"Sha, la-la-la-la-la-la, my oh my. Look's like the boy too shy. Ain't gonna kiss the girl. Sha, la-la-la-la-la-la, ain't that sad? Ain't it a shame too bad? He gonna miss the girl."

Danny held his breath, feeling like his heart was going to explode, right then and there. How could he do this? He wanted to kiss her... Oh, how badly he did! Danny was scared, though. Scared, thinking that Sam didn't like him that way. But you never know, right? Sam could actually like him back.

And, yeah, just like the song: "Sha, la-la-la-la-la-la, my oh my. Look's like the boy too shy. Ain't gonna kiss the girl. Sh, la-la-la-la-la-la, ain't that sad? Ain't it a shame too bad? He gonna miss the girl." Danny didn't wanna be that guy. The one who was too shy or scared to do any thing...to take risks...to live out his life!

Now's your moment, floating in a blue lagoon.
Boy, you bettr do it soon. No time will be better.
She won't say a word. And she won't say a word,
until you kiss the girl.

"Sammy?" Danny whispered, trying not to look her in the eyes. He could hear Sam sigh, sounding a little impatient. That seemed like a sign to him. "Wait -- nevermind."

No, Danny, no! Danny, don't do this. Tell her!

Suddenly, Danny heard Sam get out of her swing. And before he knew it, Sam was kneeling before him, gazing into his soft blue eyes. She showed him a smile, placing his face in her grip.

"Danny," Sam whispered back. "Please tell me."

Sha, la-la-la-la-la-la, don't be scared.
You got the moves prepared!
Go on and kiss the girl.

"I-I, uh..." Danny stuggled to not back down. He couldn't allow it.

Come on, coward, he told himself. Out with it!

Sha, la-la-la-la-la-la, don't stop now! Don't try to hide it,
how you wanna kiss the girl.

"Well...you see..." Dann gripped his head, resting his elbows on his knees. God, what was he doing? He was completely wasting Sam's time, that's what he was doing.

"Dan, could you tell me?" The teenager raised his eyes to watch his best friend stare at him, her expression full of concern. Deciding he would never be able to get the courage to actually say what he felt, Danny simply traced a heart in the gravel on the ground with his foot.

Sam watched as he did that, her eyes glissening in the moonlight. "Love?" she whispered, bringing her gaze back to him. Danny nodded excitedly as she flashed a huge grin. Sam's eyes widened in suprise. "You love me?" Danny sat there, waiting for her response. Sam bit her lip, thinking. Suddenly, she didn't feel like thinking anymore.

In an instant, Sam lunged at Danny.

Sha, la-la-la-la-la-la, float along, in the sun, to the song.
The song say: kiss the girl!

"Oof!" Danny sputtered, recovering from Sam's suprise attack. She settled into Danny's lap, staring into his eyes... a little too much into focus.

"That's creepy, Sam," he chuckled, trying to fix his eyesight. Danny pushed her back, very gently. Sam giggled, finally getting what he said.

Sha, la-la-la-la-la-la, music play. Do what the music say!
You gotta kiss the girl.

Sam dug her face into Danny's chest, wanting a hug. And Danny gave her one. Abruptly, she sat upright, gasping loudly.

"What?" Danny asked, confused by her behavior. Sam blinked a few times, the shook her head. "What?" She breathed in slowly, irritating Danny. "What?!"

"This is it," Sam managed to say quietly.

"The end of time? What?!"

"This is the place."

"Where we're gonna die?!"

"Nooo! We're not going to die!!! This is...where..." Sam's voice drifted away, seemingly along with her mind. That's when it clicked inside Danny's head. This was the Place.

Samantha Manson ran beside Danny, trying to keep up with him. Suddenly, there was a rock in Samantha's path.
She tripped over the big rock, and tumbled onto the ground.

"Ooww!" Samantha whined, clutching her knee. He looked at it sideways, trying not to feel the pain.

"Sam?" Danny gasped, abruptly. "Are you alright?" Samantha shook her head in defeat.

"No," she whispered. "My knee huwrts." Samantha licked her finger and placed it apon the small trickle of blood on her knee joint. Danny helped her up. Samantha inhaled deeply as she tried to mantain her balance, gripping Danny's shoulder for support. Realizing what she was doing, Samantha blushed a light scarlet. Noticing Samantha was blushing, Danny blushed, too.

Danny led Samantha to a small bench, and let her rest for a couple of minutes.

"Do you want me to get the nurse or teacher?" he asked cautiously. Samantha shook her head, rebelliously.

"I am fine," Samantha spat, trying not to cringe at the pain growing inside her knee.

"You want me to kiss it?" Danny whispered, not sure if Samantha was going to hear that. But she did.

"Um... sure," Samantha smiled to herself. She watched as Danny kissed the tip of his finger and placed it on Samantha's cut. Suprisingly, the cut didn't sting afterwords. She looked up at Danny to notice he was smiling crookedly.
Samantha giggled as she hugged Danny.

"Thanks, Danneh," she mumbled, squeezing Danny tighter. "My boh-boh feels much better."
Letting go, Samantha took a sharp breath.

"My lips hurt, too," she added, not looking Danny in the eye. She watched, out of the corner of her eyes, Danny grin slyly. He took Samantha's face in his hands and demanded her to look him in the eye. Samantha did...hesitantly, but did.

The moment was brief, but very special. It was Danny and Samantha's first kiss. A kiss they would share in their hearts from moment on. A kiss they would always remember.

"This was it?"

"This was it."

"Are you -- "

"Yes, I'm sure."

"I was going to ask if you were positive, but whatever."

Sam groaned as she flicked Danny in the ear. "Talk about being literal," she muttered. Sam looked around, invisioning the event. She smiled to herself, her violet eyes glowing. Danny watched as Sam mouthed some words. Then, this time, she said them.

"I am happy, now."

Danny hugged Sam tighter, closing his eyes. He saw the kiss in his mind, replaying it over and over. "So am I."

Go on and, kiss the girl.

Just like before, Danny took Sam's face in his hands, wanting to make her look at him. This time, Sam did that without hesitance.

Kiss the girl.

And Danny did just that. His lips brushed against Sam's, as if wondering if she wanted to kiss as much as he did. Sam slowly opened her eyes to watch the concentrated look on Danny's face, his eyes still closed. Sam wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing herself against him, wanting more. When they broke apart, Sam dug her face into Danny's shirt.

"I love this place," she whispered. Sam closed her eyes, trying to replay her feeling during her recent kiss. She smiled to herself.

"Me too," Danny admitted. He began to mindlessly stroke Sam's black hair, while she enjoyed it as well. Danny loved every thing about that night.

They both did.