Inside Theresa's head, thoughts whirled around, wild and uncollected. Ideas, images, and memories floated about. Theresa looked about, awake inside herself. She saw Jay, Atlanta, Herry, Odie, Archie and Neil sleeping in her room as her vision shimmered into a dim blue hue. She was having a vision inside her head. Amazed, she tried to wake herself up. Her vision shimmered again as she saw Jay by her side, holding her hand tightly and tears running down his cheeks. She tried to squeeze his hand in acknowledgement, but her body wouldn't listen to her. It seemed as though her body was asleep while her soul was awake.
She was trapped inside her own body.
"Young man, visiting time is over," a woman's firm voice said, interrupting Jay's sleep. He yawned and winced as his knees cracked. He had been kneeling for over forty-five minutes, and his grip on Theresa's hand had loosened. Reluctantly, he allowed the nurse to herd him out the door, leaving Theresa to awaken on her own.
Back at the dorm, Jay met Neil as he was going out the door.
"Where are you going?" Jay asked.
"To visit Theresa," he said confidently. "We have lots to talk about: conditioners, that cute chick in my biology class…" he stopped as he noticed Jay's pained face. "What's wrong?"
Jay sighed. "Go get the others. There's something you guys should know." Worriedly, Neil hurried away, calling for Archie and the others to meet them in the living room.
A few minutes later five teenagers were gathered in the living room. Archie was sprawled across the comfy green chair, and Herry, Odie and Neil were seated primly on the couch. Jay stood in the middle, assessing the situation when he noticed Atlanta was missing. Clapping his hand to his forehead in exasperation, Jay groaned. "Archie and Neil go and find Atlanta."
The two obeyed meekly, their usual complaints silenced by the grave circumstances. Within minutes the boys were hastening down the sidewalk, calling Atlanta's name. They split up, Neil searching the shops and Archie heading towards the park.
As Archie paced past benches he heard a weeping sound. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw the prominent red hair of his friend. She was curled up on one of the many benches strewn throughout New Olympia, her arms around her knees.
"Atlanta?" he asked softly, approaching her slowly like making friends with a stray animal.
She looked up at him, her hazel orbs shining with tears. Her cheeks gleamed with tears that had flooded down her face all too often that day. She sniffled and wiped at her eyes, embarrassed that he had seen her cry. Gone was her tough tomboy attitude, and the sassy demeanour that covered up her soft heart. Atlanta felt naked and exposed, her true self laid out for everyone to see.
Archie came over and sat beside her, letting his feet trail through the accumulated dirt, garbage, dust and leaves sprinkled around the seat.
"Hey Archie," Atlanta sniffed. "What are you doing here?"
"Jay called a meeting. He sent me and Neil to get you."
She frowned. "Him and his stupid meetings," she said angrily, surprising him with her fierceness. She glanced up at him, shocked at herself.
"Don't you see what this has done to me?" she whispered. "It's filled me with guilt and anger and hatred and sorrow and so many other things I've never felt before." Her lips trembled, and she covered her face with her hands, as if too ashamed that the world would see her lack of self control.
"Why did it have to be her?" she sobbed. Archie wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him, ignoring the ring of his PMR as someone called to see if he had found her. He began to rock her back and forth as though she were a child, singing quietly under his breath, and stroking her hair tenderly.
Her shoulders heaved with sobs as she clung to him; her lifeline and her best friend. She was partially aware that her tears were soaking him. All she could smell was strawberries and cream, Theresa's scent, and it soothed her. It helped her realize that Theresa was always with them, whether it was simply in smell or in the actions of the ones she loved. Archie continued to cradle her in his arms until she quieted; comforted by the closeness of him and the assurance that Theresa was in their hearts, rallying with them to crush their woes and conquer Cronus once and for all.