A/N: this if my first chapter-fic. Please R n R.
Story: All's fair in love
Author: ∂ลякลиgэl
Summary: Artemis knew that falling in love with him, a man back from the dead was not following her set rules. But rules after all are meant to be broken. Follow Artie as she discovers new horcruxes and a love. Set after HBP. Contains spoilers for DH. Sirius/OC.
Current Rating: T
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and Artemis.
Chapter: 1 -
Artemis stifled a sneeze. The musty smell of this place was overwhelming her. On top of that, her increasing rate of heartbeat wasn't helping either.
But, she had to do it, had to destroy the evil piece of soul. She was one of the few whom actually new something about Horcruxes.
She scanned her surroundings. Standing in a cave, her black, back-length hair flowing around her, she noticed a glimmer of gold in a corner. Her black eyes scrutinized the wall of the cave. She walked towards the glimmer, wand ready in hand. She felt a rush of excitement shoot through her spine. She raised her hand to touch glimmer, when the walls of the cave started to block in. 'Shit', she thought frantically. She couldn't have expected this to be so easy, had she? She closed her eyes in concentration and raised her wand. "Congelo moenia!" she yelled. The thundering noise stopped. She opened one eye. Yes, the walls had stopped moving. Studying Latin spells hadn't been a waste of time after all.
She once again,her eyes wide open, went to touch the glimmer. This time there was no noise to disturb her. She lifted the glimmer with her left hand, her eyes staring at a pure gold cup. There was a Ravenclaw diadem on the centre, with ruby eyes.
She glared at the shining Cup of Ravenclaw. A trickle of sweat rolled down her forehead. She took out her wand, and pointing it at the Cup, she murmured, "Defaeco."
Slowly, a dark cloud of smoke came out of the Cup. Suddenly a screech traveled the length of the room. Artemis shivered. Though she had to do it, that didn't prove that she enjoyed it.
She waited for a counted five minutes and took out a wrapped object from the inside of her robe. She opened it, and looked at the shining fang of the Basilisk. The fang had cost her an entire 6 months of bed rest and constant pain. The nightmares still didn't leave her. She hoped that it was worth it.
She shook her head. Clutching the fang in her right hand, she touched the tip of it to the cup and whispered, "Atrum animus of malum licentia Vas. Exsisto pereo." The words meant, "The Dark soul of evil, leave the cup. Be perished."
A gust of cold wind blew past her. The Cup shuddered and an electric jolt shot through her hand. She dropped the Cup in surprise. The cup dissolved into dust, the color of gold and black. The black powder disappeared and the gold joined together to reform the Cup, leaving no more than a small scratch where the fang had touched.
Fatigue took possession of her body. Her head ached. She wondered if this was the side effect of destroying the Horcrux or the tiredness was finally overtaking her.
She had traveled ever since her body had healed and she was fit enough to walk without help. Searching through the forests of Britain, she had finally stumbled upon this place. There wasn't much security, nothing a few selected spells couldn't fight. Obviously Voldemort wasn't expecting anyone to know about Horcruxes. And even if someone knew, he certainly wasn't expecting anyone to find one.
She took out the silver parchment containing her initials, 'A.A.S' and stuffed it into the Cup. Satisfied at last, she jinxed it to remain intact for a long time.
Then she walked, no ran out of the cave. She couldn't disapparate inside. Once outside, using the last of her energy she apparated home. Feeling the familiar warmth of her house, she slumped on the couch and instantly fell asleep.
Her eyes opening after 10 hours of deep sleep, Artemis yawned. It was ages since she had really had a good sleep. There were no nightmares this time, no horrific bloody images. Maybe destroying a Horcrux had helped. But she couldn't get herself too hopeful.
There came a 'pop' suddenly, echoing through her silent apartment. She found herself staring at a pair of too familiar black, emotionless eyes.
A/N: Guess who? grins If you are wondering, where Sirius is….don't worry. He will be in the following chapters. Sorry for the chapter being so OOC, but it had to be for the other chapters to take place. And the chapters will also be bigger. Please review.