Behind Those Teal Eyes

By: Hitokiri Musei

Rated: M

Summary: Ichigo and Toshiro have been a steady couple for three years, and Ichigo decides he wants kids… Join them for a journey through pregnancy, injury, heartache, love, and finally, parenthood.

Warnings: Yaoi, obviously. MPREG! I just love Mpregs, and there are so few Bleach ones that I decided to write one of my own. That, and I'm suffering from HIRS (HitsuIchi Rush Syndrome)

A/N: Okay, I pretty much ignore all of the arcs after the rescuing of Rukia. When I started this fic I had not yet seen all of the episodes (though I have now) so I pretty much disregarded them. Hinamori is fine, not in a coma, nothing, just cause I kinda like her. I do, however, make a reference to the first movie, though it's small and only in this first chapter. Ichigo knows and can control his Hollow, though no one else is aware of it. That's all I can think of… If anyone has any questions, PLEASE ASK! I love it when I get questions; it helps me to fix things!

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. I cry.

Chapter 1

Kurosaki Ichigo, age 20, decided one night (or more accurately, one morning) that he wanted kids.

The orange-head almost laughed at himself that one, after all, he'd never been much of a kid person. He's never thought of it.

Even so, as he stared up into the dark bedroom, the need for a family hit him. Ichigo sighed, running a hand through his bangs in exasperation. What an odd thing for him, of all people, to get.

A movement at his side reminded him why this was odd. He turned his head, but was careful to keep the rest of his body still. His brown eyes softened as they fell on his bedmate, his heart warming.

Hitsugaya Toshiro, child prodigy and renowned captain of squad ten of the Gotei 13. Ichigo smiled faintly as he looked the boy-like shinigami over, his eyes raking over the smaller's frame.

Small, slender, and petite, Toshiro was almost delicate to Ichigo's eyes. Soft, silky snow-white hair spiked away from his head, giving him an almost rugged look that sometimes clashed with his boyish features. While awake Toshiro was cool and collected, always serious, but when he was asleep that all disappeared.

Asleep, Toshiro was as innocent as his looks implied. Drawn together brows would relax, smoothing out his forehead and his making his eyes seem larger than normal. Ichigo loved Toshiro's eyes, a hard, ice teal, strong and determined, windows to his heart. They were currently hidden behind his lids, the dark lashes brushing his baby soft cheeks.

Ichigo stilled as Toshiro shifted, breathing out and parting his soft, plump lips, moving closer to the taller's body and pressing his face against Ichigo's neck. The orange-head smiled as he felt the small nose brush over his pulse point, and then Toshiro went still once more.

With another smile Ichigo closed his eyes, pressing his nose into the white hair just beneath his face. The scent of snow and winter came to him; filling his body and making him shiver faintly. With his eyes closed he focused on the feel of their bodies against each other, fitted together like a puzzle.

Ichigo shivered again, the feel of Toshiro's cool skin making him cold. Even though Toshiro was in a gigai, he was almost always cold, the fact that he was shinigami, coupled with his power over ice and snow made him cold. In contrast, Ichigo was always warm, a good change to the boyish captain's chilly flesh.

Time had passed quickly after the rescue of Rukia, and Ichigo had officially become a substitute shinigami. Adventures had continued, Hollows were destroyed. And then came the adventure with Senna.

Ichigo hadn't seen much of the tiny captain during the rescue of Rukia, but when he had appeared for this moment, Ichigo had been mesmerized. For his small size, Toshiro was powerful, and he was committed once he chose to do something. The mere sight of the captain wielding his beautiful icy zanpaktou was enough to send shudders down Ichigo's spine. Not only that, but he had enough of a thick head and determination to rival Ichigo himself, and had a certain beauty that the orange-head had never seen.

Despite himself, the orange-head found that he was massively attracted to the little shinigami.

He hadn't been able to do anything about that until Christmas, when a large number of the shinigami had gone to Ichigo's flat. Being in the Soul Society, there wasn't much of a Christmas, so Ichigo had invited Rukia and Renji.

They had hauled along Matsumoto, Momo, Byakuya, and Toshiro. While Ichigo had been disgruntled because of this, he had welcomed them, and it had ended up being a full Christmas.

Apparently there had been a reason, because not long after Ichigo had explained the tradition of mistletoe (at the prompting of Rukia, who had seen it around the town and on TV) the little bits of green started showing up around the house. Renji and Rukia were the first to get caught, and exchanged a blushing kiss.

After that it was Matsumoto and Byakuya. Rukia's silent brother had refused to do anything, so Matsumoto had given him a quick peck on the cheek.

Ichigo somehow knew that they were all plotting something, except for Byakuya, of course. Momo had sent Toshiro on some ventures for food, presents, and other random things. When he actually did what she asked they were all a little shocked, but made no comments. At some point, when Rukia had sent Ichigo for more drinks, Momo pushed Toshiro into the kitchen when Ichigo called for a little help. Tall Matsumoto had then put a bit of mistletoe on the doorframe.

Oh yea. They were planning something.


Ichigo and Toshiro, who were carrying drinks by a joint effort, paused, blinking in shock. Rukia was giggling faintly, and Renji snorted. "Look up, you two."

Blinking, Ichigo looked up. He instantly groaned, rolling his brown eyes before looking down at the captain at his side. Toshiro was glaring up at the little bit of green, his cheeks tinged pink.

Ichigo shrugged, heading into the room and putting down the sodas, turning back to Toshiro who was still standing in the doorway.


The tiny captain sent a death glare in his direction, stomping into the room and putting the drinks down. "No."

"But taichou!!" Matsumoto said, drawing out her words. "It's tradition, you have to do it!"

Toshiro glared at her, crossing his arms. "I will do no such thing! Both Kurosaki and I are male; there should be no contact like that between us!"

"Doesn't bother me." Ichigo put in, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Toshiro turned his glare to the orange-head. "And you, Kurosaki, I expected more of a fight from you."

Ichigo grinned. "I'm bisexual, why should I care? You're pretty cute."

"Cute?.!" An angry blush flitted onto Toshiro's face, his eyes flaring. "I am not cute!"

The taller's grin got wider. "Are too. Now come on, where's my kiss Shiro-chan?"

"That's Hitsugaya-taichou to you!"

Ichigo advanced on the small shinigami, his grin going wicked. "Come, it's just one little kiss, it won't hurt you."

"You stay away Kurosaki!"

Thanks to his larger frame and more powerful body, Ichigo was able to back Toshiro up the nearby wall, pinning him with his feet about a foot off the floor. While Ichigo wouldn't normally do this (he would have rather just laughed it off; even though he had a massive crush on the tiny captain, he didn't want anyone to know that) he was enjoying teasing the small captain, if only to get this rare emotion.

Toshiro was bright red, his eyes going wide and shocked as he stared at Ichigo. His hands were pressed against the taller's shoulders, his chest rising and falling quickly.

Ichigo leaned closer, his eyes gleaming with amusement as Toshiro gulped audibly. He paused only a centimeter away, and then dove in and claimed the tiny captain's lips.

This was something that Ichigo had never experienced. In the first few times that he had ever been kissed or kissed someone he had never felt this. There was a blazing spark, one that shot to the core of his soul. Toshiro's cool lips were soft and hesitant, parting beneath his touch.

For the first time, Ichigo understood what it was to live.

When they finally broke apart Toshiro was breathing rapidly, his cheeks flushed pink and his teal eyes bright with an emotion Ichigo had never seen in them.

It was then that Ichigo realized that he had stepped forward, his larger and more muscular body pressing Toshiro's small frame against the wall. One of his knees had moved between the captain's legs, and he could feel the half-hard erection against his thigh.

Ichigo couldn't resist those reddened, slightly puffy lips, he dove back in.

His arms moved around Toshiro's waist, the captain's own arms circling his neck. He barely noticed the slender yet muscular legs circle his hips, his tongue slipping into Toshiro's warm mouth. Both had forgotten their audience, wrapped up in the sensation of each other.

They were pulled apart by a madly grinning Matsumoto. "Did we mention that we spiked the drinks earlier?"

Well, that explained Toshiro's earlier behavior. Ichigo knew that there was no way that the captain would be so willing to do menial tasks, even if it was for his adopted sister.

Matsumoto got a punch from Toshiro at those words, but Ichigo remembered that some time later that night a small, cool hand had slipped into his own. He even got a blushing kiss goodbye, though it was a nervous peck on the cheek.

Not long after that the small captain had begun to visit more often, and the two had officially started dating for nearly three years now after about a year and half of dancing around each other. Ichigo loved every moment of it.

Now, at age 20, Ichigo suddenly wanted a family. With a sigh, Ichigo wrapped an arm around Toshiro's tiny waist, settling back into sleep.

After all, that was impossible…

Ha, gotta love plotbunnies... Please review!