The water was so blue and clear. There were fish swimming around in all directions. They were all so beautiful, and bright.

"I can't believe how clear the water is." Bella stated. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"So are you ready to go water skiing?" Bella shuddered lightly.

"You'll be okay." I whispered in her ear.

"Let's go." She said trying to sound bold. I smiled kindly at her, and took her hand in mine, as we exited the room.

"Well you two have finally decided to grace us with your presence." Rose said.

"Who's going first?" Carlisle asked.

"I will!" Emmett said loudly. I heard Bella take in a deep breath.

"See, you don't even have to go first." I whispered lowly in her ear. She leaned against my back.

"That just means I have to sit and worry about it longer."

"Bella, even if something were to happen, which it won't, you're a vampire now, and you won't be harmed for long, especially with that special power of yours." He said while he pulled her into a seat. She leaned her head against his shoulder.

"I thought that being a vampire I wouldn't be such a wimp." She claimed softly.

"Eventually you won't be. It might take you some time." I claimed while rubbing her arm gently. She closed her eyes, and continued to breathe in and out evenly. It was nice to hear her breathe; I was sort of surprised that she continued to breathe, even though she didn't have to.

"Bella, open your eyes, watch Emmett." I said shaking her lightly. Her eyes immediately popped open to see Emmett all geared up to water ski.

"Ready Emmett?" Carlisle called out.

"I was born ready!" Emmett yelled out cockily.

"That's what he thinks." Carlisle said grinning. In a second we were rushing through the water extremely fast. Carlisle was trying his hardest to make Emmett fall, but Emmett was doing a wonderful job at staying on.

"I'll be right back, okay?" I whispered to Bella. She nodded, and turned her head back to Emmett.

I walked up to Carlisle and whispered in his ear.

"Go straight for a little while, and then make a tight turn, it should get him to fall." Carlisle turned to smile at me.

"Great idea." He exclaimed. I walked back over to Bella and sat down comfortable resuming our previous position.

"What was that all about?" She asked curiously.

"You'll see, we're trying to get Emmett to fall off." Her eyes bugged out.

"You aren't going to do that to me? Are you?" She asked extremely worried.

"Of course not love. Emmett's done this a thousand times." I told her sincerely. She relaxed slightly but she was still tense.

"Would you like me to go before you do?" I asked, trying to make her feel more comfortable about the situation. She nodded.

"Okay." I kissed her forehead, and then all of a sudden we took a sharp turn, that startled even me. I turned around quickly to see if Emmett had fallen off, and sure enough he had. Everyone started cracking up.

"Good one Carlisle! You really got me!" Emmett said as he climbed up the boat.

"So who's going next?" Esme asked sweetly.

"I'll go!" Rosalie said just as I was about to volunteer.

Rosalie was able to stay up for a long time, and when she finally had fallen off, everyone applauded her for her time.

"Thank you thank you, you are far too kind." She said while taking bows.

"I'll go." I said before anyone else got a chance. I got all set up, and Carlisle asked me if I was ready.

"I'm good to go." I knew better than to brag. My family knew I was good at water skiing, and I already knew they wouldn't go easy on me. Although they also knew that Bella was watching me closely, so I didn't think they would go too tough on me.

Carlisle took off with a nice speed, and I just enjoyed the ride at first. Then he started to have his fun. He was making different shapes in the water, causing me to use more of my skills. He came to large rock in the water, and made a fast swerve which caused me to lose my grip. I fell off and bumped into the rock. The boat stopped immediately and I could hear Bella panicking from under the water.

"Oh my gosh! Edward, are you okay?" She was asking hysterically. Quickly I swam to the top of the water. I didn't need Bella worrying about me. This wasn't going to help her anxiousness.

"I'm fine Bella." I said calmly as I swam towards the boat. As I stepped onto the boat Bella was already right next to me with a towel. She looked over my body checking for damage, even though I told her I was okay.

"Bella, I just bumped the rock a little bit, I really am okay." I said while hugging her.

"Edward, you're sure you're okay? I didn't realize how close we were to the rock." Carlisle said.

"I'm okay, I promise." Bella pulled me toward the seat and we sat down again.

"I'll go!" Alice said happily. She always loved water skiing, because she knew exactly what Carlisle was going to do. She always outdid all of us.

Alice got all set, and I saw a wicked grin take over Carlisle's features. I decided to tune into his thoughts.

"She just thinks she knows what I'm going to do." I started laughing.

"What's so funny Edward?" Emmett asked me.

"Come here, and I'll tell you." Emmett walked over to me, and leaned down.

"Carlisle is faking a plan, Alice thinks he's doing one thing, but he's really doing something else, and by the time she figures it out, it will be too late." I said as quietly as I could.

"Ha! That's great!" Emmett said exuberantly.

Right away as Carlisle made a tight right, then a tight left, and then he took off with great speed, and did an insanely fast circle. By the time he completed the circle, Alice was down. She surfaced to the top of the water, with a pout on her face.

"Not fair!" She claimed.

"Not fair?" We all questioned her.

"Yes! It's not fair!"

"Why not? Because we planned one thing and did another? Gee sorry Alice, sometimes you need to be surprised." Jasper said with some cruelty in his voice. We all stopped laughing and smiling. The things Alice had said to Jasper earlier in the day must have really affected him, because he was usually so quiet about his feelings.

Alice stopped pouting and came onto the boat. Quickly she walked over to Jasper. He looked away from her, but she gently grabbed his cheek with her hand. He turned to face her with angry, hurt eyes.

"Jasper, I'm so sorry. The things I said to you…well I shouldn't have said them, and I don't really think that. It just came out. I'm really really sorry."

"If they came out so easily, that means you were thinking about them Alice." He said icily. "Now please let go of me. I would like to water ski." Alice didn't drop her hand though.

"Jasper, please…I really am sorry. Will you please forgive me?" She asked sincerely. I felt bad for listening in on there conversation so openly. Everyone was staring at them intently, waiting to see what would happen. Jasper rolled his eyes towards the sky like he was thinking.

"Yes." He said softly. I knew he would forgive her, I just wasn't sure how long he would wait to forgive her. Slowly she removed her hand from his cheek and kissed him gently.

"Thank you." He nodded solemnly.

"May I go now?" He asked kindly. Alice nodded in response.

"Of course."

After Jasper, Esme went, and before Carlisle went he asked if Bella would like to go.

"You can go first." She replied sweetly. I had to admit, she looked extremely frightened.

"You do know humans do this on a regular basis." She nodded.

"Yes, but I have issues with my balance."

"Have you noticed that problem since you've been changed?" I asked her.

"No, but it's still early."

"Sweetie, you are going to be fine." She turned her head away from me, and watched Carlisle. Finally Emmett took a sharp, quick turn, and Carlisle fell off.

"You ready Bella?" He asked happily, as he dried himself off. Bella tried to stand up, but her legs were shaking so she fell back down on to the seat.

"I can't." She claimed, her voice shaky. "I'm sorry."

"That's okay darling. Would you like to try tubing?" Esme asked her sweetly. I hadn't even considered that, maybe if I could get her on that she would try the skis later.

"Umm…" Bella started.

"I can go with you, we have a two person tube." I said quickly, hoping she would go. I wanted her to have fun, and I knew she would after she got past the anxiousness.


"Bella, I won't let anything happen to you. I promise." I said firmly.

"Okay." She said quietly.

I got off the boat and situated myself in the tube first, and then I help Bella in.

"Here, hold on to these handles."

"Are you two ready?" Carlisle called out.

"You ready Bella." She didn't respond, her body was shaking though. It surprised me how worried she was now that she was a vampire.

"You'll be okay. I'm right here." I whispered into her ear. She silently nodded.

"Ready." I yelled out to Carlisle. As he took off Bella leaned further back towards me. I wrapped one of my arms around her waist, while holding onto the tube with the other. Quickly I realized we weren't moving, but the boat was getting further and further away.

"Why aren't we moving?" Bella asked me.

"I'm not sure." I looked around and then I realized why we weren't moving. Carlisle forgot to tie the tube to the boat. We started floating towards the beach.

"Carlisle forgot to tie us on." I explained to Bella.

"Well, when do you think they'll realize we aren't right behind them?" She asked.

"Um…I'm guessing right now." The boat turned around, and we saw a boatful of people laughing at us.

"Hey, don't laugh at us, we aren't the ones who didn't tie the tube to the boat." I chuckled softly.

"Sorry guys." Carlisle said.

"Okay, you're all tied up, you want to try that again."

"Sure." I said while smiling.

Carlisle started up again, and again Bella leaned back into me. Slowly Bella started to calm down, and Carlisle started to speed up.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Yes." She said, her voice sounding happy. Carlisle continued to pick up the speed, and he started making turns and shapes. Eventually we flipped over, but when we got back on the boat Bella was smiling brightly.

"That was fun." She walked over to me and hugged me.

"Thanks for pushing me to do it."

"Of course." I kissed her forehead.

"So…you want to try water skiing?" I asked hopeful, but I wasn't about to hold my breath…not that it would matter if I did.


"What?" I asked surprised.

"I'll try it."

Quickly we got Bella all set up, we didn't want her to back out.

Carlisle started going, and Bella was doing just fine, he started to speed up a bit.

"Take it easy on her, okay? I don't want her traumatized."

"Of course Edward." Carlisle responded kindly.

Bella looked like she was enjoying herself, after several minutes went by Carlisle starting making some faster turns, but nothing too crazy. Finally he made a quick turn that caused Bella to fall. I began to worry when she didn't surface right away, and as I looked at my families faces they all looked slightly panicked. Quickly I jumped into the water and found Bella, bringing her up to the surface.

"Hello Edward." She said sweetly, looking directly into my eyes with her gorgeous blue eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes. I thought you said I didn't need to be worried."

"Yeah, well you don't need to be, look at my family, they're worried enough for you." She smiled at me gently.

"I'm sorry I didn't come up faster."

"Sure you are." She chuckled.

"Okay, so it was kind of nice to be 'saved'." I smiled at her, and then helped her onto the boat.

"So, what did you think Bella? Would you like to do this again sometime?" Alice asked her.

"Sure." She replied.


Bella's Point of View:

We were back at the house, and I was in the bathroom connected to Edward's and my bedroom. As I changed out of my bathing suit and into my pajamas a thought crossed my mind. I didn't really need to sleep, but I still liked the idea of cuddling with Edward at night. I decided for now I would continue my usual night time rituals. I ran a brush through my hair and walked out of the bathroom, to see Edward sitting on his couch bobbing his head in time with the soft jazz that was playing. He looked up at me as I walked towards him. Carefully he pulled me into his lap.

"So did you have fun today." I replied by kissing him.

"Is that a yes?" I kissed him again.

"So, just curious, what would you do if the answer was no?" I smiled to myself, and stood up.

"Hey what are you doing?" Edward protested.

"You asked me what I would do if the answer were no, I just did it."

"You would not just leave me."

"Oh really?"

"Yes really." He said with a smirk, and pulled me into his lap.

"You know, you don't really have to sleep anymore, in fact, you can't sleep." He said sadly as he looked at me in my pajamas.

"Yes, I know, however I enjoy my time laying with you in bed before I sleep, so I have decided that I would like to continue to do that."

"I'm sorry, do what exactly? I mean you can't sleep."

"I would like to lay with you for a while at night, unless you don't want to." I finished off sadly, worried that Edward didn't enjoy our night time ritual as much as I did.

"Of course I want to, I'm sorry, I just hadn't picked up what you meant." He kissed my cheek gently, and I smiled back at him.

With that he picked me up carefully, and walked us over to the bed. Gently he placed me on the bed, and hovered over me. Slowly he kissed right below my ear, and dragged his flawless lips to my mouth. Soon we were in a deep, passionate kiss, and I trailed my hands underneath his shirt to feel his toned back. I pulled away from his mouth slowly and kissed his neck as I pulled his shirt completely off. I marveled at his perfect abs, and then returned my gaze to his face, and kissed him hard on the mouth. After several minutes of intense kissing he pulled back.

"Edward…" I moaned.

"We have to stop now." He said.

"I don't want to."

"I don't either."

"Well then, let's continue." I said as if it were obvious.

"We can't."

"Believe me, we can."

"No Bella." Hurt ran through my body.

"Fine." I said while standing up, and walking towards the door.

"Bella where are you going?" He asked.


"Out where?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does Bella."

"No, it doesn't! If you can't tell me why we have to stop, then I don't have to tell you where I'm going!" I said angrily.

"Bella we can't because we aren't married. I've already told you that."

"Well then marry me!" As I said the words I couldn't believe my own ears.

"What?" He asked shocked. Quickly I ran out of the room, not wanting to face him.

A/N: Alright well that's the first chapter. What did you think? Was it good? Was it bad? Tell me please!!

